
To Be Crowned

When Darnley mentions that the Crown is going through Confusion and sends the letters to twenty soldiers, everyone is ready with their weapons. But due to unfortunate circumstances, the four of them have to work together. And they know there will be backstabbing at point. After all, there is only one Crown.

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8 Chs


The sound of his pencil scratching the paper echoed throughout the big room. He was surrounded by books, papers, candy wrappers and coffee mugs. His messy brown hair fell over his glasses; he couldn't remember the last time he washed his hair, and he couldn't care less.

All that soaked his attention was the bunch of ant-like words scrawled on his notebook. The wires connected from his eyes to his brain were begging him to crumble to the ground and scream out his pain. But he wouldn't do that. That would just make him lose. And he hated losing.

The sound of the door opening would have made him jolt, but he didn't. He knew the timing, and he knew who came to visit him. After all she was the only one who even saw him.

"Heyo El!" Paris screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to walk with all the bags that probably weighed more than her.

Why Paris chose to spend her time with somebody who could be easily mistaken as dead was one of the biggest wonders of Regatrix. She claimed that she liked to hang around him because Eldrick was so uninterested in his surroundings, he didn't shoo or scold her away. That was a pretty reasonable explanation, because Paris wasn't a very welcomed person in the castle for her family background. And her over talkative personality just put the cherry on top.





"Fine", she grumbled in surrender, "Eldrick."

Eldrick finally turned to look at her. He wouldn't have paid any heed if it was anybody else. But she ignited pity in him- the only emotion he was now capable of now.

"God, how do you stay without talking for so long? The last time you spoke was like a month ago. And it was just because I said I wouldn't return your candy stash if you didn't say something. And all you said was "give"! That's all you said! But I was so shocked that I dropped all of them. You sly bastard, you! So that's like the last time you uttered something. At least to me. Unless..." her eyes narrowed in suspicion "You talked with somebody else. You didn't, did you? I mean you wouldn't right? That would be completely unacceptable-"

Her rant was cut off by a gentle knock off the door.

This was the most eventful thing that ever occurred in Eldrick's study room\bedroom.

"Oh my... we have a visitor!" Paris's green and blue eye lit up with joy as she ran to welcome the person on the other side of the door.

A figure stepped in shyly as soon as the door opened. She was petite and bony, her gown somehow still fitting her form. Her butter blond hair was in soft curls, the bangs framing her round face. Her big mocha eyes darted around the room and her arm caressed her other arm in nervousness.

Eldrick stared directly at her face. He might have been The Silent One, but his gaze said it all, clear and sharp- what do you want?

"H-hi." Sage stuttered out, as if she was talking to a mere stranger.

"Oh hello, princess!" Paris grabbed Sage with so much force, she almost fell over. "Welcome to our-...er Eldrick's humble abode! Since this guy is practically mute, I'll be his translator. Right now, he's saying," she squinted at Eldrick, "er... he seems to be saying "Wow, what a beautiful girl! What could she possibly want from such an unimportant person like myself"."

"Um... thanks for the very flattering translation, but I wish to speak to him alone." For just a second, it felt like icicles were shooting out of her eyes.

Paris frowned. Eldrick almost wanted to ask her to stay, but he held himself back.

"Okay bye!" Paris smiled cheerfully, waving before slamming the door behind her.

As soon as she left, Sage gave an exhausted sigh before sinking into one of the comfortable chairs. She stretched a little and then proceeded to massage her jaw.

"Long time no see, friend."

The way she spat out the word was very different to the times when they played together as children.

"What do you want?" Eldrick rubbed his forehead, carefully avoiding contact with the wires.

"So he speaks!" Sage smirks. "What would that filthy rat of your friend say?"

Eldrick glared at her with his metal orbs, the replacement for his eyes.. "Get on with it Sage, I don't have all day."

"Oh damn, this would have been a lot easier if you did not find resistance against Charmspeak." She got up from the chair which looked like it took a lot of effort for her. "Give me the letter."


She stared at him with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why are you so protective of it, Coffee boy? We both know you are not interested in the Crown."

Eldrick smiled; a hollow one. "Sure, princess?"

Sage looked stunned, before her face mirrored her internal rage. "Oh? Full of surprises, aren't you? Well let me just have a look."

"It's on there", he motioned towards the table. "You know you can't participate without the letter. And also, what would you even be able to do?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she smiled, taking a quick shot of the letter with her Air Screen. "Thanks, dearest friend. I shall leave now. Bye bye!"

With that, she disappeared.

Paris entered the room. "Everybody's so rude nowadays. I greeted this cat in front of your room, and it didn't even greet me back. I was scared that I actually lost my Gift. Well what's up with you?"

So much.