
Chapter Two

The family waited for few minutes until the mechanic came, he fixed the car and wished the family safe flight and journey. Now the family had got only half an hour to get to the airport, the father hurriedly dropped the car with his brother and the family rushed to the airport queue, luck was there for them.

They got to the plane and they did a quick prayer, Linda was having a panic attack but she tried not to make it obvious because of her baby and her other children.

When the plant starts to take off, Linda screamed so loudly and she started sobbing and apologising also telling people that she screamed because she is afraid of heights, Robert patted Linda and held her hand, promising her, he would never leave her.

As the plane flew higher to a point, it starts making a sound, like an emergency sound. At first, the pilot ignored it, although the co-pilot tried to warn him, the beeping got louder causing the passengers in the plane to all start to panic.

Then suddenly one of the flight attendants starts speaking into the microphone to alert the pilot of the smoke coming from the back of the plane, everyone was panicking, lots of heavy breathing and screaming came from the plane, Linda became even more scared and started blaming Robert for not listening to her at first, it was chaotic.

Suddenly the pilot starts to go down faster, every one was praying, shouting, cussing, breathing heavily and boom came a loud noise from the plane, the place crashed.

Some people died, some survived and for Linda family, she lost two of her children, Robert got some injuries but he survived. The only people Linda was left with was her husband and her daughter, Leah, Linda was heartbroken and never forgave Robert.