
Chapter 477: Yasaka no Magatama

At least not for now; after all, Aleister could reactivate his ability and seal Yuki again.

But Yuki knew that this Hikikomori would not do this. As cautious as he is, he must be deeply surprised to see his ability broken, so for the moment, he would not take action...


And just as Yuki predicted, Aleister did not take any further action against him and just looked at him. It seemed he was quite impressed that his spell had been canceled by an ability he didn't understand.

"Alright, enough with the introductions, let's get down to business..."

Adjusting his suit, Yuki raised a hand to his mask, and light shone from one of his eyes.


Again, Aleister spoke and continued to watch, as if urging him to continue.

"Lilith Crowley... Is that her correct name? That's the name of the girl for whom the greatest Mage in history wants to destroy magic..."

The moment Yuki mentioned his daughter's name, the space turned cold, and this time, Aleister, for the first time in decades, showed his murderous intent...


At the same time, while Yuki was with Aleister, Yuki's clone faced Noukan again.


Noukan was shocked by what he had just seen. He clearly killed the clown, splitting and destroying his body, but he had risen once more...


Kuroko, on the other hand, her eyes filled with terror, at first, she was shocked to know that this mortal enemy saved her and gave his life for her. Although Kuroko refused to admit it, she felt touched by this gesture, but now all she felt was panic.

"How rude, I'm not a ghost, I just came back to life..."


Although he tried to calm Kuroko by explaining, it had the opposite effect since, unlike a ghost, zombies are contagious...

"Yes, I'm a zombie, and now I'm going to eat you..."

Yuki resisted the urge to roll his eyes and snapped his fingers, where from Kuroko's shadow, white hands emerged and dragged her into the darkness...

"Kyaa?! No, no, don't eat me! I swear I won't call you a circus clown again!"

"Relax, this will be quick..."

Despite her screams, in the end, Kuroko was swallowed into the darkness, with only her voice being heard, which was very funny after all, this girl had the power to teleport, and yet, due to fear, she forgot to use her power to escape.


Noukan, on the other hand, did not give her the option to wait and attacked with his electromagnetic cannon, which hit Susanoo's armor.


Unfortunately for Noukan, his attack didn't work. Yuki was still unharmed, but this was to be expected since his external contact with Aleister had been broken, and the Anti-Art Attachment had fallen into his power. It was no longer being supplied by Aleister's magic, so its level of danger had dropped, and Susanoo was able to withstand the shot...

"Hee~ my turn."

Smiling at this, Yuki's chakra increased, and Susanoo grew in size.


The giant rose, and without hesitation, swung its energy sword, causing a huge trench.

Fortunately, Anti-Art Attachment is very fast, and Noukan evaded the giant sword blow. Still, noticing the danger, Noukan quickly tried to reconnect with Aleister.


[Lost communication with External link]

[Requesting link....]

[Communication error]

[External link has failed]

Too bad for him, Yuki had blocked all communication.


Several cannons were fired; however, Susanoo was undamaged and continued to swing the huge sword.

"The enemy is very strong; I proceed to withdraw..."


As there was nothing else to do, Noukan, without Aleister's magic, was not as strong, and his Anti-Art Attachment was only useful for large-scale wars, not against enemies of great power, at least not without Aleister's help. Therefore, Noukan did not hesitate and began to flee.

"You're leaving? The dog can't leave without witnessing the final act!"

Stamping the ground forcefully, Yuki shot out and began to pursue.

Yuki couldn't ask for anything better than an aerial battle with how dangerous the aftermath is in the air and also how careful he had to be to avoid Mikoto and Misaki getting involved; fighting in the heights was the best option.

Meanwhile, as he pursued, three black jewels began to appear on Susanoo's arm. These jewels, in the form of commas, began to rotate and were fired in succession.

Yasaka no Magatama, this was the name of the technique and also Susanoo's strongest long-range attack...

Noukan began to evade the commas, but due to the intense concentrated power, the jewels exploded, causing aftermaths that if it weren't for Noukan's speed, he would already be lying on the ground.


Noukan's complexion was not good. Without Aleister's energy, his power was greatly reduced, as was his speed. Even Yuki could match him in speed, which was unheard of for someone traveling at sonic speed.


"Hee~ don't look at me like that, Director. As I said, let's negotiate, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied with my proposal..."

Extending both hands in a gesture of innocence, Yuki suppressed his laughter.


After his daughter's name was mentioned, Aleister had dropped the facade, and his expression became severe. He didn't know where this Clown found this information and what he was plotting by saying this, but if he knew about this, then he would also know about his goals...

"I believe the Director is aware of that existence, the 'Demon,' isn't that so? Corozon... I believe that's its name, that existence that has possessed your second daughter, Lola Crowley."

In the past, Aleister had met two beings that transcended the mortal world: one was Aiwass, and the other was the Demon Corozon. Aleister had lost both daughters, so his remorse for magic and this world was great. Of course, Yuki didn't care about this; after all, for him, there was something more. In this world, there are beings capable of evolving their powers, and these beings were the Demon Corozon and the Angels.

According to Rasiel, the Compatibility these two beings had with Zafkiel and Lucifugus was great. If he managed to devour them,

 then the gains would definitely not only be the increase in his power.

But for that, Yuki needed to trap them, and there was good bait in front of him. Yuki wanted to fish in these dangerous waters since, according to Black Rock Shooter, one day he would have to face his Demon King. He didn't want to fall into darkness, and he didn't want to be the one to be eliminated either.

And he didn't know how he would face the Demon King. It would be wonderful if the Demon King joined him without any resistance, but everything was uncertain, and it was best to be prepared.

"I offer you my help, Director, not only in recovering your daughter Lola Crowley but also in bringing back your beloved daughter Lilith Crowley... I wonder if you are interested in Resurrection?"


Aleister did not respond and thought for a few seconds. Yuki knowing this information was too surprising, especially about the Demon Corozon, that evil existence. The mystery about this Clown was very great, and that was dangerous. There were many variables in this since his purpose and whether he was working with the enemy were unknown, especially given his goal of destroying all magic.

But there was something very tempting in this Clown's words, and that...


"Yes, I believe the Director has already figured it out, but I'm not a mage; I am someone known as a World Spiritist. I am well-versed in abilities concerning the soul..."

As if to prove his theory, Yuki snapped his fingers, and a small light seemed to float in the middle of his palms.

"Soul, consciousness, and Destiny are dangerous and almost unexplored areas due to the danger they entail. But I believe that as a researcher, Director Aleister doesn't mind and knows what I'm talking about. But I can assure you that with the necessary preparation, it is possible to bring the dead back to life, not in the form of a body, but also in the form of a soul, a complete Resurrection..."

Saying this, Yuki's left eye changed its pattern. It ceased to be the Mangekyo Sharingan and was replaced by another eye in the form of a wave pattern that extends along the eyeballs, with thin purplish-gray irises and scleras.

This eye is the Rinnegan...


TN: fufuufufufu

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