
Time and soul system in another world.

My first serious story please enjoy Will vetiti is an anomaly in the apocalypse while everyone chose a single system he had both something that shouldn't have ever happened. Will the universe kill him to maintain balance or will he step on it in triumph? most likely will add R18 sometime in the future. I mean why not?

Nicholas_dmitryev · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Using mana

Will Clutched his head and groaned.

About a minute later the pain in his head subsided,

"A little warning next time?" Will said while blinking rapidly.

[ ; ) ]

"Where'd you even learn to do that?"

[Host is now advised to repeat the second phase of the meditation]

Will sat down and slowed his breathing.

Will then slowly scanned his body mentally.

'This is… Whoa…' Will was amazed.

Will felt something in his body but not at the same time. It felt like it had always been there but he just never noticed it.

It felt powerful but calm. Like a wise emperor. It could easily destroy but didn't.

Right now it felt like a medium-sized puddle but Will hoped one day it would become an ocean.

Will didn't realize his talent for mana.For most people when they first unlock their mana it is just a few drops and it could take days if not months. Will did this in a little over 2 hours.

Will opened the book again grudgingly.

'To… utilize mana… reach out… with your… m- me- mind… and try to… control it.' Will struggled.

[Language comprehension level up!]

[Language comprehension lvl: 4]

"Finally!" Will shouted with glee.

Will read on.

'It is recommended to… try a basic spell… that has little… B- Backlash to feel the flow of mana.' Will felt happier now that he could read easier.

Will thought about his [Basic fire magic] Skill.

All of a sudden a circle with a triangle in the middle along with some symbols appeared in his mind.

'What is that?' Will asked his system.

[That is the magic circle for turning your mana into fire]

'How do I use it?' Will asked.

[I can't help you with that]


[As a help function there is only so much I can help you with]


Will decided to work on his fire magic later.

Will suddenly had a thought.

'Please all those manga and webnovels I've read work!' Will thought.

Will took a second to learn to manipulate his mana. Then he slowly brought mana up into his eyes.

Wills eyes flashed silver and then gold.

"Whoa!" Will couldn't help but exclaim.

Wills vision suddenly improved. He felt like an eagle. He could see the texture of the bark 50 meters to his right and could see insects crawling on the leaves.

But that wasn't all.

He could also see the ambient mana floating in the air.

Little specs of silver and green.

Will glanced into the trees.

Will could now see faint outlines of creatures in the forest.

Will then looked at the floor of the clearing.

Intricate lines and symbols lined the floor all meeting in the centre

Will walked over to the centre of the formation.

Seeing a familiar circle with a triangle in it except without the symbols he crouched down and tried to bring his mana into the physical plane. Will felt something rushing through his body as a silver, almost liquid, substance leaked out and the moment it touched the circle it was devoured. Not by much it seemed like only a few drops.

Will felt a large portion of the mana disperse outward.

'I need to practice controlling it.'

Will looked inwards and seeing about 3/4 of his mana left felt satisfied.

He then turned to the slowly forming gate he watched as ambient mana was sucked into the vortex.

"Can I speed this up?" Will thought aloud.

Summoning up his raw mana he sent it up towards the vortex and like a man dying of thirst it sucked up about another 1/4 of his mana before fully forming.

Will deactivated his new eyes.

[New skill created]

[+10 EXP]

[80/400 EXP]

[Mana Eyes Lvl: 1]

[See mana and aura by coating your eyes in mana]

[Mana cost: 1 mana per minute.]

'I can't tell if that is a high mana cost or low. When do I get a mana stat?' Will questioned

[Due to Host's low level you have not met requirements for the mana stat]

Will activated his new skill and tried to gauge the usage.

'Not bad.'

Will tried doubling the mana he was currently using.

The consumption rate also doubled but the effects of the skill also doubled but the price for that information was sore eyeballs.

'One more thing before I leave.'

Will tried controlling the mana to go into his muscles.

It took a couple of tries but he got it into his right arm.

Will picked up a pebble and crushed it.

He let the dust fall through his fingers.

[Skill obtained]



[Crude mana control Lvl: 1]

'Nice' Will thought

'That is either my new strength stat or the mana or a little of both' Will thought thinking about the pebble.

Will tried crushing another pebble without the mana.

It took about twice as much force.

'Okay time to get.'

Will stepped through the portal and into the portal gate into the city.

* a few minutes later.

Will slowly took out his Halo flowers and set them down on the receptionist's desk along with the quest paper.

She took the paper and quickly counted the flowers.

"1 silver for the completion and 5 bronze for every flower after that. Deal?" She said while staring intently at Will.

"Deal," Will replied feeling a little uncomfortable.

She reached under her desk and quickly counted up the coins and then handed over 1 silver and 75 bronze.

"Thank you," Will said politely.

"Anytime." The receptionist said sweetly still staring at him.

Will grabbed his money and left.

'Is she okay? Why was she looking at me like that?' Will was confused

'Being an adventurer is really profitable.' With just one quest Will had made almost the same amount of money that the average family made in a year and all he did was pick a few flowers. Of course, most families consisted of 8-10 people. This is because the more children one had the better chance of having a strong child who could help the family out. Also, unbeknownst to Will most normal people could be killed by 1 or 2 corrupted horned rabbits if they didn't have much combat experience. Many rookie adventurers had been killed because they overestimated themselves or ran into a stronger beast like a goblin fighter or spiked bear. And most low-income people trade instead of using money.

Will exited the guild.

Will made his way a little farther into the city looking for a butcher shop to sell the rabbit fur and meat.

After finding a shop he entered.

Will almost gagged the whole shop smelled of blood and raw meat. Walking up to the counter he rang the bell. A fat bearded man with an apron covered in blood and a cleaver in his right hand came up.

"What do you need?" The man said. He had a scratchy and gruff voice.

"I- I have some meat to sell," Wil said taken aback

"Well, let's see it!" The man said impatiently.

Will took the rabbit and two halves out of his bag.

The man stood there staring at them.

After a few seconds, the man said "What did you do?"