

The city of Biringan contains 4 kingdoms. Realeza, located at the upper part was founded by King Gregorio and Queen Esmeralda, the first royal family of Realeza.

The Second Kingdom is Reina de las Hadas, which was first ruled by empress Tanaka, and King Ereulo. Empress Tanaka was the only daughter of Goddess Tanashiri,

The third one is Media Sangre. Princess Reina and Sir Timothy founded this kingdom for their family at first. But because of the quick adoption of the human race, it is eventually opened up, acting as the sole home of the chosen people.

The city was opened to the public in 1548 and was closed in the year 1553 when a war spark between the two worlds. By that time the city was not yet opened up again.

I was reading the whole book, but that was the only thing written in English. Others were written in a foreign language, the same as the one written in the letter. The same language that I do not understand.