
Till I Met you Again

R18( Matured content). No rape What happens when he found out that the person he thought loves him was actually playing with his feelings in order to get her revenge over what happened over a silly incident and would happen after she realized that she had feelings for him after he walks out of her life And what would happen after she met him again years later, would she go after him or regret her decision of letting him walked out her life. Follow the story of Antonio and Jessica and how he changes her personality. This story is full with conspiracies, betrayal and action. Please take it easy with me if you found any fault in my novel because this is my first time writing a novel and I hope to get your support and encouragement. I hope you enjoy my writing Thank you.

EddyKing · Realistis
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7 Chs

The Becks

While on the other side, Jessica drove back home, her family "The Beck" lives in one of the most expensive communities in Manhattan called Dream Ville and they lived in the most expensive mansion in the Dream ville community

"Welcome back young miss" The butler greeted her when she steps into the house but she was too preoccupied talking to herself and still frowning with an angry expression on her face to respond to him still thinking about the incident that took place with Antonio not long ago

Seeing his daughter talking to herself and frowning Gregory Beck, Jessica father asked "what's wrong Jess?" Still not getting any reply, he called her again "Jessica "

Coming out of her daze, Jessica said "yes dad, did you say something?"

"I asked what was wrong with you and why were you frowning and talking to yourself? Did someone bully you my princess?" Her father questioned. Deciding to keep what happened to herself, Jessica fake a smile and said "no dad, I'm fine, I was just thinking about something and no one bullied me, don't you know who I am? I'm Jessica Beck your precious daughter who dares bully me?"

He smiles and nodded his head "yes yes no one dares bully my princess or else....." Not wanting to continue with the topic she cut him off by asking "Where is mom?"

"Your mother is in the kitchen " he said Jessica said "ok" while walking towards the kitchen to greet her mother.

"Do you think something is bothering her?" Gregory Beck asked the butler to which the reply by saying " I wouldn't know Sir and if something is really bothering her and she hasn't mentioned it to you then I think she's capable of solving it on her and I believe you know your daughter best Sir" "Yes I think you're right " Gregory replied.

"Good evening mom" Jessica greeted her mother with a hug when she got into the kitchen, Her mother Monica Beck hugs her daughter tightly and said " Hey Jess you're back, go freshen up and come back for dinner because I'm done here"

Jessica nodded her head and smiled "okay mom". She rushed upstairs into her room to take her baths. After 30 minutes she returned back downstairs for dinner. After eating her dinner, she greeted her parents goodnight and returned back to her room. As she laid on her bed she still thought about the incident that happened today and said to herself "pray that I don't set my eyes on you again because I'm going to make you suffer"

Little did she know that their paths were about to cross again but how though? Just wait for it