
Chapter 117: Apocalyptic Zombies (22)

The young man nodded as expected, his pale and beautiful fingers held her, the neckline of the white shirt against the young man's slender neck, the soft black hair against the white forehead, how to look at the beautiful human beauty of the young.

Chief Luo could not help but be more surprised.

She had never seen such a zombie... It's impossible to see how advanced he really is...

Simple "advanced" two words, it seems a little insufficient to describe the energy of the young.

Unrestricted zombies can even think for themselves... It may be slow sometimes, but the reaction speed is not slow, but very fast.

Luo leader has a hunch that the final product of the serum, if combined with the research results of the teenager, then the effect will be more perfect.

That's why she made the request.

Seeing the young man nod, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Jessica was relieved, too.

She was afraid that he would reject them, but even if he really rejected them, she would not see it, because the teenager would do everything she asked, and would not care about his own inner feelings.

Maybe it's also because, as a zombie, he doesn't feel anything.

She squeezed the little zombie's hand.

This little fool.


Luo leader left here, go to the laboratory to prepare, Jessica in her contact, before taking Momo to go together.

Let the teenager sit in the chair, the cold metal clasped his wrist, Jessica unconsciously frowned, whispered: "Will it be uncomfortable?"

Momo raised his gray eyes and shook his head.

Jessica rubbed his broken hair, Luo leader carefully pulled out the syringe, needle tip into the back of the teenager's pale hand, he watched silently, quiet silence.

After the amount of blood needed today, Jessica led the little zombie to leave, feeling like an old mother who had just taken her son after a shot...

She led the teenager back to the room, he raised his arms to come over, gray eyes quietly stared at her, and then slightly bent his eyes.

Jessica sighed and kissed him on tiptoe.

The teenager's eyes suddenly brightened, she bit her own lip, and then carefully kissed deeply, the tip of the tongue tangled, the little zombie's gray eyes open, fingers subconsciously clasped the girl's waist.

After she backed away, he leaned over tentatively and kissed her tiny earlobe with his lips, then touched her neck gently downwards, blinked vaguely, bit his lips slightly, and felt the slight heat.

Strange - zombies don't get hot, they just stay cold forever, like ice never burns.

But he felt hot and uncomfortable.

Jessica couldn't help but sigh as the teenager stepped back and stared at her in a confused way.

She carefully unbuttoned the boy's collar, and he unconsciously raised his hand to her wrist,

Jessica stopped, looked up at him, and little by little he let go,

Blink and wait to continue.

The teenager's originally pale and cold body gradually floated on the heat, slowly heating up, and finally when he was pushed down, he blinked his eyes, and the original lifeless gray pupils seemed to surface a little glimmer.

"HMM." The young man had a faint, adorable voice, soft black hair slightly sweaty, against the white forehead, something surprisingly sexy.

Jessica nudged him, but he just blinked and leaned over to kiss her.

Over the next few days, Leader Luo was surprised to find that the little zombie, who was already very obedient, suddenly became more obedient.

Moreover, he seems to really have a little more humanized things, from a single expression, gradually will bend the lips to reveal dimples, will bend the eyes...

Moreover, the Luo leader observed with dismay that the young man's originally gray and dull eyes sometimes gave rise to a strange and tender tenderness.

She couldn't help but ask Jessica, "Miss Song, why is he... Has it changed so much?"

Jessica: "I don't know."

Luo leader can not help but worry, "This kind of data is absolutely helpful to research, you think back, what in the end made him change?"


Looking into Chief Luo's eager eyes, Jessica finally coughed and blushed in a small voice:

"Just... Do."

Leader Luo understood for a moment, and solemnly repeated: "What has been done?"

Jessica looked at her.

Two people looked at each other for a while, Luo leader silently put away the syringe, "I understand."

Jessica: "..."

After a few weeks of blood drawing, Luo leader excitedly brought the serum, came to the door, gave her a serum, "This is the finished serum, you can find a time for him to take." But it can be painful for a few minutes."

Jessica took the serum and thanked her.

"It's nothing... I also want to thank you for letting me make the serum ahead of time." Chief Luo sighed and said, "It is just that the last days have been too long, and even if we use the serum now, I am afraid it will take ten years or more to recover..."

Jessica laughs. "There's hope."

Luo leader was stunned, then nodded, eyes softened down, "That's true."

Hope is better than no hope.

And the finished serum is a great hope.

"By the way," Jessica said suddenly, "I'm going to leave the base with Ah to say goodbye."

Leader Luo suddenly froze,

Jessica thinks, "Travel."

"... There are zombies everywhere."

"It's okay. They're afraid of Ah Li, and they're afraid of me."


Luo leader speechless for a moment, finally can only nod, some lost tunnel: "You... Take care."

Jessica laughs and nods.

For leaving this matter, Luo leader is very low, Momo is very happy - in fact, how much Luo leader lost, Momo from how happy.

It was as if he naturally disliked Chief Law...

Is it the feeling between love rivals...

Jessica had no choice but to help her.

Before leaving, however, Chief Luo announced that a farewell banquet would be held especially for them.

Luo leader announced the statement is that the two of them as the success of helping to develop the serum, and volunteered, willing to take the serum to spread outside the base.

This farewell dinner is a farewell to the hero.

Jessica admired this gimmick and understood the leader's reluctance in her heart, so she did not refuse and held the farewell party.

In the eyes of outsiders, she and Momo have become human heroes, and she is still a powerful psychic power, which makes the legend of this matter more intense.

Jingyi and the team found out about it through the base's own newspaper.