
Throne of Thieves

In the tumultuous expanse of Metro Island, a desolate wasteland marred by the echoes of its tumultuous past, Leo King finds himself ensnared in the web of chaos and violence that has engulfed the island since its discovery by Americans in 1940. Initially intended as a remote penal colony for society's undesirables, Metro Island quickly devolved into a lawless abyss, abandoned by the outside world to fester in its own depravity. Leo King is a young man determined to leave the island one day, but freedom on the island is a goal far out of reach for most people. For Leo, Metro Island is not a home but a prison, a desolate purgatory from which he dreams of escape. Yet, as he navigates the perilous streets and alleys of the island, Leo is confronted by the harsh reality of his circumstances. Ten ruthless gangs hold sway over Metro Island, their iron grip leaving little room for hope or redemption. Driven by a singular desire to break free from the chains of Metro Island, Leo embarks on a perilous journey to carve out his own path to freedom. With each step, he confronts the specter of his own inexperience and naivety, grappling with the harsh truths of survival in a world where only the strong endure. As Leo's quest for escape collides with the simmering tensions of Metro Island's underworld, he must confront the demons of his past and the uncertainties of his future. In a land where justice is a fleeting dream and hope a distant memory, Leo King stands alone in a world that wants nothing more than to see him rot in his self contained prison.

Sydonay · Seni bela diri
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Warmth Amidst the Chaos

I made my way back to our house, just a short 10-minute walk from Ray's place. I passed by a few unsavory characters on my way back, but I made sure to avoid eye contact. Our small house sits on the edge of the east side of Metro Zone 7. It's a modest space, but it holds sentimental value as it was left to us by our parents. Despite its humble appearance, there's a sense of warmth and care that emanates from its well-kept exterior. The paint, though weathered by the passage of time, still retains a faint sheen, thanks to Kai's diligent efforts in maintenance.

The windows, adorned with simple curtains, allow soft streams of light to filter into the rooms within. Each pane is clean and free of grime, a testament to Kai's meticulous attention to detail. The front porch, though modest in size, boasts a neatly swept floor and a few potted plants, adding a touch of life to the otherwise somber facade.

As I approach the front door, I notice the fresh coat of paint that Kai applied last summer, a small but significant improvement that speaks volumes about his dedication to our home. Stepping inside, I'm greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of our household, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the outside world. This house really reflects my brother's personality—he'd make the perfect housekeeper, I muse silently. Just as I think that Kai steps out of the kitchen, he's wearing his apron and walks over to me in a hurry. He looks pretty similar to me, same blonde hair and red eyes, but he is a few inches taller, and has a softer face. He also has a more busybody, meticulous personality. He taps a plastic spoon on my head lightly, "Leo, where did you go? Dinner was getting cold. Don't tell me some thugs were bullying you." I wave his hand away, "No, I just had to head down to Tony's bar to thank him is all. Jeez, you're so overbearing."

Annoyed, I try to slide past him, but he grabs my back into a hug, "You'd tell me if something was wrong, wouldn't you Leo?" I shake him off, "Yes, yes, jeez, you know I hate hugs." Kai pouts, "You used to love getting hugged." I frown, "When I was six..." I change the subject, not wanting him to pry anymore, "What's for dinner, mom?" I joke, hoping he would get the hint. He seems to back up a bit and points to the pot, "Chicken noodle soup, I hope you're hungry." He smiles, happy with his creation. He's a great cook, but I do like to tease him regardless, "I actually ate earlier, Mac and Cheese Tony made." He crosses his arms, "Leooo.. I spent hours on this soup, seriously?" I smile a little, "I still got room, I only had a small bowl." I decide to get a spoon and bowl from the cupboard. I add, "As thanks for slaving away, I will tell you about a friend I made today."

Kai stops everything and looks at me with wide eyes, almost dropping his plastic spoon. Kai exclaims, "Friend?! You?" It's a similar reaction to the one that Ray's brother gave him, so I guess we're more alike than I had originally thought. I begin digging in at the table as Kai settles down himself; the soup is really good as always. I hope that one day when we can get some money, Kai will open his own restaurant. I glance at Kai, considering how to describe Ray. "He's a bit of a rough character, you know? But underneath all that toughness, I wager he cares a lot more than he lets on. You can see it in the way he looks out for his siblings. He's fiercely protective of them, like a big brother should be. Despite his gruff exterior, he's got this soft spot for family."

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, stirring the soup absentmindedly. "Ray's the kind of guy who'd do anything for the people he cares about. He might seem intimidating at first, but once you get to know him, he's actually pretty funny. I think you'd like him, Kai." I look at my empty soup bowl, realizing I was more excited than I thought. Kai laughs, "It's been awhile since I have seen you so passionate, Leo. He must really have left an impression on you if you talked that much about him." Embarrassed, I look away, trying to change the subject, "What about you? How was Colors Bar today?" My brother works in a pretty dodgy bar down in the north end of town; he makes the bar food. It's nothing to be proud of, but it helps pay the bills and put food on the table.

I was hoping to start helping him out now that I am 18, so I will have to get a job pretty soon, or if our plan works out tomorrow, it can start making me some real money. I didn't dare tell Kai about any of the stuff going on in the background; he would lecture me. He's the type to never break the rules, no matter the situation. Even when the rules don't exist, and there are no consequences for breaking them. Kai responds to my question with a slight sigh, "Same as always, Leo, customers are crazy this time of year. I think it's the summer heat; it really makes people moody." He tries to put on a strong front, but he works his ass off and takes the time to take care of me too. One day, I swear I will pay him back for all that he has done for me.

On that note, I decide to help clear off the table, "Alright, bro, I got studying to do as always." Kai pats me on the head like a child; it annoys me, but I let it slide for now. Kai adds, "Always such a bookworm; I am sure mom would be proud!" I walk off to my room, "Thanks for dinner as always." He calls from behind me, "How was it?" I respond, "Amazing as always. Don't worry about waking me up tomorrow, by the way; I have plans with Ray before school." Kai calls out ecstatically, "Oh, plans with your new friend? How fun. Let me know if you need lunch." I shake my hand behind me, "Won't be necessary; I got some money to buy something. Good night!" Kai shouts back, "Good night, love you!" I mutter, "Love you too." Jeez, he's always so overbearing. I can hear him humming as he cleans up. I head to my room, down the small hall from the kitchen. The house isn't very big, so everything is kind of together. The kitchen is attached to Kai's room, and that is attached to the living room with our TV. My room, however, is closer to the door, a bit further away from the rest of the house.

Originally, when my parents got the house when they were alive, Kai and I shared this room, but now my brother sleeps in my parents' room. I open the door to my room. My room exudes the energy of a dedicated student; everything is arranged in a way to be easy to access, including the books. It's not overly meticulous, but there's a distinct sense of order and purpose in every corner. There is a map I drew myself carefully on the wall that shows the layout of this Island, and each of the zones. The desk has a fresh book in the middle, something I was glancing over last night. The bed itself is small, only a single bed set to the side of the room. I didn't make it this morning, so the sheets are all over the place.

The rest of the room, I can admit, is a bit cluttered. My laptop sits at the far corner of the room on its charger. It was a bargain, apparently, at one of the local stores that sell this kind of technology, but despite that, it's still a fossil. Plus, we don't have any internet, so it's essentially useless for the most part. A lot of the books I have been reading are scattered about; you could make a chair out of the textbooks I have read in here. However, today I have a different goal. I close the black curtains that overlook the street. I decide to pull the map I made off the wall. It took a while, and a lot of references, but I completed this map last year. The territory of Metro Island is ever-shifting, so you won't find anything like this in a textbook. It isn't perfect, but this is a pretty accurate depiction of the invisible territories that rule over the Island.

I made it out of boredom mostly, but also because I couldn't find the information in any of my books. I can't stand not having data on something, so I started this little passion project. I used data from gang markings to accurately map out each territory. The map itself, as much as I hate to admit it, is far from complete. There are only so many places I can get to on foot, plus a lot of territories are far too dangerous for someone unprepared to enter. I mapped out all of 7 and bits and pieces of zones 8 and 9. I considered this a failure last year, but right now, this map is like gold to me. This is the map that will be the keystone for Ray and I tomorrow. With each passing moment, the excitement builds within me, fueling my determination to explore every inch of the map in search of answers.