
Those Who Remain

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What is Those Who Remain

Baca novel Those Who Remain yang ditulis oleh penulis traveller_despair yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Almighty God Of Creation

Lu Tian Who was once on top of the Apex was worshipped like a god. Was trapped while he tried to ascend into the Ultimate Saint Realm. His Enemies and his allies who feard his growth all stood together to inflict a huge sure-kill strike towards him______ Which Led to his death. Although he died that day, they never assumed that he had already prepared well for this situation. And before his last breath, he Used A Hidden Artifact he called 'Star Tower' To split his soul into two and escaped the crisis. Let us see how will Lu Tian venture in his new reincarnations, Warning!! This novel contains two MC (0.0) Yeah! The plot is As heavy As hell. Thump Up! The Update Release isn't regular and may take some time to release a chapter because I work Alone, Please understand this. I will do my best to try and update a chapter daily but please no hurry. No need to pay me anything, As I will only release for free, But If any money is needed It won't be big deal! As for the update events. ( WT* did you say update events ?...) ... Author: Ahem... There will be daily update as usual and if something good happens or my mood turns better or anything like that I promise you A release of MAX 10 Chapters!!! Ahem but that release will be appointed at a later date ... { Note: The event release won't affect the normal Update release...} Have fun and be happy with what the mighty creator gave you. ( The Story cover isn't permanent and soon there will be new cover... ) Note: if you have any questions or marks to point out in the comments or in your review please hashtag me #LordSama.

Poorgod_ · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Prehistoric - Death Virus

Hong Hoang - Death Virus (Prehistoric - Death Virus) Author: Hong Hoang Country of Origin: Viet Nam Status: (writing and translation) Genre: urban romance, apocalypse, zombies, superpowers, supernatural powers, martial arts, science, fantasy, action, psychology, affection. Age limit: 18 years and above, children under 18 are prohibited. Content alert: 18+, Incest, shota, dark, hot scenes, sensitive issues, violent, heavy language. This story is not for the immature. You should think about it before reading. English is not my native language, there may be errors in the translation. This story is completely fictional and takes place on a fantasy earth. All countries, events, details, and characters have nothing to do with any individual, country, organization, or group in real life. Any coincidence is just random. Introduction: You are tired of the worlds that are only about slaughter, apocalyptic forces killing each other, and the dead chasing the living. You want a world where the dead kill the living, humans kill and cannibalize each other, but there is still human affection, and family affection, love between men and women. This is the first series of novels in the prehistoric kingdom. The content mentions zombies at the end of the world, superhuman beings with powerful differences, mutations, supernatural abilities, and all the power struggles at the end of the world. Here, darkness dominating light. Here, tears submerge joy. Here, enmity and conspiracy parallel. Here, desires erode conscience. Hoang Kim is caught in a vortex of hatred for the past, and the present conspiracy and tactics bury his life. He is a famous star every minute, every second, he has to face the a world human face but animal hearts, cruel unscrupulous, selfish jealousy, deceitful to take advantage of his reputation, but he and his family were in collapse, they trampled and spit on his family. Hoang Kim is not lonely alone, he is accompanied by his comrades and friends to the ends of the earth, his confidantes are both talented and beautiful, fighting side by side to survive in a cruel world full of zombies, humans are more bloodthirsty than zombies. What must Hoang Kim and loved ones do to survive in this cruel world? The secret will be revealed in “Hong Hoang- Death Virus”.

sampatin · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Fight –Naina

Selalu dekat dengan Artha, itu adalah tujuan utama Naina masuk ke sekolah ini. Jadi jangan salahkan Naina kalau dia terus menempel pada Artha dan itu malah membuat Artha menjadi jauh. Namun di pertengahan kisah, Artha mulai curiga dengan anak baru bernama Naina ini. "Kamu itu terlalu lemah buat jadi anak Tuan Bara," celetuk gadis muda ini. Artha menyudutkan tubuh gadis ini ke tembok. Bibirnya menyunggingkan senyum miring penuh arti. "Kita buktikan aja, yang kamu omongin itu benar atau enggak." Alih-alih merasa takut, gadis ini malah balas menyunggingkan senyum miring. Dan tanpa diduga meluncurkan serangan, ia memutar tangan Artha dan dengan mudahnya membalikkan keadaan, menyudutkan pria tampan ini di tembok bangunan. Tangannya menodong pelipis Artha, seolah-olah itu pistol yang bisa membunuh pria ini dalam hitungan detik. "Dor!" ujar gadis ini, ibu jarinya bergerak seperti menarik pelatuk pistol. "Kamu mati." . . . "Lo itu siapa sebetulnya?" Artha menunduk mensejajarkan wajahnya dengan Naina. "Aku Naina, kamu udah tahu itu." . . . "Plak! Plak! Plak!" Pria tua ini berulangkali memukul puncak kepala gadis belia yang kini sedang berlutut, dengan keras. Kemudian pria ini ikut berlutut, mensejajarkan tubuh mereka. Tangannya yang sudah keriput mengangkat dagu gadis ini, menatap wajah yang kini sudah dipenuhi lebam. "Kalau hubungan kalian berlanjut lebih jauh lagi, saya anggap ini pengkhianatan. Dan hukuman mati adalah bayarannya." . . . "Aku cuma melanjutkan cita-cita bapak." Pria ini mengusap lembut wajah gadis belia yang penuh bercak darah. "Cuma bedanya, bapak menyingkirkan siapa aja yang menghalangi jalannya. Tapi aku gak akan nyingkirin kamu, justru aku mau kita hidup satu atap selamanya." "Kamu gila," gadis ini berucap dengan suara serak dan gemetar. Pria ini menggeleng sambil menempelkan jari telunjuknya dibibir gadis belia ini. "Suuut! Kamu terlalu kasar."

Nurafifah_3936 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

I am shameless.It is just me just writing to give myself the first review.Uhm,pls someone who stumble across this pls forward this to other users of Webnovel.


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