
Chapter 33 – Elves has some secrets?


Two days passed after I ran away from that elven.

And still no results.

I did encounter some new monsters, but not one of them were special in any way.

No acid vomiting monster.

Or monster wielding powerful magic.


These monsters were strong, much stronger than the monster I encounter before, but they did not have anything special going on.

Fuck me.

Well, I can still probably get something I go and devour any humans I find and maybe get some humanoid form according to my theory.

But I want more than 1 evolution path and variant option as well.

(Fuck me… This is extremely annoying.)

(Well, at least elves are not chasing me nor I saw any of the elven perusers.)

(This can only mean one thing, they found the girl tracks or something and are right now chasing her.)

(It maybe was a good idea to abandon going with her.)

(I don't know if they will catch her or no other hand.)

(That girl was almost killed by orcs, but these spirits are probably not that weak.)

(But the problem is with her not being able to use those spirits full power.)

(I don't if she will survive or not, but I don't regret not helping her.)

(I need to be selfish right now if I want to survive.)

(So it doesn't matter to me if she get killed or captured by those elves.)

(Still, I should thank her at least for making an distraction for me to use.)

(Probably elves are currently putting all of their efforts in capturing her.)

(That means that I won't have to worry about elves for some time and I have some more time-)


(Magic reaction!)

Deerwolf quickly hid behind the nearby tree and moments later a group of elves had came ridding on some sort of giant elk animals.


(It doesn't seem that I was noticed.)

(But fuck me!)

(This gave me a huge scare!)

(Not seeing any elves for 2 days straight and then finally seeing some ridding some sort of elks?)

(So, they did had some sort of means of transport.)

(Fuck me.)

(If they spotted me just now, I would have definitely would not be able to run away and would have died.)

(Still. What are these guys doing here?)

(I noticed a carts being dragged by these weird elks.)

(I saw some boxes… But that was all?)

(Are they transporting something?)


(Lets fallow them.)

(I know the risk of fallowing elves, considering how powerful these bastards are.)

(And they even have some animals that they can use to ride, meaning they can now catch up to me.)

(But this situation stings.)

(The elves are right now fully focused on capturing the elven girl that escaped.)

(And yet there was some elves going in completely direction who knows where?)

(Maybe they are something like merchants?)

(If so, then I have a chance.)

(Killing humanoid type creatures like elves, humans and orcs may unlock an humanoid type evolution path in theory.)

(While these elves would be distracted, I would launch an surprise attack and kill them all.)

(Since they didn't noticed me, means that they don't have an detection skills or anything like that.)

(Not only that, I may gain something unexpected by eating elves.)


(The risk and reward is unknown, but I need to risk it right now it order to maybe gain something.)

Deerwolf began running after the elven group while staying completely hidden and keeping enough distance from the elves in order not to be noticed.

Deerwolf fallowed the elves, thinking that the elves would go and trade some goods with some merchants or something.

However, unexpectedly the elves headed into the deeper parts of the forest and even encounter some monsters along the way.


(Where are they going?)

(This path definitely isn't leading to the outside of the forest, since the number of the encountered monsters had increased.)

(Did by any chance I stumbled into something I shouldn't had?)


(Screw it. Let's keep fallowing them.)

(But I got to now make sure that there is more distance between us, since I maybe be forced to fight monsters myself at this rate.)

Deerwolf continues fallowing the group of elves, while keeping safe distance from the elves.

After a while, the elves arrived at some sort of camp located near a cave?


(What the fuck is this?)

(A cave in the middle of a freaking forest?)

(Its isn't located anything near like mountain or anything.)

(Its just a cave entrance?)


Deerwolf went around the elven camp.

(Yea. It's just a straight up cave entrance.)

(So I guess its leading to the underground or something?)

(But no matter how I look at this, it's too unnatural.)

(As if it shouldn't be even here in the first place?)



(No matter how you look at this, the elves are hiding something here.)

(But what?)

(These elves seem to be guarding this cave?)


(Wait a bloody second.)

(A dungeon?)

(Is it like the dungeon from games and fantasy novels?)

(Normally the dungeon is something that generate monsters or is a manmade home by monsters where monsters gather.)


(If this place is really dungeon…. Then by any chance there are some unique monsters living inside of it?!)

(If so, then I have to do it!)

(Fuck being careful.)

(This maybe a thing I was looking for.)

(I know fighting elves while not knowing their average strength is very risky and all, but I don't have choice!)

Deerwolf jumped out from its hiding spot and quickly began rushing towards the elven camp.

(There is no use hiding and approaching them undetected, since they may posses the detection skill like that guy!)

Deerwolf continues running towards the elves and before long, the elves has noticed the creature approaching them.


3 of the elves that were in the camp took out their bows and began firing at the deerwolf.

Deerwolf tried going side to side and using its tentacle root to block the attacks, be he still ended up getting grazed by few arrows and as he was getting closer, he instead ended up getting by few of these arrows.

(Fuck! These arrows are doing some real damage!)

(But! I manage to get close enough to do this!)

Suddenly, a small storm of leaves suddenly surrounded the deerwolf, blocking the elves view completely.

The elves were complexly catched off guard and confused.

Was it attack?

Was it a barrier?


A straight up distraction!

The deerwolf claw suddenly launched forward and cut the bellies of those elves near it, ripping out some of their insides out and making some of their guts spill out.


(That was easy?)

One of the elves that was not attacked tried gaining distance in order to fire again with his bow, but deerwolf noticed that and pounded at him and pinned him against the ground.

Deerwolf then tried biting off the elf neck, but then suddenly an elf from the side swinged its blade at her, forcing her to bit the sword in order to hold the sword in place.


(Fuck! The swords used by adventures before shattered easily, but this sword is not even bending!)

(But did you forget this isn't my only weapon!)

Deerwolf sprouted two tentacles' roots from its mane.

The elf realized too late and when he tried to dodge, he only managed to move away in time to dodge the first attack, but then the second tentacle root came and slashed its eyes with sharp leaves.

The elf screamed in pain and let go of its sword while trying to covers its eyes, but it was a mistake.

Deerwolf smacked the elf away, before the turning its attention to the elf before and killing the elf by ripping its throat.

(3 down and that one is good as dead.)

(10 more to go.)

(Still, those arrows did managed to deal some damage to me and I have no doubt that sword would have slashed my face off completely if it hit.)

 (But I'm still good.)

(But the problem are these two on the back.)

(As soon as I killed the first two elves, their mana suddenly expanded.)


(They were hiding it.)

(I don't know if they are the strongest ones here, since mana isn't everything and all, since I experienced it myself.)

(But I have to at least watch out for any spells they use.)

(These elves probably had a proper training over controlling mana while I'm self-taught.)

(There are 3 archers left and there are 3 of those elves that are wearing an pointy hats and mage looking staffs.)

(I guess they are mages and one of those mages is that girl with bigger mana.)

(I need to kill archers and mages first.)

(But those warriors elves will definitely not let me.)

(Then let's play a little game!)

Deerwolf created a lot of leaves from its mane with the help of magic and ended up creating a dome of leaves before then launching the barrage of leaves at the elves.

The elven mages deployed a shields made out mana to block the storm of leaves, however unexpectedly there was right next to the no damage done to the barrier that ended up confusing elves.

However, it wasn't the end of the confusion.

When the storm of leaves stopped, the deerwolf was nowhere in sight.



One of the elven mages suddenly shouted something that made all elves look to their right, making them see the deerwolf running towards them.

However, it was too late.

Deerwolf pounced at the elven mage girl and bit into her neck before then crushing it.

The two elven swordman then tried attacking the deerwolf, but it quickly extended its limbs in order to increase its jumping power and quickly gain distance.


(That was lethal hit.)

(And I manage to get that girl with huge amount of mana.)

(Still, I was hoping to get at least two.)

(That other elven mage girl, she detected me.)

(So they did had somebody with detection skill.)

(Not only that, but I used a lot of mana just now to create that storm of leaves, even though I did not enchanted any of the leaves I shot out.)

(Not only that, I also used bit of my stamina for that quickly spirit and extending my limbs that.)

(I cannot do that as many times I though or I will end up exhausting myself by either mana exhaustion or stamina exhaustion if not both.)

(Still… By the look of things that girl is dead.)

(For fuck's sake, I honestly would have shitted myself if they had something like a healer among them that would have healed that girl or something.)

(Still, that guy look extremely pissed. He is the other elf with huge amount of mana.)

(He looked cool after I killed those elves before.)

(What? Did I killed his lover or something just now?)


(Oh my fuking god. This girl was his lover or something, right?)

The elven swordman began charging straight at the deerwolf.

(Oh shit.)