

Dotun felt uneasy, as he gloomily sat on the polished armchair, in his expensive office, with his legs carefully folded across one another, and gracefully placed on the wide surfaced table. He felt uncomfortable, despite the ease and comfort produced by his costly, spacious and well- ventilated four-storey building office.

Ordinarily, one would have thought that nothing on this earth could ever turn the ever cheerful, smiling and inviting face of Dotun, into a face which portrayed moodiness, and one might also ignorantly think that, he could neither be disturbed nor troubled, or what could disturb Dotun, The son of Chief Makanjuola, the sole owner of, MKJ Conglomerate? He was wealthy, famous and powerful; as to have a say in the government and these traits have been transferred to his children, including Dotun, who was presently the manager of one of the companies. Most of his friends and relatives had often advised and pestered him to move into politics, because they felt he could impact a lasting and unending change in the government system and economy, which the military men had earlier turned into pots in their hands and had molded it with impunity, into shapes of their choice but he had often bluntly refused the offer, which he felt was only reserved for greedy persons, who were ready to fill their ever demanding and spacious pockets with government fund.

As for him, he had amassed enough wealth from his already established business, and wouldn't want the least iota of politics to soil the reputation which he had internationally built for more than two decades. Most of the citizens of the country could readily vouch for good and fair governance, if he was elected into a public office due to his fairness in assessing issues, simplicity in dealing with various aspects of life and his strictness against extravagance. They day-dreamt their economy and government being standard and competitive with what is obtainable in other developed countries, but all these turned into faded dreams, as Chief Makanjuola remained glued to his opinion and remained obstinate to their much concluded mouth-watering and lip-smacking offer.

Dotun rested his fleshy chin on his tightly clenched fists staring at his shiny Rolex of Geneva wrist watch which conveniently hung around his wrist. He was actually thinking of what to do in solving the problems he had fallen into. He had become emotionally affected due to his fiancée's pronouncement of an end to their relationship and these had made him lose focus in the office activities. He had not had the ability to attend to the heap of files before him, he had earlier tried to force himself but he soon relented on his trial, as he mistakenly and off handedly signed in the wrong columns, and these had made his secretary to retype most of the documents she had rightly and neatly typed the previous day.

Dotun hated himself so much for being slightly effeminate and if not for the union of the parts of his body, he would have whipped himself with the way he was feeling within himself. He was really sad about the abrupt end of the relationship, not because he really loved Evelyn, but he was sad because a lady had just called it quit with him. He never loved Evelyn. Their relationship was merely a coincidence and he least expected it to grow. Evelyn's departure from his life did not even raise any strand of his hair, but he felt emotionally down because almost all of his friends and colleagues knew they were lovers. No lady had ever called it quit with him, he dictated how the relationship should go, and he called it quit whenever he pleased.

He felt he had everything it took to date a lady. He was gorgeously handsome. This, he had heard several times, and he had often confirmed it, with what he saw every morning in his dressing mirror. He was of a masculine build which he knew every lady craved for. He was a stallion in bed and this also he knew was a good factor which ladies consider in men. To crown it all, he was rich; he got anything he felt he needed. He had several cars at his disposal, though most of them were his father's. His friends were against the relationship from inception, but he thought he was doing a good to femininity by dating Evelyn who was once his classmate.

He thought of the ridicule that will burst out from his friends when they hear that Evelyn had jilted him. He could really feel their lousy mouth tongue- lashing him and Dotun felt it would be a great shame on him, the son of Chief Makanjuowo, to be jilted by a lady of a low pedigree. Although Dotun had other ladies in his life he really wanted to go back to Evelyn not because of the love between them but to avoid the mockery that was sure to emanate from his extrovert friends, who could make fun of a corpse. He concluded to go visit Evelyn after closure from work that day. He was ready to put in whatever it took to make them come back together. He became sorry for himself for getting into a mess.

'How can I, the son of a successful business mogul beg a lady'? He thought out loud, arrogantly.

He knew he had no choice if he wanted to escape the mockery of his friends. He sat back on the chair, loosened his tie and reflected back on how their deceptive relationship started.

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