
Preparing For A Hunt

John Winchester was a bit reluctant to teach Rick everything he knew but then, Rick asked for a bet in the form of a spar. If he won, John would teach him and if John won, Rick would go back to his home; of course he had the idea of finding another hunter to teach him. So, John agreed, thinking his teaching in the military would come in handy but, the lifeline of a mortal is not much compared to that of a long lived race. To make things short, it was total domination! John didn't even touch his clothes except when he was the one getting the beating. When Rick was done, John was unconscious for two more days!

Rick felt bad about it because he was sure his boys would start panicking if he wasn't back so he made sure he treated him good enough to travel back to them. When John woke up, he found his body was better than okay. He was so surprised he started having suspicions about Rick which Rick saw.

"Hey, don't start thinking I'm something you can hunt, okay. I just used herbs to treat you. You know what they say, grandma's recipe works miracles," Rick warned him off that thought.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Approximately two days. I gased up your car and you are ready to go back to your boys. I thought you might want to do that as soon as possible," Rick said. John looked at him gratefully then went for the door. Before he got out, he stopped for a moment and looked at Rick.

"The way you gave me a beating, it looked like you were not even trying, were you? It doesn't matter, you won, fair and square. Meet me at this location half a month from now and your training is going to start," John told him, threw him a paper and walked away. Rick looked at the paper and smiled to himself.

"Finally, something I can do. Never did I think I would be transmigrated into the Supernatural universe and with the powers of Thor from the comics! I haven't tested everything else but I'm sure I can give the MCU Thor one hell of a beating while holding back. Anyway, I need to be prepared for the hunt. Uhmm, my truck, I need to build a compartment where I can hide my weapons in them. I also need to put wards on the truck to make sure it isn't wrecked by those spirits or something, make it my very own Mjolnir," Rick said to himself and went to his garage where his pickup truck was and drove to the local shop. The mechanics there recognised him for he had been going there for three years now so he was kind of a mechanic by now.

"Your truck acting up again?" an old man asked him.

"No Denis, came over to give it new upgrades," Rick answered him as he parked it at one corner and got out.

"All your tools are still in the shed, nobody's touched them for the one month you've been gone. Rosie came over too, said you weren't picking up your phone," Denis said.

"Well, been busy. I just found my purpose is all," Rick answered him with a friendly Pat on his shoulder before going to bring all his tools. When he was done, he borrowed the shop's truck and went to the junk yard where he loaded it with all kinds of metal he stripped from cars, put them in his shed then went to buy new suspensions, tires, engine and everything else he wanted. It caused a huge amount of money but his years of hard work had proved not to be useless, it hurt though.

When the shopping spree was done, Rick started modifying the truck. Gone was everything he deemed worthless and on came everything he could work with. With everything having their own rune. Thor had massive information on runes and he was using his powers to etch them onto his truck. Basically, he made it durable enough to withstand a comet falling on it! He was sure nothing hits harder than a comet here. He also made sure no evil spirit would possess it, no one would try and steal it, no demon would try and get inside for anything and even arch angels would suffer when they tried to destroy it.

When he was done two weeks later, the truck was unrecognizable. It's big size made sure everyone would look at it and with the way he modified the engine with the runes, the output would be terrifying while the input would be equally great. It would take three thousand miles per gallon! The motor world would kill to have that kind of car! After he was done, he took it out for a spin, on-road and off-road, the car performed better than he expected, making him have a car rush boner! He then drove to a local gun shop and it wasn't a crime for everyone in town owned a gun!

"Rick Sanchez, what can I do you for?" the shop owner asked him.

"I need a lot of weapons, Smithy, guns and blades," Rick answered him. Smithy frowned at this.

"Something happen?" Smithy asked him.

"Yep, found my calling, hunting. I'll be gone for a while for this hunt so I wanted weapons," Rick answered. This wasn't the time when having a gun would be frowned on so Smithy just shrugged and showed him out back where he kept the not so legal guns.

"Would recommend having these cleaned though and removed any trace that might lead to previous cases," Smithy warned him. Rick smiled as he started picking the things he needed. By the time he was done, six bags were full. Even Smithy started having doubts.

"What kind of hunt requires all these guns?" he asked him.

"The kind that hunts back. Thanks Smithy, I'll send you the check," Rick told him then carried the bags back to his truck without any effort. He drove back home and started placing the weapons into his secret compartments. That done, he cleaned his house, said goodbye to Rosie which made him spend the night in her house while her parents were conveniently out of town then he drove out of town.

The drive was long and lonely but Rick was smiling all the way over. He was sure he would be fine if he just started hunting but it never hurts to be cautious and be taught. Besides, he would be friends with the Winchester boys, the guys who killed Death! It was just a stroke of luck but Dean killed Death! Do you know how badass one has to be to kill Death! Not once but twice? Even though he was sure his legacy as a hunter would outshine theirs, having the Winchester boys as friends would be very beneficial. So, two states over and been given two speeding tickets, he finally arrived.

He saw the diner he was supposed to meet John in and parked in the parking lot. When he got in, he saw him with two boys seated at a corner. The elder one was enjoying some pie while the younger one seemed to be going the part of healthy eating. John saw him and waved at him. Rick came over with a small smile on his face.

"Thought you had cold feet," John said as he drunk his coffee.

"Had to tune my car. Figured the things we were after would require one to be well prepared. Hi boys, name's Rick Sanchez. I am your father's apprentice," Rick said as he sat beside Sam Winchester.

"Dean and the little guy beside you is Sam," Dean introduced themselves.

"Dean's turning thirteen and he has been begging me to take him for a hunt. I decided to postpone it just for you. So, I'll take you for two hunts then you'll be on your own. I'll give you the connections you need, I'll teach you how to cope everyday and after the second hunt, you will go and start your career as a hunter. I'm sure your combat skills are worthy enough to make sure you aren't dead in a month," John said.

"Dad said he kicked your butt," Sam suddenly said, making the two men look at him suddenly, each with a different expression on their face.

"Did he now?" Rick grinned at John who looked back at his coffee.

"Yeah, our dad is the strongest hunter out there," Dean told him. Rick chuckled at this.

"Yes he is, that's why I am learning from the best and not those second rate hunters out there," Rick told him. Dean seemed to be satisfied with that answer for he smiled proudly. "I saw what happened to your mother in the news. Having the courage to hunt down these things is very admirable, Dean. But do not forget yourself in hatred and revenge, you have to think passed that too. Think of what you want to be after it is done so that you will have something to pull you when the revenge is quelled. Most people drown in it, and it poisons them to a point they can't just find themselves again." The three Winchesters looked at him thoughtfully. Rick was looking at John especially who had this fog over his eyes as if remembering something. His eyes then became fierce and he turned to look at his plate.

"Who died in order to make you want this life?" Dean asked him.

"Nobody. Five vampires tried to kill me two months ago and if not for your father, I would be dead. That showed me there is more to this world than just being a salary man. So, I made your father teach me how to hunt and here we are," Rick answered him.

"You gonna order?" a waitress asked. Rick looked up and saw the way she was looking at him was like she wanted to jump and eat him up if he just said yes. The reason being he had the body that rivalled Thor's actor, Chris Hemsworth. His clothes did little to hide that and it wasn't because he was trying to get the attention. In fact, he loathed it but his years of labour and hitting the gym like daily made sure he wouldn't get fat!

"Two salads and steak, please," he told her.

"Sure, it's on the house," she said as she bit her pen and walked away, he butt swaying with rhythm. Dean and Rick looked at her till she got into the kitchen before turning to look at the others.

"Benefits of being handsome. Don't worry, Dean, you will find that out soon enough," Rick told him.

"Can't wait," Dean answered as he finished his pie.

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