
Dangerous World All Of A Sudden

The more Rick got used to his powers the more he thought of something that scared the hell out of him. He knew that his powers were given to him by this entity calling itself Fate. He never thought about it but just how powerful was this entity? Right now, Rick had the power to punch the empty space and make a black hole. He was powerful enough to even chuckle as Chuck snapped his fingers at him. But that didn't mean that this entity was that weak. In fact, if he can materialize all these powers, what's to say he didn't give them to himself.

He could have Hakai, Qi, Godly Ki or other bullshit powers. He was powerful even for him and in order to at least ellevate the pressure on him, Rick knew he had to train but how could he train? He practically shot himself in the foot by requesting more power instead of just cultivating the one he had to a point where if he drank the Golden Sentry Serum to give him the power of exploding suns, it would have multiplied to the power he had before. He was so frustrated he decided to hunt down some vamps going around in New Orleans. There's no wrath greater than the wrath of a god and he was a super god now.

He drove for two days before he finally reached the place. He parked outside a diner and got in to have something to eat as he strategizes. New Orleans was a big city so he had to be careful on who he was gonna trail. Of course, he can use his super senses to locate where they were but he decided not to.

"What can I get you?" a woman asked him.

"The special and some fries," Rick answered her. She nodded and went to get his order. Two minutes later, she brought it to her and set it down. He nodded a thanks to her and started eating. Halfway through, four women got into the diner and took the further most table. Rick could definitely feel power emanating from them so he decided to listen in.

"The vampires are spiralling," the first woman said.

"Yes, they think they got a savior or something,"

"Marcel Girard, they say he was changed by the first vampires, the Originals,"

"Why would they be willing to listen to somebody who came from those...animals?"

"Vampires follow the strongest as we all have. Marcel is a centuries old and has been personally taught by the Originals, they have reverence to him,"

"What about our brethren? Do we have to put them all down?"

"This is a problem between vampires. Besides, if they make too much noise, hunters will definitely come after them,"

Rick was stunned when he was hearing this conversation. It had so many meaning he couldn't help but be shocked. First of all, for some reason, The Originals world was crossed over with this one! That means, there might be two kinds of vampires. Second, it might mean that the universe Supernatural meant that all things Supernatural were in this world! That means, the hunters were definitely screwed if what he thought was real was indeed real. They would be many different kinds of vampires, were wolves, demons, angels and many other things. Rick sat back and scratched his temples. He decided to call John immediately. He came to a payphone and dailed in the number.

"Lemmy Hoffstedr talking," John answered.

"John, this is urgent. Come to New Orleans right now," Rick said.

"I'm on a hunt," John replied.

"Screw that hunt, come to New Orleans, now. You will meet me at Lucy's Diner, you can't miss it. Bring the boys too." Rick hang up then turned to where the witches were talking. He got into the diner and walked to where they were. Immediately, he slammed three of them onto the table, rendering them inconscious then put a knife on the last one's neck. Everyone fled from the diner but Rick was not concerned.

"I heard you talking about a vampire called Marcel. You will take me to him or I will gut," Rick ordered her.

"Okay, okay, but let my friends go first," she said. Rick smiled stiffly at her before picking up a fork and proceeded to stab each of them on the head. The fork stabbed clean through like a hot knife on butter. The witch was so scared she nearly peed her pants.

"There, you don't have to worry about them any more," he told her. "Move, now." She nodded then got up and he directed her to his truck. Once in, he buckled her in then turned it on. The woman smiled when she saw that and tried to do a spell only to scream in pain as she held her chest.

"The whole truck is witch proof. Any magic done here will be bounced back to you," he warned her. "Of course, it is any magic that doesn't end up helping you. Now, where is he?" The witch was so scared right now she just told him.

"Who are you?"

"Rick Sanchez, a hunter," Rick answered her as he drove off. In the diner, all the cameras friend themselves suddenly when the truck drove off, all the image they took destroyed.

Rick found the place he was looking for alright and he killed the witch he was with. He then took a machete he enchanted himself and got into the villa. It was filled with people, no, vampires he started looking at him the moment he got out of his truck. Rick stood outside the front door and looked inside.

"Hello in there, my name is Rick, a hunter. I am looking for a vampire named Marcel Giroud. If he is in there, I suggest he comes out or he will die with the others," he shouted. There was silence for a moment before they all laughed out loud.

"A hunter! He is actually coming after us instead of those daywalkers," a vampire laughed.

"Hey hunter, why don't you walk in and we can show you where Marcel is," a vampire said. More mocks came at him but Rick just smiled.

"Fine," Rick said then touched the house. Immediately, the whole building turned to ash and the vampires we're now revealed to the sun. They screamt as their bodies combusted and started frailing around painfully. Rick saw one of them suddenly dash away using his vampires speed but he was a faster. A millisecond later, be was beside the vampire and broke its leg, causing it to fall on the ground, screaming in pain. Rick recognized him immediately.

"Diego? You must be one of Marcel's buddies. Where is he?" Rick asked him.

"Why would I tell you?" Diego asked him. Rick looked at his left hand and saw the daylight ring on his middle finger. He grinned then stepped on the hand.

"Then I will accidentally step on your ring and accidentally break it," Rick chuckled. Diego just looked at him with a look that said he was ready for anything. "Well, oops." Rick increased his strength and two sound came from where he was stepping on. Metal breaking and bones being crushed. Diego screamt in pain as he got hold of his hand but then, his body burst out in flames and his screams grew even more louder. Rick was about to go back to his truck when a blur suddenly put a blanket on Diego's burning body, stopping the combustion then he tried to punch Rick but he for hold of it. Rick smiled when he saw who it was.

"Marcel Girard! As I live and breath. I never would have thought you existed until half an hour ago. Witches have terrible control over their mouths," Rick laughed as he squeezed the hand harder. Marcel groaned in pain and gave you after trying to free his hand then tried to punch him with his other hand but Rick got hold of it too. Marcel was shocked because of his strength for not even a half a century old vampire can be this strong

"Who are you?" Marcel asked.

"A very freaked out and curious hunter," Rick answered then proceeded to headbutt him. Marcel immediately saw black as he crumpled to the ground.

It was two hours later when he came too. He immediately found himself on a surgery table, his arms and legs bound. He tried to free himself but his skin started sizzling and he yelled out in pain. He knew what was that, pervein, the wolfsbane to vampires. It was then he noticed the spectators, an aging man, two boys and the man who captured him.

"You! What do you want?" Marcel asked Rick who nodded at this question.

"Good question. What I want is answers. I hope you can do that because none of us have any love for vampires. So, first question, do you know any vampires that have fangs all over their gum that come out in front of their human teeth and do not burn in the sun?"

"Day walkers? We know about them. We are not fans, jealousy and all but they are not as powerful or fast as us though," Marcel said. He saw the other man and the boys become distressed when they said that. For a moment, he thought he said the wrong thing.

"Don't focus on them, I'm asking the questions," Rick reprimanded him by splashing water on him. The water was laced with pervein so he started burning, making him scream even louder.

"When I get out of here I am going to skin you alive," Marcel growled as black veins appeared on his eyelids and his eyes shone blue.

"That's not very nice. Also, threatening to kill kids! I am disappointed in you, Marcel," Rick said as he forced open Marcel's mouth then poured the water inside. Marcel gagged as he wiggled in pain, smoke coming out of his mouth. Rick turned to John.

"You heard him, everything we thought about this world is wrong. These vampires are superiorily powerful than the ones we hunt. Even though they have disadvantages, they are a pain in the neck to fight. The witches are also powerful and they require the need of nature to cast their spells. These vampires are their product so you can imagine how strong one of them is. I also know the were wolves are different from the ones we know. Who knows how much we don't know about the different kinds of monsters in the world. The way I see it, hunters have been lucky or these monsters have just appeared suddenly..." Rick suddenly stopped as he came to a realization.

"What? Is something wrong?" John asked him.

"I just realized that you might not be prepared of what is coming. John, go home and rethink everything about this hunting thing because what's coming is not going to be pretty," Rick said.

"I can't, not before I am done," John told him. Rick scoffed when he heard that.

"The world got a lot more scarier, John. These monsters we were fighting are child's play to the ones that have been hiding till now. You are the only hunter who knows besides me so please, if you don't want you or your boys to end up hunting Freddy Krugger thinking it is a ghost, you better rethink everything right now," Rick warned John then turned to Marcel. John was in deep thoughts before he took his boys away, leaving Marcel with Rick.

"If you kill me, a very nasty vampire will be coming after you," Marcel warned him.

"Klaus Mikealson, I know about him. But a White Oak stake to the heart can kill him. I also know if I kill him I will have killed all the the vampires he ever sired so I will be doing a plus. But, I am a fan, a very big fan. I think I will keep him in my basement forever, that way he won't father that Hope thing that caused his death. But you, Marcel, I started hating you when you were given the super vamp formula and you became stronger than him. Consider this a very pissed off fan getting his revenge," Rick said then ripped the finger with Marcel's daylight ring off. Marcel immediately burst on fire and started screaming as Rick walked out of the place. Once he got into his car, he sighed impatiently then punched his steering wheel, sending out a shockwave.

"FUUUUCK!" he screamt.

This was the year 1996.

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