
Club Werewolf

Rick spent a month teaching his new assistant how to live like a human. The biggest challenge was to make sure she did not drool when she saw a human male walk past her but the males needed work too for they drooled too. For some reason, (A/N:Not because I have a feitish) she had taken a liking to tight or short and revealing clothes, leaving little for imagination. Rosie found her in his house one day and that was the day he became single once again. Apparently, his assistant was too hot to stay with him but he didn't dare turn his back away from her one bit. Bad things would happen. Also, she told him her name but it was long and not quite speakable by humans so he just called her Kori.

"Rick Thundergod sir, you have a call from someone called Hofield," Kori alerted him. They were in a car graveyard where Rick was currently lifting four buses mashed together to become weights on each end of a long beam of metal as he lifted them without even dripping a drop of sweat.

"Hofield? Is he a hunter?" he asked her.

"No, sir. He said he was told to call you because of a job," she answered. Rick frowned then threw the weights away and walked to her.

"Rick Sanchez, how can I help you?" he asked then he drank the glass of water she brought.

"Hi, so like I didn't know just what was going on but this place, like, it's very spooky. It is a nightclub that was suddenly opened two months ago. Everyone who gets in have to get their blood drawn. My friend got in but now she's missing. I called for a PI and he gave me your number after two weeks of searching. I'm wondering if you can, like, help me," the voice from the other end said. Rick could feel the guy talking was scared.

"I'll see what I can do. Where are you?"

"New York. Once you arrive, call me and I will come pick you up," the guy said then hang up. Rick looked at his phone weirdly before turning to Kori.

"Well, looks like we got a case. Go get the truck ready," he told her. Kori nodded and went to the garage as he went to their shed. Kori is really smart that she could drive like a seasoned driver in just two weeks! A patrol car once stopped them when she was driving but she hummed them into thinking a piece of paper was her driving licence! He had never been so jealous of talented people before. Also, he saw her breasts enlarge before the cop arrived at her window meaning having a flat chest was her choice, what a brave girl!

Three days passed and now they with Hofield. He was a fat young man of twenty something years old. They were inside his house which was a bit filthy to say the least. He kept on fidgeting as if something was after him.

"I want you to relax and tell me what's going on, Hofield. Can you do that for me?" Rick asked, trying to calm him down.

"I can try, don't know if it's gonna work. So, after I called you, half a day later, something tried to attack me. I don't know what it was but I was lucky to have been carrying my gun with me so I shot at it. I heard this beastial cry then the sound of my something running away. When I went to the place I shot it, I saw blood and what I assumed as claws marks on the ground. From there, I went to my home, locked every door, barred every window and hid myself in the attic.

"A day later, I heard the window to my bedroom crash then the panting that sounded beastial. I held my breath in fear as I heard two more crashes. Why I looked through a small hole at the attic hole, I saw these three wolves! But I swear they were as big as a cow! They must have found my scent through all the sniffing and they were about to tear the attic door apart when the police arrived. Since then, they didn't come back," Hofield finished his story. Rick came to the conclusion that what he was looking for was a Werewolf but the Twilight version of it which was a bit confusing.

"Don't worry, Hofield, I will do everything in me to make sure you don't become wolf bait," Rick tried to cheer him up. "But for now, I would suggest you go back to the station or somewhere far away from this town."

"I was ready leaving, trust me. I have never felt so scared in my life," Hofield said then excited Rick out of his house. Once out, Rick turned to Kori who was curious.

"Looks like we are dealing with werewolves, smart were wolves. The club is their den so we are facing a full pack," he told her.

"Sirens are ocean creatures, I will not be outmatched in strength by a mutt," she said, making Rick smile in admiration.

"Good because we are heading there right now," he told her. "You're driving." Kori smiled when she heard that because driving became her favourite thing to do besides reading. When they were in the car, she drove off.

"When we are inside the club, try not to piss off anyone until we get everything about this pack for all we know anyone there might be one of them. We need to know who their Alpha is, how many members it has, how they chose their victims and what they do to them after. We might not be able the accomplish the last one but it is still a goal. I will need you to flirt with some men too to keep our disguise, is that okay with you?"

"You do realise I am a siren, right? Ensnaring men is what I do best," she reminded him. Rick laughed it off as he then focused on the road. He was thinking of what was happening to the world but only one being came to his mind, the Entity that brought him to this world. He was sure Chuck might be able to do this but he didn't because for some reason, he (Rick) knew it was his test but what kind of test he had no idea. The Entity was strong enough to make him be even more powerful and he was sure if he flies to the sun or any star, he would absorb them all, making him even more powerful.

"What are you playing at?" he asked himself as he looked up at the sky. "What do you really want from me?" Kori heard him as he said that but she knew he wasn't talking to her so even though she was curious, she still kept mum and went on driving.

I wanna say thanks to you all for bringing me out of the clichê root. I will make sure my excitement does not get the better of me and I hope you all enjoy.

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