
This Other World

This world’s people use a power called “eloquence”, for either bad or good. Shinji Nozuki formerly Tatsuo Amiya, a 17-year-old female, she the only one in school who always hides her eloquence. She has two friends Antantaru Oshigawa, a 16-years-old male, and Mako Kyouhari, a 17-years-old male, Antantaru’s frenemy. The three go to Yūben Highschool, though it’s tough for her. Will she be able to overcome it and show her true self?

Fely_Rasonabe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Trainee and Traitor

Class is done and we are all going to the "Lost and Found" as our part-time

We are on our way to the park and I'm talking to Mia on the phone

Shinji: We're meeting there later, right?

"Be on time, if you're late, that's a foul"

Shinji: Okay

"Sky's turning orange already. Rush up or it'll get dark in no time"

Antantaru: Damn, you're so quick!

We're running, I don't know why, perhaps it's because we don't have anything else.

Shinji: I feel so free, hey guys, look up at the sky. So pretty!

Mako: We're getting away from this place

Shinji: Say hi to the camera 

Antantaru: Hi!

Shinji: Hey Mako, I like your mood in that position 

Mako: Tch. Shut up.

We have reached our destination 

Mia: Yo! Wendy!

Shinji: I told you not to say that!

Antantaru: H-hey, Mia-san.

Mia: Morning, Antantaru! How are you?

Antantaru: Fine! I'm fine!

Mia: You look like you're perspiring.

Antantaru: No! No, I am not!

Mia: Oh, good morning, Volcano-Head! Did you explode this morning?


Mia: Oh, not even a greeting back.




Shinji: Yo, hush your asses down!

Mia: Well he started it---

I bonked Mia in the head.


Mia: WHY NOT?!

I let out a sigh.

Shinji: Mia Tanaka, fix yourself, please, I beg you.

Mia: How about… No?

Shinji: Miss Mia, you have no letters "n" and "o" to me.

Mia: No!

Shinji: Please… 

Mia: Fine!

Shinji: Thank you! 

Mako: Hey! Ghost-Head!

Shinji: Yeah, what?

Mako: You okay? You're crying.

Shinji: I'm… crying?

Mako: Well, don't ask me that.

Mia: Maybe, because the trainee is coming today, right?

Mako: Maybe...

"Oh shoot! My handkerchief! Where did it go? Oh, there it is!"

I pointed out to the red-haired girl

Shinji: You know what to do…

Mako: What?

Shinji: Run to the shops, dumbasses. The trainee is here.

We ran across the road and went to the Bouquet Shop, down there is the Lost and Found.

Rima: Alright! Trainee!

So Hyun: It's Choi So Hyun… I'm from South Korea.

Shinji: Hey! I'm Shinji!

So Hyun: H-hi! I-I'm a BIG fan!  

Krystal: The trainee that we've been waiting for together is here!

Clover: You look worried!

So Hyun: Sorry, just tensed.

Krystal: It's okay! We were all tense the first time we came here to meet Shinji! She was the first here! She was a bit scary back then.

So Hyun: Okay! I'll not be nervous!

Shinji: Shall we have a celebration? 

So Hyun: For what?

Rima: We've been waiting for this moment! C'mon! You're new!

So Hyun: Eh?

Clover: Come play at my carnival

Krystal: Dude… Every time you meet someone you say that! What's with your carnival?

Clover: Loads of fun!

We started partying… Not long after she cried.

Shinji: Eh? Why cry? You should be happy!

So Hyun: My mother died a week ago… This is her wish, I want her to be happy… Even if she is in heaven or hell. 

Shinji: I need time with her in my office… Come with me. You can call me Shin.

We went to my office, Manager's Office.

Shinji: I know how you feel… We girls have already gone through the same thing.

So Hyun: Thank you…

Shinji: Let me tell you something.

So Hyun: Oh- Okay.

Shinji: In the fairy tale mama read to me 11 years ago…

So Hyun: Hm?

Shinji: The princess and the prince shared a kiss of love, but I still don't understand sweet romance. Just like you, really.

So Hyun: I guess we can relate.

Shinji: I had a friend before. That boy with that confused face, asked me: "Where are you going?" "What are you doing?"

So Hyun: Then? What happened?

Shinji: I couldn't say anything, and I cried

Shinji: I wanted to open my eyes, but I was scared.

So Hyun: It's sad.

Shinji: I told him "Please, wait for me. Because I'll call for you lots and lots very soon…"

So Hyun:  You should stop saying things that seem so ordinary!

I wonder if you were real, or was I just dreaming?

So Hyun: Hey, I wonder if I'll be as pretty as mama one day? I don't know – that's why… My lips are just glossed.

What should I do?


Mako's POV:

12 Years Ago

Walking with our small shoulders side by side

Laughing at every little thing and we were seeing the same dream

" It's so cool! I mean we're in different states! But still!"

Mako: It's nothing! You're very nice, I like you!

" Really? Not all people are like that to me!"

Mako: Well! I'll be different!

" Eh? You don't have to! I like you just the way you are."

Her mother grabbed her arm


"Honey… It's getting late"

Mako: Yeah… I should go now too!

" Bye dear, take care!"

Mako: Thanks!

If you are not there it is boring

Though I think I'll be laughed at if I said I was lonely

" Dear Mako, She has amnesia, it's possible… I wished she hadn't pushed her father to do it..."

Mako: What?! It's impossible! She can't have amnesia!

"... Her last wish was to be able to see you there…" 

Mako: She's such a dumbass!

"...I was once just like you, I lost someone too…"

Mako: …

"...Write whether if you want her to remember you… or not"

" Dear Miss Amiya, someday, the two of us will become adults and meet an amazing person, and if we can meet here again along with our irreplaceable families, it would be enough… I was happy to meet her"


Shinji: Hey, what if everything could be thrown away?"

Mako: What?

Shinji: Wouldn't living happily be easier?

Mako: Dunno.

Shinji: Hey, what if everything could be forgotten? Wouldn't living without tears end up easier?

Mako: Dude, what's in your mind?

No matter how close you bring me

My heart remains one

Shinji: Nothing...

12 Years Ago

Shinji: Stop, please stop, you didn't have to be nice!  

" You have to… run! Please"

It hurts, I'm in pain.

Shinji: Teach me with your words. I don't know any of this, please don't leave me alone

The mansion broke down

Shinji: Horrible, it's horrible! Just take my corpse

" I'm… Sorry… I'll tell your friend you went into a car crash. I'll take your memories so you can start again..."

Shinji: Destroy it, shred it, do what you please! I don't want to live again!

A blue thing came out of her hand… Virgo's Amnesia.

I'm screaming, I'm struggling, and my eyelids are swelling

But you're still holding me close, and won't let go

Shinji: Hey, what if I had a heart? How do I fill that hole?

"Goodbye… I'm sorry."


Clover: At this place… No one can stop me! And my hyper attitude of course!

Krystal: There's no answer, just watch it

Shinji: Don't be deceived by the lie that there is no light in this world, together we will dream a dream that's never been seen before

Rima: A war without loyalty will suffocate you.

Shinji: I know…

I am also a Dark Tail Ability holder… I have 2 faces… A Gemini in the family. A hard to manipulate kid… I'm the manipulator.

Clover: Drop the act! Ling XiaoChen! Ling Xiaolin!

Chen: Hehe! Sorry! Gotta put Shinji here into some serious mode.

Shinji: I am! Hmph!

Lin: Hey! Ji! Wanna play? Cards?

Shinji: Going stronger against the strong? I'd love to gamble!

Lin: Okay!

A little while later

Lin: Damn it! I lost?!

Shinji: I'm sorry, the world was always unfair.

Lin: Again!

Shinji: 'Kay.

Now I move

I don't look

Shinji: What's in my hand?

Lin: Hmph!

Shinji: I never even learned how to do this, even with no tutor. If you wanna learn from me, mind your manners. It's no kids zone. Each game is savage. My life is on the line like a bullfight.

A little while playing

Lin: Queen, Nicely done.

Shinji: My bad you lose. Come on, give it up. Wholly you lose.

So Hyun: So cool!

*Door knocks*

"Hello, long time no see… Shinji"

Shinji: Dude, who-- just who the heck are you?

" You don't remember?"

Shinji: I just asked, so no. I don't remember people who I don't care about

Rio: *whispering* So does that mean she cares about me too?

Rima: *whispering* Dunno. I think it's because she sees you every day.

"... It's sad isn't it… to forget me… Sorry"


My eyes widened for the person I haven't seen for years… My brother, my family member… My traitor...

Shinji: You… murderer… traitor… I hate you...

" The howler has swallowed you, that's the killer"

Shinji: I almost forgot your face…

Rima: Everyone, I advise you to go to the storage.

Rio: Why?


Rio: Kay…

Shinji: Why would you? What have I done to you?

"It's my fault… I know… Blame me all you want… I had to..."

Shinji: I don't…

I think I do... Do I?