

I wake up to my alarm ringing louder than a siren. I get up and look at my calendar, and notice that it's November. For people who are still in school, their Thanksgiving break just ended. I don't even know the school I'm going to so I just get the things I wear every day, black jogging pants, a white-collar shirt, and a light black jacket.

My name is Anzai Sharaku, I am a 2nd-year high school average student- well, almost average. I'm 5 ft. 5in, tall. I have black hair with my tips frosted into a grey, silvery cover I got. I wouldn't call myself fit, or fat, I would just say I'm healthy enough to have a good life.

I live on my own since my parents died in a plane crash a few years ago, and sometimes I hear voices in my head that creep me out. Back to the present, I walk to see an envelope to my door. A red stamp lays on the sealing of the envelope. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk and got the envelope to cut it open. Inside there was a letter. It reads:

"You are gradually invited to attend Meadow View Academy. I have noticed your extraordinary ways in other schools around your original area and we want you in this boarding school in which you'll be rooming with another person. I know this is sudden having a new student this early in the school year. But your mother is a good friend of mine and wanted me to take you in when she isn't able to take care of you anymore. So please, if you accept, there will be a bus in front of your apartment. I hope you will accept this invitation.


Headmaster Sullivan"

I guess that answers my question. I finish my cereal and put it in the dishwasher and open the door to see the driver and tiny people getting bags of my clothes.

"We're taking your stuff into the bus because you are moving into the academy permanently," a tall bearded man says, "Well get on the bus, you'll be late."

"Okay then..." I say, walking into the bus.

After a while of what seems to be a long bus ride, the bus hits a bump making me wake up and out the window was a huge school with many odd looking students. One of them had cat ears and a tail of a cat. Another has horns, another with pointy fluffy ears and a fluffy tail. There were many people that are different sizes tall and short. I thought people were crazy, but it took awhile for me to realize this isn't a normal school.