
This Bad boy drives me crazy.

Nayantara Moorthy the only Daughter of Well Known Doctors in California. Her Parents are both doctors and are quite famous and rich but being the only daughter and getting all the luxuries, Nayantara was still a down to earth and fun loving person deep down a hidden Nerd. Everything is perfect in her life, her grades, her family and her hot Boyfriend Jacob who is every girl's dream boy in Whitfield High School but her perfect life was really that perfect?, Was she really in love with Jacob? The answer of these question changed when in final year there came a transfer student Daniel Kapoor, a bad boy.. They say he is bad and nobody should mess with him.. But Destiny threw Nayantara on his each step.. Will they both find their ways separate from each other or will get along and end up together.. Let's find out..

Missus_Grumpy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Of course you weren't Sugar!

Hold down a second, I don't remember seeing a wall in middle of the corridor before and on cue the wall groaned, "What the hell on Earth" I heard a deep voice and my eyes look up to find the owner of such a sexy voice I have never heard before and Oh Boy what a view.

His eyes are blue as blue as an ocean, he seems around 6 ft tall or maybe more, his hair are dark and were messy as he just came out of bed, he had a pointed nose and his lips were rosy, the kind you want to kiss, devour. He had a perfect jawline, then a perfect cheekbone, his body is perfectly in shape. I can feel the abs hidden underneath his clothes. He wore a black leather Jacket, white tee underneath and a pair of torn black jeans and black boots.

He looked sexy, extremely sexy just like you watch in the movies, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, but well I had to when I heard him talking, "Take a picture it last longer." and I flushed oh Tara.

"I wasn't staring" I blabber and to hide my embarrassment bent down to pick my things up. "Of course you weren't Sugar, now please get out of my way" He rolled his eyes and left in a breath.

"What an arrogant Jerk, how rude was that, he could have just apologized or would have just help me collecting my things. Wasn't he the one who bumped into me." I was huffing in anger now, Okay I admit he is all hot and sexy and I might be giving him that dreamy look but that doesn't mean he can be this cocky and what does he call me Sugar, eww why?

"Well technically it was you who bumped into him but whatever forget that you know I was talking about him only earlier. He is the new student and he is just sooo Hot right. Hotter than your boyfriend." Isabelle cooed and I just rolled my eyes.. Noo he isn't hotter than Jacob Nada.

"And I guess he is an Indian too, but he got that sexy accent so where do you think he must have grown up? " Yeah he looked brown too just like me. "Not every Asian is from India Belle, he could be from different country, there are many. And I don't care where did he grew up, he is a cocky jerk that's it end of discussion and I hope I don't see him anymore." But not your every prayer is answered by Aiyappa right. If you are wondering What's Aiyappa then let me tell you I am a Tamil Hindu and we pray from Aiyappa, so yes that's our God.

I was sitting in the Advance Chemistry when second time in the day my eyes met with his blue ones, his eyes are really pretty. We locked eyes for a second and than he smirked which let me frown. Jerk.

"So Everyone let's welcome a new Student here, Welcome Mr. Kapoor please introduce yourself to the class." He took a deep breath and I know everyone was looking at him interestingly moreover the girls, boys were just glaring, of course they got a new competition..

"Hello, The name is Daniel Kapoor and I have moved to California just a week back from London.." Yeah that explains the thick accent he have. "Are you an Asian?" a girl who I recognize from the cheerleading squad asked batting her fake eyelashes. Ughh bimbos. I don't know why I felt please when I saw a bored look on his face. Well he didn't seem interested.

"Half. I am half Indian.." So he is an Indian too just like me. Well interesting.. "Oh great so you are the second Indian student in this School. congrats Ms. Moorthy you got a company, go take your seat Mr. Kapoor.." Ms. Jenkins our teacher announced and he shot me another smirk and I rolled my eyes. With the lazy steps he troll towards his seat and then only I realize the only empty seat in the class was just behind me. Oh Aiyappa why me, I took my head in my hands and mourn over my bad luck. I was stuck with him for a whole Darn year and I hope he is not in any more of my classes. Please Aiyappa please.


It was lunch and I was already exhausted, don't know when this stupid school will end. I just wanna go home. And you know Daniel was in my English class too. Well we didn't talk or anything, he also had a seat far far away from me. It's just that his presence made me uncomfortable. Why, I don't know. I just hate that boy, the boy with prettiest eyes in the whole word. Okay stop there Tara, you have a boyfriend who is waiting for you at lunch so make use of these pretty legs of yours. And my lips curl up into a smile thinking about Jacob, I haven't seen him since morning and I have missed him.

Okay whom you are trying to fool Tara, your thoughts were quite occupied with that new boy, you didn't think about Jacob for even a second. I immediately felt guilty. I look at Belle waiting at my locker, I pass her a smile and after putting my stuff inside, I walked towards Cafeteria linking my arms with her. Today was my day to have lunch with Jacob.

I know what you are thinking, so actually I and Jacob do not sit together everyday. As you know he is a Jock and have lunch with the populars at there table. While Isabelle and I use to have alone. But since the day I turned his gf, he insisted me to have lunch with him. I don't like any of his friends and visa versa but also don't want to break his heart so we come up to a solution that Mon, wed and Friday I will sit with them and other two days at my old table with Belle. And yes Belle also sits with me for lunch with populars. I am her only friend and I wasn't going to leave her alone like that.

Belle and I get in the line for food, I look over and Jacob is not in here yet. Must be running late I guess. Unlike others our School actually serve great food. We took our lunch and were moving towards the table, when I saw Jacob entering inside I grinned at him. He was texting someone on Phone, I guess whom. His face was so glued to the phone that he didn't look where he was going and then he collided with someone's back.

Daniel Kapoor, yeah that someone named Daniel. Jacob's phone fell on the ground and I gasped, the guy is so obsessed with his gadgets, he is totally gonna flip if something's broke.

"Watch out dude, look where you going." Daniel said in an annoyed tone and Jacob gave him a death stare, he picked up his phone and the way he took a deep breath, I knew it was broken. Oh boy I sense trouble. I look at Isabelle and she shared same panic look with me.

"You Twat you broke my phone and you have the nerve to talk back with me." I gasped, ok I might be his gf and I like him a lot but it was clearly Jacob's fault. he bumped into him not the other way around. He shouldn't talk like that. Well did I tell you Jacob has temper issue.

Daniel leaned forward and said in a deathly whisper, "Watch your tongue boy.." Daniel's back was towards me so I couldn't see his face but I don't know if I am correct or not, I saw Jacob got scared for a minute but he covered up just in seconds.

"Or what, yeah what you gonna do, you piece of shit.." And with that he pushed Daniel. Okay this is not gonna end well, I passed my tray to Belle and made my way towards them, Quite a Crowd is gathered there right now. I saw Caleb standing there with an amused expression. What did he find funny here?

"Oh Jacky boy calm your tits.. It's just a phone buy a new one. I thought you are loaded.." Caleb tease, which I thought to ease the moment and I was grateful for that. He is a nice guy see.

"Shut your stupid mouth Caleb, nobody asked for your advice and you apologize right now you son of a" he couldn't complete the sentence as Daniel hold his collars, he was angry like very angry just like a Mad bull.. I jumped from fear and immediately came in front to let his hold loosen a bit but he didn't budge.

"Let him go Please, just let it go Principal is just around you guyz are seeking trouble. Please let it go.." I got tears in my eyes, I pleaded both of them to stop, the moment he heard my voice and looked over, his eyes turned softer, he stared at me for a minute and dashed out from there in a second..

We were sitting on the table eating silently nobody spoke anything. Jacob was still angry over his phone and on me as I interrupted his fight. I let him be, I know he will be okay in sometime.

"So What did we miss.." And my ears almost bleed on this extra fake and highly pitched voice. That's why I was wondering why I wasn't feeling so bad at this table today. of course because the Witches with a B were not there right.

"Nothing much just the fact that Jacob is quite on edge today, but nothing you can't fix Rosaline.." Jonathan Winked at her and she giggled well did they forget his Gf is right here. I look over them and almost stop myself from gagging. Rosaline the typical classic Queen bee of school. No doubt she is pretty with a great body but she is a most disaster of a person. Hot on her tails were her two bestfriends Makayla and Bianca and I hate 3 of them by heart. They were the girls who can open their legs for anyone who is rich and popular. Rosaline, well is always glued to Jacob and that is one more reason I hate her. Apparently they are best friend and I can't do anything about it. So I have to bear her for his sake.

She flirted with him right in front of my eyes and he smiled so now he is in a good mood. Okay so she can make him smile but I can not, what kind of a gf I am. Lunch was about to get over so I look at Belle and motioned her to leave. Jacob didn't even notice that, he was so busy with her. I almost cried. "He is not worth it Tara, I don't know why you don't realize this." I didn't say anything to her and just moved to my next class.

Finally this dreaded day came to an end and I make a run to go home, I can't stand school anymore. So I find out that Daniel is in my rest of the 3 classes too so that make it 5. Wow, 5 classes together with that Jerk, Yayy life. note the sarcasm. He didn't talk to me in any of the class, neither to anyone else Except Caleb. Yeah him and I share a class with Caleb, Advance Mathematics. the guy was smart huhh.. Good looks and a sharp brain. Okay Tara chuck it out so yeah we three share the same class and unfortunately the same desk. Yes we are desk partners. But he didn't spoke or made any rude remarks so I guess we are safe for now and hope it remains the same for rest of the year.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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