
This Bad boy drives me crazy.

Nayantara Moorthy the only Daughter of Well Known Doctors in California. Her Parents are both doctors and are quite famous and rich but being the only daughter and getting all the luxuries, Nayantara was still a down to earth and fun loving person deep down a hidden Nerd. Everything is perfect in her life, her grades, her family and her hot Boyfriend Jacob who is every girl's dream boy in Whitfield High School but her perfect life was really that perfect?, Was she really in love with Jacob? The answer of these question changed when in final year there came a transfer student Daniel Kapoor, a bad boy.. They say he is bad and nobody should mess with him.. But Destiny threw Nayantara on his each step.. Will they both find their ways separate from each other or will get along and end up together.. Let's find out..

Missus_Grumpy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Nayantara Moorthy😇

The only Indian girl in Whitfield High with petite figure, long brown hair, hazel eyes and pouty lips.. Rich, classy, quiet and a hidden nerd. Best friend Isabelle and boyfriend Jacob.

Daniel Kapoor🥵

A mysterious transfer student in senior year.. Half Indian- Half British. Hot as hell with a 6ft height, blue eyes and great body. An arrogant bad boy who likes to be alone.. only best friend Caleb..

Isabelle Geller☺️

A cute blondie nerd but loves to dress up and talk about boys.. Nayantara's best friend since Kindergarten.. very pretty, no boyfriend..

Jacob Smith😋

A hot and handsome jock.. soccer captain, girls swoon over him but he is in a healthy relationship with Nayantara..

Caleb Jones 😆

Another hot stuff in Whitfield high, A bad boy like Daniel and his only friend since his first day in school... A funny and charming kid everyone like.. Also friend with Rosen.

Rosalyn Martin 😏

Queen bee of School.. very pretty outside but worst from inside.. wants Jacob like every other girl and hate Nayantara by heart.. Sister of Rosen.

Rosen Martin 😊

Twin brother of Rosalyn a complete sweetheart, shy and a hidden nerd.. doesn't like his sister..

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