
007- Year One (Part 5) Christmas POV's

(A/N: Well I can't make a chapter without putting these now but hello guys hope you keep reading. Sort chapter since it is just them all getting their gifts.)


Well it has been some months since the Halloween incident and somehow it came out to Harry beating the troll, the only person mad about this story was Hermione who complained to him. Sam explained that he didn't want the glory so she let it go but pouted awhile, he had to poke at her cute cheeks before she got over it.

November started the season for Quidditch but Sam ignored the games he didn't see the fun in it, all he saw was the fact that someone could fall off and get hurt even with the nurse there. So instead he talked Hermione to spending time with him in the library but the thing as that she did end up getting caught in Harry and Ron's adventure.

He let her do it though but told Dumbledore if anything happened to her that the school would know his wrath, that got the old man to at least follow them when they went sneaking around. Hermione hadn't told him about it, which hurt, but he saw the same signs like when she asked him about Nicolas Flamel, he told her to find out for herself though since she wouldn't tell him why.

That led to the two of them in a mini fight, he ignored her and started to sit at his own house table, Draco was the first to talk to him since he knew it was weird for them to be apart. He brushed it off though hoping Hermione would tell him herself, but at the moment he didn't see that happening.

It was now about to be Christmas break and Sam already sent out all his presents to all his friends.


Hermione POV*

I was sad since I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to Sam before leaving, we weren't talking ever since I didn't tell him why I was looking that person up. It was Ron's fault though he hated Sam and said I couldn't help them anymore if I told Sam about it, I felt bad about it though and wanted to tell him.

That is why I went ahead and sent him his present along with an explanation, Sam was my only real friend at the moment, I know he stayed back for Christmas but I had to see my parents. I missed them dearly.

On Christmas day when I got up I rushed down stairs and squealed seeing all the presents there for me, my parents smiled at me and told me to go right at them. Giving them each a big hug and kiss I ran over to the presents and started to rip them open, always the biggest first too.

The biggest was actually from Sam, looking at the colorful box I didn't wait to open it, looking inside I gasped but before moving to those I looked at his letter first.

-Dear Mione,

I know we have been fighting these last two months but you are still my best friend and I will always love you for that. No matter how much we fight I will still always be there to give you presents I hope you like them and I will see you when you come back to school.

-Yours Sam

I wiped the tears away even though the letter was small it still touched my heart reading it, looking back into the box a huge smile took over my face as I looked at everything. First was a purple backpack, reaching inside I smiled when I could fit half my body inside, I still remember him saying on the train how he would give me one of these and he actually kept his promise to me.

Putting it to the side I looked what was beneath that, there were two of his cell phones with him saying they were for my parents, I remember him saying that they could be used by non magical people. Smiling I took them over and told them about it, they knew about mine but I could never call them since it didn't work that way but now we could keep in touch.

My parents were happy to see the phones and my mom said she wanted to give Sam the biggest hug possible since he made this happen for them. I smiled thinking that my parents really would love Sam he is such a nice person, I really am glad that I met him on the train that day.

Going back to the box I gasped picking up the next thing, it was book but that isn't why I gasped, on the cover read 'Morgan 'Morgana' Le Fay's Grimoire' my hands trembled holding that. There was also a note from him explaining it was passed down to him but that he thought she should keep it because and I quote 'You are way smarter then me, I know you will put everything inside to good use.'

I smiled when I read that part but also because he charmed it so that only I could read it, if someone else got it then it would catch fire and be lost.

That knocked everything else out of the water it wasn't until later that I looked inside and saw the rest it was one last not explaining the textbooks. When I read that he was still doing muggle school I got my parents to help me do it too, he was right just incase we didn't stay in the magical world I needed to finish my schooling.

I didn't get to bed that night until three in the morning stuck reading everything from Morgana's book, the smile on my face was there even when I woke up.


Draco POV*

Like every year I got presents from Sam but this time it was aloud in the house ever since he was know as the last Le Fay and that he made the cell phones. My father was proud that I was already friends with him, he was even prouder to learn that we were best friend actually giving me a smile.

Opening the blank book sent to me from Sam I was shocked when some beam of light entered my head, a flow of knowledge went through but I couldn't fully grasp it. That was until it was over and the book now read, Spells for the Parseltongue speaker, when I realized that neither of my parents could read the word right I knew what happened.

I jumped for joy telling them about the new ability I just gained, to say they were shocked was an understatement but my father was much prouder now laughing like a loon. Shaking my head I took out the last gift which was a card to be used on my favorite game giving me free in game money and diamonds, this was a million times better then the Parseltongue.


Neville POV*

Gran watched me sternly as I opened the presents from Sam, there was only three things one was a book on herbology and all their uses, another was a note and the last was a gift card. Surprisingly the note was for Gran but when she read it I saw her eyes go wide before she looked over at me, I sat a little straighter seeing that but held her gaze.

"I am sorry Neville I didn't know that is why you couldn't accel in your classes, make sure that you thank Mr. Le Fay for me when you return for classes. Hand me that gift car please." She said in a polite tone which shocked me to my core.

Coming back to myself I reached in and grabbed the card, I got a quick look and it seemed to be for a discount on a new wand, "What is it Gran?" I asked using all the courage I could muster inside of me.

She paused as she went to walk off, "Your friend has made me realized something I should have known, every good wizard needs a wand that is custom to them. That is why you weren't able to do magic as well and we mistake you for a squib but that will change as we are going to get you a new wand later."

To say I was shocked again would be true, then a smile took over my face, I didn't think I would get a present from Sam but it looked like I really needed to thank him when school started again. Wasting no time I opened the Herbology book, unknown to me my eyes were shinning and Gran was watching from just around the corner a small smile on her face.


Harry POV*

I wasn't expecting gifts when I came downstairs it was honestly a big surprise to me, I only had two more left at the moment, one from someone who left no name and the last from Sam. Since Sam actually put his name on his I went ahead and opened his first, looking inside there seemed to be only one thing and it looked like a picture frame.

Reaching in I picked it up and realized that it was double sided, I was nervous I don't know why but tears were coming out of my eyes the more I turned over the picture. I could hear Ron calling me but I ignored him as I finally turned over the picture, sitting in the frame were two people who smiling at me.

On one side was a beautiful woman with auburn hair and shinning green eyes kind of like my own, on the bottom there was a name, Lilly J. Potter. With the frame shaking I looked over to the other side there was a man inside the only difference between me and him was our eye color, looking at the bottom tears flowed more since it read, James Potter.

Suddenly I felt a prick on my finger as the frame cut me from holding it to tight, I was going to move to clean it but something magical happen. The pictures started to glow before the two in the pictures started to move, they were just blinking at first before looking at each other then back at me,

"Lilly is this who I think it is, ahh who am I kidding I would notice your eyes anywhere, it's out Harry!" James laughed while looking at me with fond eyes,

Lilly couldn't even say anything as she was crying, "Oh my Harry look at you!! Are you eating well??? Where are we is this the Gryffindor common room, oh my I wish I was there to hug you but I am so proud you got into our house. Are you smart like me or dumb like your nitwit father there??" she was so excited while crying asking him anything.

"Hey I am not a nitwit!!!" James yelled back but there was loving smile on his face as he looked at his wife.

I was stunned though my tears came harder, no one would ever really tell me anything about my parents but here they were actually talking to me. They were now like the moving pictures in the school they were real, I could actually speak to my parents.

The reality of what Sam got me made me so happy, I couldn't look away from either of them and kept talking, no one was taking this chance from me. I didn't even notice the few people that came back in the room crowding me as I sat there speaking to my parents, they ignored everyone else to.

For the rest of the night I talked to them and actually fell asleep in the common room, I completely forgot about the other present that was left for me. But I knew that I needed to go find Sam tomorrow and thank him, Ron might be my best friend and I hate what he did to him but Sam was my true friend giving me something no one else could.


Third Person Sam POV*

It was breakfast and the day after Christmas as he sat in the great hall, the teachers were already there enjoying their meal. Suddenly the doors to the great hall were thrown opening catching everyone's attention he looked over and saw Harry running to him with a picture frame in his hand and a wide smile.

"SAM!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!" Harry said everyone's attention was now on the two of them, "Mom and dad also want to thank you." he said turning the picture frame to Sam.

"You must be Sam Le Fay the kid our son told us about, thank you so much for giving us this gift." Lilly Potter nee Evans said with a wide smile at him.

"Yes thank you me and my wife couldn't ask for anything more." James said with another smile on his face.

The whole place was quite and the Teachers all were wide eyed hearing the conversation, as Sam was telling them it was no problem every teacher ran over looking at the picture. The gasped seeing that it was truly the Potters, Snape looked torn though seeing the picture but there was a fondness in his eyes.

"How!" Dumbledore said his eyes wide looking to Sam.

Sam just smiled not say a thing, he didn't need to explain to anyone he was just helping a kid out who deserved to get to know his parents. Taking a last bite of his food he stood up and left the hall with everyone watching his back as he left, his only thought though was to see Hermione, he missed her.

Short but I like it.

Pink_Ghostycreators' thoughts
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