
What wasnt meant to be

E/N: sorry guys i had to work a couple double shifts this weekend and with the holidays coming up, well you know how the grind do. 2 maybe 3 chapters lol....work grind this was 2 weeks ago lol

Phillip walked along the path of many empty buildings. This area has really been forgotten since most transplanted to the city. He walked up to the orphanage where he saw some of the kids playing outside. Fred, George, and Ryan were all outside playing with a ball. After throwing it for awhile with them and telling them a few extra jokes he went inside to check on the little ones and Gertrude.

When he walked in he noticed Bella and Kelly in the front room playing with some dolls. Bella looked dirty as if she had gotten that way after playing with the three boys outside. As soon as she noticed Phillip she threw the doll out of her hands and immediately ran to hug him. She jumped up for him to carry her on his hips.

With a grunt Phillip accepted the gesture, "Oomph, you're getting bigger do you know that?" He said jokingly as Bella giggled back.

"Where did you go?" Bella asked as her countenance changed to that of a puppy dog look, her bottom lip protruding.

"I was hanging out with some friends," he said softly as he was getting ready to sit on the couch, putting Bella down in the process. She held on to the frabric of his shoulder. Phillip began to explain to her that he might not be able to see her as much as often. But he promised her that he would still read her a bedtime story whenever he could.

"okay," she pouted with a childs skepticism. "hopefullwy the monsters dont come back then.

Phillip frowned. He was starting to worry, why was this child still claiming to see monsters. At first he could see it fit as a childs ploy of imagination. But with the trace of fear in her voice right now he was beginning to think that it might be something more. Gertrude had noticed it to, and she took her to some regular care doctors with all of them saying it was just that, a child imagination.

Phillip was asking himself if he should ask Professor Xavier, though he would have to tell him his situation. Not even James or Jordan knew that he lived in a foster home. "After consoling Bella some more, and chit chatting with Kelly, he went to find Gertrude to talk about the current situation with the homeless babysitter, he was suppose to come by in just a little bit.

On his way to the laundry room where Phillip thought that she might be, he stopped and checked on some off the babies who were blissfully sleeping away. How nice that must be, thought Phillip, to sleep everyday without a care in the world. He walked along the hallway and opened the door to the laundry room where he saw Gertrude folding clothes. Her face looked red as if she was in a sullen mood, as if to be the aftereffects of crying. There was also a particular regular butler whom would help with chores more than taking care off the children.

Gertrude saw Phillip walk in with a quizzical expression. She stopped folding and she looked at him. "Hi Phillip," she sweetly said as she smiled, a complete turnaround of her usual banter.

"Whats going on?" Phillip asked worriedly.

Gertrude looked to and nodded to dismiss the butler. After the butler bowed and left she took a seat on one of the chairs that was in the laundry room. "Sit down Phillip," she patted the seat next to her as if to express her intention for him to sit down. He hesitantly looked around as he sat down next to her.

"Look if youre that upset over the homeless man i can tell him that we are no longer looking," Phillip started before Gertrude cut him off.

"Phillip we are going to lose the orphanage," she said with a breaking up voice and a smile.

Phillip paused," W-what do you mean?" he said as he was about to tear up.

Gertrude began to as well, she didnt want to lose this place either. The orphanage had been in her family name for generations, but before Phillip showed up at the orphanage, an accident happened to her parents and she took over for them. After dwindling resources and lack thereof of Traffic to the orphanage, they'd only took in unknown foster babies at the doorsteps and could not find a home for them.

"I know you went through the letters with the government explaining our money situation," Gertrude said as she wrapped her arm around Phillip. "I wasn't mad that you found out, i was mad that you went through my mail." She narrowed her watery eyes as she tried to keep her composure and breaking smile together.

"I recieved another letter from them with a settlement for the deed to the property and assistance to find homes for the children. They gave me an ultimatum, either get the settlement or walk away without the building or the money, the banks own that. They want to build new roads and tear down the rest of this town. They think it looks to ugly for tourists." Phillip looked at her in reverie.

"I know you act like you don't care about this place, but i know you do." Phillip listened as a single tear dropped down his face with one following on Gertrudes soon after. "Ive been able to set appoitments for the other children for possible candidates for homes."

"What about Bella?" Phillips voice trembled as he tried to keep his tears back, his heart sunk as he waited for the reply.

Gertrude smiled a little and said,"No i haven't found anything for her yet i wanted to talk to you first about it."

Phillip let out a trembling long sigh as his mouth opened and closed to take in more air, him still trying to keep his tears back. "What about me?"

"I wanted to talk to you about that as well." She dusted off her pants and got up. Phillip got as well as he wiped the tears off with his sleeve. Gertrude began to do some laundry and Phillip started to help her with the folding. "Im thinking of taking the money, and i found a place in the eastside of the city." She paused and stopped doing laundry for a moment.

She looked towards Phillip. "Im thinking of adopting you and Bella." Phillip too paused as she said that. "Do you really mean that? he said with a child like innocence.

"Yes i do, i want to look after Bella with all the nightmares she's been having and well," she looked over towards Phillip, "We know no one wants you." She said the last part with a giggle and a sniffle with a smile.

"Ha, shut the fuck up," Phillip replied.

"No of course no one wants you," she smiled as she began to wrap her arm around him more tightly. Phillip let out a laughing scoff as he shrugged off some of the pressure she was applying. "With the money i can get from this place, i wont be getting a lot, but itd be enough to rent put a place for awhile and my job right now can still support up to a couple more people. Im going to tell the other kids later but i figured i should tell you and get the easier one out the way first. Anyways you go ahead and go play, you shouldnt be worrying about these things your age."

With a drawn out tone Phillip replied, "Okay."

With a final glance towards Gertrude he walked up to his small little room. With a sigh he fell face down on his pillow. He started to text James and Jordan on his cheap little phone about girls, while he was waiting for their replies he started to let out the mist. He hadnt even told Gertrude the full extent of his power and he was wondering if he should or not.

He condensed some of the mist into that of the wolf pup, then the room filled up with mist again. With its lifelike bearing the wolf pup laid on top of Phillips chest with a pant with its tounge out. Phillip started to look into the pups blue eyes and it was starting to look realer and realer to him. It wasnt truly lifelike for there was no glean in the eye and no personality as of yet, however it was starting to get one.

He sat up cross legged. He put the lap sized wolf into his lap and let it chill there. He wanted to be able to form him for longer periods of time so hed let him roam free when no one was looking. He looked at the mist around him and began to ponder. He drew back the mist until it enshrouded his person. He was still visible yet there was an inch or two veil of mist around him.

Phillip took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He started to release more and more mist but he wanted it to go no further than just outside the veil. His entire body was starting to encapsulate that of the mist. His blonde hair turned gray with the tiny pieces of mist particles. It grew a little bit longer too, with his fade cut, he looked like a total badass.

The mist started to give him am entire bodysuit of moving light gray particles. The only skin showing was his clavicles and that above them. His neck, and his face was still a little pale, like normal, but he looked like an entirely different person. He suddenly opened his eyes, his irises shining a bright blue light. He looked down in his lap, the pup was laying down as if it was asleep. How lazy could something be he thought.

Phillip raised his light gray suit colored hands to his face. He condensed his mist wolf claws. The tiny particles moving ever so faster to the tips of his fingers. He got up, in doing so waking up the pup. He stood in front of his body mirror in his room and looked at himself. He looked like a platinum badass! Phillip was giddy as even if he didnt have amazing combat potential he still looked cool. The wolf followed and stood beside him like a little sidekick. They looked as if they could fade within the background if it wasnt for their shining blue eyes. Phillip curled his claws, looking a little bit more menacing. There was a knock on his door.

Phillip jolted at the sudden intrusion to his thought and he dissipated the mist veil that enshrouded him. With an open of the door he saw that it was Bella, her face a little red and teary eyed. Gertrude mustve told her.

"Wead me a bedtime storwy!" Bella said rather forcefully. She brought her blankey dragging behind her and was biting the tip of her thumb. Phillip was taken aback, she must not be in a good mood but he smiled because the way she said it was cute with the high pitched tone.

"Alright alright come in," he beckoned her. "This time im going to tell you the story of these three dudes who got hangovers and woke the next day not knowing what the fucked happened as they try go figure it out." That cheered Bella up some as she crawled into the bed with Phillip as they got ready to go to sleep.

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