
The Wrong Kind of Angel

Penulis: Ruby Moone
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What is The Wrong Kind of Angel

Baca novel The Wrong Kind of Angel yang ditulis oleh penulis Ruby Moone yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. A reluctant angel, three not terribly wise men, two gorgeous men on a starlit chase to find a child ... It can only be Christmas.<br><br>It’s Christmas 1817 and Captain Charles Farrington has accepted...


A reluctant angel, three not terribly wise men, two gorgeous men on a starlit chase to find a child ... It can only be Christmas.<br><br>It’s Christmas 1817 and Captain Charles Farrington has accepted that he is destined to live alone. That is, until Christmas Eve, when a startlingly handsome man crashes into his home and his life.<br><br>Harry Valentine is a man on the run. A man with secrets. He hasn’t time to fall for the angel who rescued him and, in any case, he knows that once Charlie realises the truth about him, there will be no future for them.<br><br>Harry’s warmth makes Charles face up to the demons in his past and shows him that he can have a family. All he has to do is persuade Harry to stay. But Charlie knows that, despite whatever Harry says, he’s the wrong kind of angel for happy endings.

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Classic Isekai Bullshit

Its the same old wanked power fantasy cliché with op protag anyway — just amped up to high dimensional scale, metaphysical fights and confusing yet at the same time not-confusing philosophical concepts — hence makes me too lazy to make an equally cliché synopsis, just read what's below I guess... Writing Quality: For the question of grammar or wording, tis fine, maybe your head just can't wrap around the concepts ...that's what my biased human opinion atleast. Objectively speaking, sometimes it's just a bunch of needless mutterings of info dumps put together to make a text as if I'm translating Azathoth's mutterings. Story development: IDK, tis free-writing with the only intention of wish fulfillment so just don't expect any sort of deeply inlaid plot or whatever shit my sleep deprived brain knows it cannot come up with. Though it may come to the point that you may think that I wrote high as a kite, thy'd been warned. Character Design: The protagonist's to be honest is just pure chaos, most of the time he acts crazier than the fucking Joker himself — just doesn't give a fuck. Yet at the same time the most clear head and sanest person you can ever think of. Well, they did say that the silver lining between genius and madness is as thin as your dick... ......which is relative to the perception of who is reading, on both ways. Note: While some characters might not be the heroine, but with thier actions, they surely is on heroin. Updates: Whenever I'm in the mood ...or whenever I remember that I even wrote this. Maybe if readers were to stone me a hundred or so, I may consider a consistent every 2 weeks update. Or better yet, stone me a thousand and I shall indubitably update once or thrice a week. As for hundred thousand stones ...I shall wake up to reality. Warning: Same as many of you, I can't commit to shit. What a big red flag, right? World Background: As it is an Omniversal scale fantasy novel, everything shall be explored, no possible world shall be spared. The setting will usually take place in the academy and the Multiverse where the main cast reside but they shall venture out to explore the vast Omniverse more often as I update. In philosphy, ever heard of the term 'Fictional Realism'? if you do, then congratulations, you may know what's comin', not that its significat in the story anyway. Anyways, read at your own risk. 【WARNING】 This work may cause the great threats of stomach ache from sever laughter inducing contents, headache from hard to understand concepts, and eye strain from reading at 3 am in morning. ⚠️ 【DO NOT READ THE SECTION BELOW if you want to still be part of society. It may ruin your life, seriously. Just continue to read the first chapter and so on.】⚠️ Then there was the mere side-effects and not much of a threat to your 'physical health' such as.... ....existential crisis for its heavy huse of ontological concepts, nihilism for exploring various types of metaphysical concepts, anxiety for exploring the affect of time and other such concept too deeply, and all of the above ultimately leading to a sever case of depression. Shush, don't tell those who isn't curious enough to actually read this section. What? Cringe, right? I know, hehe. Just read on I guess.

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Learning the art of seduction in kinder garden.

I was inspired to finally write this novel after reading Reverend Insanity. I've always wished to write a truly evil main character. Most main characters in novels, especially those of the cultivation genre are quite shallow in my opinion, collecting women like pokemon while breezing through cultivation at such high speeds due to their cheats that it reduces cultivation which is a concept i am quite fond of into just a mechanism to stimulate dopamine in the reader after every break through. Cultivation should be a hard and time consuming endeavor that takes one an entire life of dedication in order to achieve the smallest of feats, and yet even though the protagonist is often just a brat without even a hundred of years of life experience under his belt he often manages to obliterate, outsmart and out skill opponents that have lived for thousands of years. Just like Gu Zhen Ren i wish to write a story that dismantles the common cultivation novel plots and cliches. I wish to write a story with a believable world and characters. To construct a main character that isn't hung up on morality or swayed by beautiful woman. I do not wish to write a juvenile that only thinks with their genitals, possessing the personality of a wooden bucket. On the other hand although I love Fang Yuan and greatly enjoy reading about him and his philosophy, i do not wish to write a complete pragmatist for i know that i won't enjoy writing such a character. I wish to write about a calm, calculating schemer who can't help but dip their toes into insanity every now and then. A person who will never hesitate to cross the line. A person that views morals and virtues as naught but tools to exploit. A person who will trample, exploit and use everyone and everything available to them to achieve their ends. I wish to write about the greatest evil who will eat their own babies for fun!

Lustful_Death · Fantasi Timur
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4 Chs


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