
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

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15 Chs

The Thrill Of Being On Top

Outside the the supposed armory of the temple, Luke and Agatha, the male and female guide were looking at the door to the armory in disdain.

"I can't believe they thought they were heroes!" Agatha said, making a spitting gesture. Luke did not reply to her and just kept staring at the door, simmingly in thought.

"Luke?" Agatha asked looking worried. When Luke was lost in thought, it ment that something was not right.

"I have not seen a race that had such distinct eyes" Luke slowly said. "The elf was surprising, but not as shocking as those two." Agatha knew he was talking about that man and woman with the strange eyes, the elf was not really that important.

"You mean you don't know the race they belong to?" Agatha was shocked, how was this possible. Luke was the next in line to inherit the position of temple priest, that was the main reason why she tried her utmost best to get unto his bed and succeded. Of course there was the occassional arguements betweem her and those jealous cunts who wasted their own opportunities, she had never been better.

Though it was against the rules for disciples to be intimate in and out of the temple grounds, as the future priest, Luke could of course bend some rules to his favour and there was nobody to protest against it.

With such a juicy title literally dangling infront of him, Luke spared no effort to make sure his crowning was assured and set in stone, so he made sure to always visit the library of the temple to learn about the myriad of races around so as to not be caught of guard and repeat the mistakes of those before him.

Agatha knew of this and had always told him not to worry about such a thing, but his words shocked her.

"Relax? not to worry? ha! it seems you don't understand what this temple stands for in the human kingdom." He said looking out his window . "In the human kingdom, the temple not only summons heroes to fight the battles we are lazy to fight, but it also serves as a beacon of hope, a false hope actually, people believe the rulers of the human kingdom are the royal family, but in actuality..." He looked at Agatha with his golden eyes, shinning like the rays of the sun. "It is the temple that governs the populace, the royal family serves as the dog that we the temple use to control the sheeple."

That was the first time she saw him that excited about it. 'If only he was that excited about sex.' She murmured.

"Tell the grand priestess that I will be heading to the temples library" Luke spoke as he headed in the direction of the temples library. Agatha just sighed and went to deliver the news of a job welldone.

As she made her way to the grand priestess's quarters, she passed by some disciples that greeted her along the way. Some fawningly and others with resentment or envy in their tone.

This made her feel powerful. "Just a few more years till that old hag dies and will be on top of the temple and the kingdom at large" She said, she was not scared of being heard, but rather she was scared she was not heard. She was that arrogant.


Back in the armory. Daimos and Thusixla were looking at the room filled with people wearing white robes and were all holding weapons ranging from swords to rapiers to spears, Daimos even saw some of them holding tridents.

Behind Daimos and Thusixla was the now shut door and surrounding them in a semi-circle like formation was their white robed attackers.

"I will leave this to you" Daimos said to Thusixla as he tried to look for a way out. With Likyl's small mind space, his arsenal of abilities was limited. 'I will have to take another seer when we get back' Daimos thought as he fully dived into the consciousness of Likyl.

Thusixla on the other hand gave a predatory smile as her tentacles slowly appeared behind like a phantom.

The white robed men were shocked when they saw this. This was the first time they saw a race that could summon tentacles from their bodies.

"DO NOT FALTER, GET RID OF THIS BEAST!!!" Thusixla guessed that the voice belonged to the leader of this group but she did not care. Fisrtly, Daimos left such a task for her because he felt that she was competent, secondly, she was still pissed about losing the storage bracelet and let Daimos down and thirdly, since Daimos left such a task for her, it shows he still loved her and would still do some naughty things with her, maybe some tentacle play(Not really).

"You guys are life savers, I was looking for where to vent my anger" Thusixla did not finish her sentence and dashed right for the edge of the semi-circle. Her speed was so fast that the men thought they were seeing after images, but inactuality, only the men at the edge were seeing this, the rest just saw her running and the captain gave an order for the archers to take aim.

Thusixla looked at direction the captain was and felt that he was either uncaring about his men or dumb. How can you fire at a target heading straight for your men, what if the arrows hit them?, right now, what the captain of the group needed was alot of men to out number them.

Thusixla continued her charge and reached the first man, before he could draw his sword, a tentacle pierced his chest and also impaled the man behind him, killing them both. Their formation was okay, but it seemed that the captain forgot that the light from Daimos blue rings were not that bright enough to reach the back of their formation and this was why he also miscalculated and told his archers to fire.

"Shit! mages!! light the hall!!!" The captain yelled and the mages quickly illuminated the room... But the sudden flash of light blinded the archers and some of them released their arrows in the process of shielding their eyes. The captain also squinted his eyes and when he got accustomed to the light, he realised that the left side of his semi-circle formation was already decimated, with some of them having to have been pierced by arrows.

"What the-" He was in shock. How did he lose this many men, no, why did he give such an order?! and how did those archers who could look into the sun for over ten minutes and still be able to hit a target 50 metes away suddenly get blinded from light produced by the mages?... Wait... The captain then realised that the blur rings that Daimos summoned were strangely shinning on his men and was not really illuminating the place.

Thusixla also noticed this and realised that Daimos had already set the stage for her, all she had to do was kill. A smile appeared on Thusixla's face as she continued her killing spree.

Piercing, stranggling crushing and even causing some of the white robed to fight each other. The person she was looking for now was the captain.

The other men at the right side of the semi-circle were all under a different influence, the captain did not notice but these men seemed... Off, like they had their power off buttons pressed then suddenly they started bleeding from their nose,ears,eyes and mouth and collapsed to the floor. This was why Daimos was not worried that Thusixla attacked the left side and left the right side alone.

In a room inside the temple, the grand priestess calmly held a crystal in her hand and imbuded it with her magic and spoke.

"Send in the judgement army" She then slowly put the crystal down and looked at the holographic like screen infront of her. 'They will be good assets to the temple if captured'.


There was a knock on the door and she could already tell who it was without even sending a probe outside her door.

"Come in" She said and skillfully hid her disgust at the woman about to enter her office.

"Grand priestess" Agatha entered and slowly bowed to the old hag sitting infront of the desk that would soon be hers in due time. Agatha composed herself and stood straight.

The grand priestess on the other looked like how an old and caring grandmother would look when facing her grandchildren. Agatha knew it was fake but did not care and apoke.

"The aliens have been put in the cleansing hall and should be dead soon" Agatha said showing a smug expression. The grandpreistess did not show any emotion on her face and just nodded.

"Where is Luke?" She asked, feigning a curios look.

"Oh right, he went to the tempple library to check if there are any records of the aliens we just sent to the cleansing hall" Agatha replied still keeping that smug look almost saying. 'I and Luke are doing a better job than you'.

"Oh, okay then, you can leave" The grandpreistess said a bit tired. Agatha seeing this smiled a little, bowed her head and excused herself.

As soon as the door closed, the whole temple suddenly shook like an earthquke had just occurred and and even some of the things in the grand priestess room got flipped over and scattered.

The grandpriestess was shocked and summoned the holographic like screen that showed the battle with some of the disciples of the cleansing hall and was shocked at what she saw.

A massive whole had suddenly appeared where the door of the cleansing hall was supposed to be.

Looking beyond the dust, she saw the captain/ elder of the temple fighting against the that was a moment ago fighting with the other disciples in the cleansing hall.

"This..." She could not believe it, that door was strong enough to survive a meteor from space crashing into it!. So how!!!?? It did not make sense, she needed answers.

She quickly took the crystal that had fallen on the floor and imbuded it with magic and quickly started giving orders. If she were looking at the screen, she would have seen the elf girl holding a book and Daimos looking at har screen like he could see her.