
Chapter 3(just a dream?)

She woke up....turns out every amazing thing she saw was a dream. Instead of being upset she ran back to where she found it, she found the lantern path again. She saw it again, everything amazing was there. There was animals with wings, a castle, fairy lights, sparkles, fairies, little cabins with cute decor, and her dream dog...

She woke up again.this happened every time. 27 times in she thought she was doing something wrong. Sophia didn't know what she was doing wrong. I mean what would you do differently?not go?exactly not go!

Sophia decided "well if I just keep sleeping and make more dreams maybe when the place is full it will let me in!" The voice from earlier came back"sleep" it said in a voice that sounded like she was loosing it.

Sophia jumped in the sound of the ratchet voice. After she jumped she fell asleep right on the floor where she heard the voice, like the voice put her to sleep with magic.

When she woke up...she wasn't in her room or the dream world...it was terrible!"help me!!!"said a random voice..."huh" said Sophia turning around to see....