
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasi
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93 Chs

Back to square one;

Kerren, however, didn't bother with anything. He simply sat on the bed, thinking about his own stuff while people gathered around him with an intention to... kill him, i guess?

He long since noticed them, yeah, but why didn't he care? Well, that's easy, why would he? He wont spend even 20% of his total mana to kill all of them if they attacked.

Mind that he still didn't improve at all, so whoever thought of capturing him or whatever was a complete moron and didn't know what he was doing.

This guy singlehandedly conquered an "S" rank dungeon and they thought of capturing him because he didn't pay taxes or something? What the hell is that?

Oh, right, he also killed like 50 people or so... So what? They started it, not him! Why bother about such things!?

Well, it's not like Kerren planned to massacre so many people in the first place, but who the f*kk told them that they can rob him right under his nose?

Who in their right mind, posessing such power, would just comply with some bullcrap taxes or rules weaklings implemented?

Only a psycho who cared too much about his public opinion. Kerren wouldn't bother, if he needed something he can just take it by force.

Funnily enough that's exactly what that "government" did. If they didn't like someone they would just capture him forcefully.

Was he in the wrong for doing exactly the same thing? In his eyes - he was not. So why bother?

Of course, it wasn't time for his "rebellion" as he wasn't strong enough to overpower the world itself, even if he killed all those morons outside many more would arrive, much stronger than the last ones...

That path wouldn't lead him anywhere. It'll just make him waste lots of time running from place to place.

Thus, he decided to use one his now-innate abilities... He'll just change his body!

It was easy for him. It's not like he couldn't do that before, it's just that there was no need.

Of course, that would mean that he has to abandon his connection to the guildmaster and the university but... who cares?

It's not like he got much from it anyway. Yeah, the guildmaster was somewhat helpful but... that's all there is to it. It's not like he couldn't find those dungeons himself if he needed to...

As for entering? Who cares? He could just barge in after killing the guards.

So, Kerren decided to just dump whatever he had and change bodies. It was not a literal change as he would simply change his looks, it's not like they would be able to detect such a change anyway.

After some thinking about his new body he decided to be a tall and bulky man, a complete opposite to his current self.

He casted some barriers around him preventing some spells from seeing him, of course, he didn't even know if they were present as he didn't see any of them, but so what? It's better to overthink things...

Several minutes later he completed his change. It wasn't hard as he already had a target in his mind. He looked like one of the raiders from his previous life.

He was tall and muscular, being a complete opposite to Kerren, who was somewhat short and frail looking.

Next step would be just... lying down somewhere in his apartment to pretend that he tried to fight Kerren!

Of course, he faked some injuries and couldn't usually be on his body, but if he wanted one to appear? That's easy.

He made a bit of them, making it look like it was a fierce fight. Half of his body was ragged but no serious injuries, so people wouldn't bother too much with him.

Then he simply... Struck floor in his apartment, making half of the building collapse! Such impact made the ground tremble!

Kerren, of course, didn't bother thinking too much about his "escape". He stopped moving after he struck the floor, making the building fall on him.

He pretended to be unconscious.

So, after two or three hours when people started clearing the rubble they found him!

He was immediately "treated", healers used some spells on him and Kerren closed his wound it time, to pretend that it worked. In reality, however, it didn't.

It was another bad thing about his body, he initially thought that healing is possible since it is a type of magic, but he soon found out that only mana could help him. It just made things harder and easier for him at the same time.

Kerren pretended to be a kind and considerate man when people talked to him. Even if they were rude or overbearing he wouldn't think too much of it.

It wasn't hard for him to do so as it was his normal behavior back in his previous life. He needed to be like that to survive.

Of course, if someone weaker than he is did such a thing and they were alone?.. The ground is their new home.

He was like that so that they would leave him alone, but things didn't go as planned. He was taken into the interrogation room.

There, a man with sunglasses on, mind you, in a room, said...

- Name, affiliation, purpose of being inside the building.

Yep, Kerren was being interrogated! Of course, he knew what to say, but even if his plan failed... how could they prove that he was Kerren? Changing bodies wasn't a thing, even though posession was.

- Julien Eightvale, i just arrived to this city in hopes of getting into the university and wanted to rent an apartment close to it...

The interrogator didn't even bother stopping or recording whatever he said, asking the next batch of questions immediately.

- It is said that you had wounds when people found you, where did they come from?

- I dont know, maybe i got bruised when i tried to help people under the rubble and it collapsed onto me... Right! Did you find a girl near me!? I tried to help her but...

- Answer my questions. -- he didn't even give him time to complete his sentence, instantly interrupting him.

- I'm sorry... -- Kerren apologized immediately.

- Do you know a person named Kerren Grayhound?

- Uh.. I dont think so? I heard that people shouted that name from outside the building when the whole thing collapsed, but i haven't seen him...

After he said it the whole room went quiet for a few minutes. The interrogator didn't say anything or even moved, semmingly staring inside Kerren's soul.

Soon, a girl walked in and placed a pack of documents on the table. The interrogator immediately opened it and started reading.

- It says that u've awakened. How old are you?

- I'm 19, sir.

- What is your main weapon?

- A shield, i'm a tank, sir.

- Your rank?

- B, sir.

- Why did you want to apply to the university?

- Because i think it's a good place to get more knowledge about dungeons and monsters inside them.

- Good. You will be released and compensated soon.

Those lines above were all said within 8 seconds. It was really fast, as if the interrogator tried to catch him saying something wrong.

The whole process ended as fast as it started. Maybe they wanted to hold onto him for a longer period of time, but it was hard for them as they had many witnesses who knew way more and Kerren seemed like a clueless guy who just happened to be there.

He even suffered because of him! There's no way he would know him in the first place since there weren't many people who Kerren contacted.

After a few hours Kerren was released. He was also compensated with a small bag of crystals, there was a 100 gramms of "A" crystals inside. It was a small amout of crystals for Kerren and it's not like he cared about it.

What he cared about was his next course of actions! It's not like he needed a place to stay or anything, but the fact that the dungeon was now inaccessible for him boggled his mind.

His whole purpose of going into the university was the dungeon! Now, he had to repeat the same thing once more...

Thankfuly, applying process for awakened and non-awakened people was different. If one was awakened he could apply at any time if he passed the entrance exam!

Thus, Kerren decided to do just that and get back to square one...