

Hello and welcome esteemd sir you have been chosen by the world Creation and god system due to a lawsuit (pending) you are chosen by the heaven inc oversight committee and the OVERSEER! please be reminded to be humble because if you don't cough cough something bad will happen cough cough. PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT ALL PROBLEMS ON YOUR PLANET IS YOUR PROBLEM HERE IS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Under clause one of the countract if any harm befits your creature's origins are from you AND are not necessary You Can and Will be expelled from your contract and will be passing on to heaven inc processing plant. Under claus two if a demonic invasion occurs and you cannot combat it you have 3 times from heaven inc to call upon our forces if all 3 are used we will no longer assist and you will likely be dragged to hell. Under clause three should your planet be uninhabitable but unique eg breaking records native species etc you WILL not be able to reroll your planet due to the "Randomness of planets" if you do it will cause serious prosecutions to be accured and or subsequent fines of GP and fireing of your "God" position. Under claus four if you name a person you will be fined 100 GP claus 4-1:nameing a animal cost 50 GP clause4-2a:nameing a town cost 9000 GP clause 4-2b:Nameing a city cost 100,000GP this claus is here as defence against inappropriate gods such as nameing town dick and [REDACTED]. Under claus five if a war incurrs a combined world population lost of 80% a new god will be put in place. clause 5-1 if a war incurrs on a SPECIAL world if a lost of population reach 60% a new God will be put in place. Under claus six if a God names a measurement something like dick inches or [REDACTED] they will be promptly removed from the God postion. Under claus seven if a God reach the space colonia era then if there is no god is a colonized world they will own it etc. Under claus eight if a another god is on a world being colonised one oversight member must be present for a war! Under claus nine if you lose a war or your command structure is broken all remaining members will start to be the other god followers unless reinforcements arrive it takes about 3-30 days depending on the belif. clause 9-1 if the other god wants GP you must give up 70% but they won't take your units. clause ten If a galactic war begins all Gods will be notified via a message like this "A galactic war has begun in [GALXAY NAME] on the [SECTION] the opponents are [EMPIRE NAME] and [EMPIRE NAME] one or both are at [SCIENCE TIER] And the Gods are [GOD NAME] of the [EMPIRE NAME] vs [GOD NAME] of the [EMPIRE NAME]" and thats that. clause eleven if religion waver and if your world has NOT existed for 999,999,999 years then this does not involve you if it does then if the religion goes below 5% you will be removed as that society will be considered a failure and destroyed. clause twelve the final cluse if the OVERSEER vists your empire here are the clauses clause 12-1 if under any circumstances you disappoint or fail the OVERSEER your empire will be thanos snaped. 12-2 if you please the OVERSEER Heaven inc will award you with one super advance technology! 12-3 if you go against the OVERSEER and declare war well then the ANOMALY Will be there soon. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS T&C DO YOU ACCEPT? YES OR NO MADE LOVEING BY HEAVEN INC FOR HELP PLEASE CONTACT HELL INC AT KEIRANB96@GMAIL.COM 3869 Leters and spaces + symbols!

dudebro26 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

First Pice of Creation

Where am I? But after a few minutes or seconds I hear a voice God system Guide activated Hello esteemed user welcome to your world WZ-34! Here is your planet status

Intelligent life none

atmosphere zero

magnetic field status weekend

Core heat level Cold

Solar winds 90%

Water status Frozen

Ground No possible life


The richness of minerals SS (TOP 5000 PLANETS)

God Points 900,000

Currencies None

WAIT for WHAT? The system explained that this planet sucks apart from the amount of Mana and Minerals the rest is dead however I can start an underground society of subterranean dwellers with the extra GP from the New record to set up a Habitat of a self-contained environment! I asked the system to build it and it said that to create an artificial, Environment it will cost 700,000 GP, to supply it with beasts an artificial sun, plants, sentient, creatures and Domestic creature's! Like 2 headed cows or giant chickens, As I say Yes Thousand to a million construction drones appeared with a logo and a name Heaven Inc As the system said Thank you for your purchase! As I see My GP Go down Just like in my previous life as I had to buy research equipment as a freelance Researcher for independent projects that cost hundreds of thousands to do! I guess money will always be a thing ahh Sweet capitalism! Then the system said you may fast forward 100,000 years or just 1 year if you need to do things I click yes As I see thousands of years pass of The Drones building things up!

They started with the frame then the artificial sun utilizing the high mana of the planet then O2 generators and Seeding plants with earth like seeds and plants! The Monsters range from the mighty dragon to small chicks and goblins!