

Inside someone house, several middle age people looked at a male on the bad. He was extremely thin and his eyes was hollow.

"Actually what Sarjono doing? Why he becomes like this?" Someone asked with bitter word.

"I don't know either. We found him unconscious on his field." Someone replied.

"Shit, his field beside unmaintained graveyard?!" Someone in the corner stunned. He seemed know something.

"Old Ja'i, are you know something?" Someone beside Old Ja'i asked in curious manner.

"No, Ris. I just hear from my late grandma that the unmaintained graveyard beside his field is actually haunted. I don't know if what my grandma said is real or not, and I don't intend to check by myself." Old Ja'i answered with serious tone.

After nearby clinic and nearby hospital unable to identify the man's illness, everyone convinced that this man must be suffered by supernatural being.

"Ja'i, call grandma Sulastri! Maybe she have the cure." The first middle age man told Old Ja'i.

"Sure, Village Leader."


The news about Sarjono suffered from supernatural being spread like wildfire. Everyone inside the village knew about it. Several parents prohibited their children for playing outside.

Grandma Sulastri, the most knowledgeable about supernatural being also got the news. When she wanted to inquiry about it, Old Ja'i came to pick her up.

When they arrived at Sarjono's house, Grandma Sulastri immediately examined him.

"How his condition is?" Village Leader asked.

"Jon, his condition is very serious. One of his is sucked by supernatural being, including his blood. I suspect a Banaspati appeared in this village." Grandma Sulastri answered.

Supernatural being, or usually called Djinn was collective name for various other side dwellers. Iblis, Satan, Ifrith, and several local deity were the example. Several monotheistic religions also had some comprehensive explanation about them.

They had various ability and shape, but they shared something in common. They will only die when the world really end. It was contract between them and The Creator. The Djinn needed to drag human to hell with them, with various trick and deceitfulness.

Of course, not all Djinn was bad. Even human could be more wicked than Ifrith, trust me.

"Then, what solution for him?" Jon the Village Leader pinched his temple.

"None. At least I don't know." Grandma Sulastri shook her head.

"Sigh! Such young age..."

"Argh!!" Sarjono suddenly roared. His face was full of pain, and then he lost his breath.

"Innalillahi..." Several Muslim said their trademark sorry for accident.

Forty days later...

Several supernatural accident often bring bad luck toward villagers. Someone said that he saw beautiful girl but his friend slapped him and he finally saw the real 'beautiful girl'. It was actually a huge black python!

The villager called many shamans, and priests from various religions. But the result was almost non existent. Nothing better.

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