
The Wizarding World HP

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Harry potter goes around the world after escaping Azkaban to discover what magic has to offer. Will he be able to discover magic in peace or will the British wizarding world try to drag him back.

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Chapter 1Welcome to Azkaban and the escape

After Harry blew up his aunt in anger a letter transformed from an airplane and started to speak, "Dear Mr. Potter you are here by expelled from Hogwarts school of witches and wizardry." The Dursley's grinned in happiness, and I would be stuck there forever and continue to be their slave permanently.

I grabbed all of my things and started to roll out the door with my wand in hand. I didn't know where I want to go all I know is I want to leave this hell hole. First to truly leave I need some money.

Sighing I realize it'll be one hell of a walk. All I need to remember to get there is the reward that I'll get when I get to leave this hell hole of a country.

"Hahaha, fucking finally at the leaky cauldron. Now time for Gringotts for my money. But when I enter the cauldron there are aurors in my way holding their wands to my face.

"Fuck just my luck," I say disappointed as I get stunned and lose consciousness. I awoke in a court room. "Harry Potter you are sentenced to 6 years in Azkaban the wizarding prison.

I sigh again knowing something like this would happen to me sometime in my life. It's just part of my fucked-up luck. If it wasn't this it would be something else this year in school.

All I could think about the trial after it was finished in literally 30 seconds of the judge declaring that I'm going to Azkaban. And how else would they take me to prison? Well, they have a little rowboat that rows itself and all the way to the prison.

The prison was dark, damp, and cold from the never-ending rain. Guards took each of my arms and dragged me into a cell of the highest level because I'm the bloody boy-who-lived.

At first, I thought everything would be fine, but I was chained directly to the wall unable to move at all. I mean the back of each hand and heel were touching the wall and I was suspended along with my back facing the window.

 I tried to grab the trays, but being chained to the wall was a rather hard thing to do.

Which means I had no food for weeks on end with only the dementors and my magic to keep me company. I wish this is where I learned how to use wandless magic like in fairy tales, but reality is a cruel bitch.

I was wondering how I could live then I started to get some drops of water that were splashing against my back from the aggressive rain outside. My tongue trying to lap up all the rain I possibly could to regain my fastly falling strength.

Getting enough to satiate myself was enough. Then the bitch found out. Bellatrix Lestrange shouted, "Potter, you're in here with us real criminals. Us death-eaters who have served the Dark Lord himself. Why are you in here Potter?" "I blew my aunt up."

"Hahahaha, so Potter does know how to have some fun. Did she scream." "Yes, very much so." Then I started to ignore her after she didn't shut the fuck up.

Halfway into my sentence there was a mass break-out from the prisoners, yet my cell crumbled on top of me. The rubble crushing me and for days I was under the rubble till an auror, or something took me and placed me deep into Azkaban, but this time I could move some.

This time I was able to get the slop they called a meal in this place. It looked like if they blended raw potato's and carrots half away then put into a bowl and gave it to the prisoners.

Another year went by and I was an empty husk of what I once was. Now with 4 of the 6 I don't think that I can feel any joy ever again and hope that the dementors just kill me because by keeping me alive it's more painful then the swift death I assume I would get if they sucked out my soul.


Hermoine and Ron were running around the country trying to find and get every horcrux. "Maybe we should get Harry." Hermoine suggested. "No Dumbledore said that he should stay in Azkaban to protect him," Ron rejected. "But he could help." "No Hermoine and that's final."

She sighed not liking it, but having faith in Dumbledore's plan she didn't bring it up again. Meanwhile I'm suffering inside of this hell. The dementor is trying to suck the last of my happiness. I was trying to kiss the son of a bitch with his endless hole of a mouth and no eyes it wasn't pretty, but I was ready to go.

This place feels like laying in snow. At first, it's just cold then quickly becoming pain then nothing, but unlike snow where you can die here there are people to make sure you stay alive enough to suffer more. There's a god damn healer that heals all the superficial wounds so we can continue to suffer.

All she told us is her name which is Schmerz und Tod. She said it was German for health and fun. The fact she wanted to be called that is funny to me because all she causes us is more pain and an eventual death.

I must survive 2 more years here and that was fine because after I was going to take all of my money from Gringotts, hopefully crippling the economy after they fucked me over for some accidental magic that I did once. I should've gotten a warning or something, but I guess they counted what Dobby did before my 2nd year as the warning.

Then the cycle repeated itself over and over and over again. Wake up at 6 am to get the happiness sucked out of me till 6:30 then at 8 we get food then free time where we have to sit in our cells doing nothing till 12 where we get another meal then we don't get dinner and the cycle repeats.

And it's always raining. I don't notice because of how low I was placed, but I can hear all the thunder because that shit happens like once a minute. The guard office and living courters probably don't notice because of a silencing charm or something of the sort.

I get very little sleep and due to that I've become a highly productive member of picking the locks on my limbs. I've succeeded quite a few times now and am trying to get it with the touch of my hand which still needs work. I also have managed to open the door the same way.

Now you might be wondering, if I can escape why don't I? Well, there's a little issue with that. I'm pretty sure that all the meals that we get are magically modified to have less nutritional value to all that eat it. I think that its only slightly more nutritious than the water I was getting in my other cell!

So it's no wonder that I struggle to walk and can't even think of using any magic. Even if I do get out I'll have to find my way around the prison and if I do get caught by any of the guards they'll stun me and put me in even higher security somehow. They'll put me in warded chains and a warded cell as well.

Whatever they do they'll find a way to make me suffer even more. That's why any of these guards are here. They all just want an ethical reason to make someone suffer and their ethics don't stop them from hurting the prisoners and I get to be their favorite because of their jealousy and such.

Like right now. "HOW DARE YOU POTTER." At this point I didn't even care why they were cursing me. It was always with a new spell and this is how I was trying to learn magic. It wasn't the good kind of magic, but the type of magic that would get people in here or in trouble with a massive fine.

So me learning it from them is from the pain and suffering of myself. Not the normal way to learn but whatchu gonna do? Me personally I'll remember all their faces and bankrupt them, their families and everyone they know except for me.

Maybe removing all my money and properties will bankrupt them because it'll be a pain in the ass to find out about each of them, but I'll make sure they at least take a financial hit.

Haaaah, it's great to have fantasies about what I'll do when I get out. Though for the moment I have to live through this hell. Time to look forward to things, so I have the motivation to live to do those fantasies.


"Ron the last Horcrux is the snake, and I don't think that we'll be able to kill it." "We have to try." "Your right Ron. Let's do this for all of magical Britain." Ron nodded clearly in a better mood than started.

McGonagall asks, "Are you two going to be ok?" "Yes professor," both of them agreed. "As your professor I get to worry about you." Both of them nodded accepting her worry for both of themselves. Proud to be her students.

A little over were Remus and Nymphadora who were making their peace for their final battle. The same was happening with Nevil, Luna, The Weasleys, and many, many others. So many other families that are saying goodbyes and the attack started with Voldemort screaming aaaaaah and shooting a blue beat at the force field that protected Hogwarts destroying it slowly after it was being weakened by his followers.

Everyone started to shoot at each other, and mass amounts of magical creatures started to come from everywhere and began a siege on Hogwarts. Lights were everywhere. Everything became chaos. There was no order to the chaos only death and more death.

Voldemort started to laugh at all the chaos. "Yes, this is what is supposed to happen. This...Is...War." Bellatrix grinned and ran over to kill a few people. The first one that she found was a teen with red hair.

She immediately started to throw as many curses and dark spells that she could think of till she got bored and threw a crucio at the girl. She started to scream in the massive amount of torcher she is experiencing at this moment.

Ginney's mother appeared to protect her. Molly came out of nowhere and started to shoot out spell after spell at Bellatrix. Surprisingly Bellatrix had a shield out along with countering all the spells that slipped through. When Molly's tirade of spells finished Bellatrix used the Cruciatus curse on both of them at the same time.

The two of them started to scream until Bellatrix got bored and wanted to fight more people and transfigured the ground to bury them alive then compacting where they were buried, so she was sure they've died.

Where they were buried felt like marble it was that compacted. Which also had the side effect of giving Bella the idea of grasping the section she'd hardened and throwing it at other enemies and having it turn from a brown marble color to a crimson red from being thrown like a fucking baseball at people's heads.

Except this baseball was the size of a garbage truck and causing extreme damages to everything it hits. Voldemort found a vantage point and was squatting. His hand was on his chin and his elbow on his knee while watching in entertainment and interest from the astronomy tower.

With a flick of his wand Bellas ball of destruction started to compress even further till it was only the size of a Subaru Forester. Bella ignored this happening because she was having too much fun with her ball of destruction.

At this point everyone on the side of Hogwarts was beginning to lose hope of a victory with all the creatures and Bella's ball. Which made them retreat as surrender would result in horrible action from Voldemort and his followers.

Someone shouted, "RETREAT." And everyone on Hogwarts side started to run as fast as they could in the direction of the castle, so they could think of something to do like guerrilla warfare.


I heard some of the guards talking about You Know Who attacking Hogwarts which means it finally time to escape. Just gotta memorize when they patrol then escaping will be a cake walk, I hope.

Pressing my hand onto my shackles caused them to clatter to the ground. Not caring about the sound because of the thunder I quickly rush to the door to unlock it at the speed of a snail.

With a touch of the lock the door swung open. I gently closed it and tore my uniform to secure the door to the bed, so it would stay closed. Quietly I chose a direction and started to walk that way. As I don't know anything about the guard shifts other than the basic times when they come around to give us food.

By that I mean they walked past the cell with their wand levitating the food till it found its way into the spot for the tray to rest. They shouldn't do that for another few hours. Which means I have some time to wander around and find the stairs up to exit this hell hole.

Yeah, this place is how I imagine Daedalus labyrinth, but worse because instead of dying due to a man with a bulls head you get all the happiness and feel in pain always. Never ending pain.

Never did I ever think running on smooth stone could hurt my feet, but at this point they are starting to blister and I'm debating jumping out of a window or finding something to break open a wall. Now I'm wondering why the fuck I didn't just break out earlier when I had some strength because it's like doing 119 hours of work in a week. (17 hours of all 7 days)

No breaks just work then after that exhausting week being forced to do a marathon is basically my energy levels so it's a bitch and a miracle that I am moving. The motivation I have is wanting to get the hell off the island and preferably as far as I can from Voldemort.

Though I'm not sure that I can even get out of here. I found myself above the guards who are playing cards around a circular table. One of them started to leave and I found a giant 2 foot long then 1 foot height and width. And I began to push and push with all my might causing the rather loose giant brick to fall on the guard. The guard who was 3d became 2d with the major assistance of the brick.

After hearing a loud thud and crunch from his bones snapping all the guards that were playing cards ran to the assistance of their fellow guard, but unfortunately it was too late.

I did a jump of faith to try and reach the chandelier. But in my state my run was the speed of a normal person's walk, and I landed on the guards below. They broke my fall of their necks doing a little twist.

I checked on their bodies and none of them had a pulse. Sad for their families, happy for me that I don't have to deal with their shit. Though I do remember there was about 10 men in the entire prison. I think this is done for a few reasons. Reason 1. No one wants to work here. 2. The pay is shit. 3. No sane person wants to spend a lot of their time around these maniacs.

 And now half of the guards are dead and it's time to kill the rest of them. Then try to find a way off this island.

 Yeah, there isn't a way to get off this island and I think that my vision made me see doubles because no matter how hard I look I can't find the other 5 guards.

I tried to floo back to land, but there wasn't floo powder. Just the fireplace and an empty pot without anymore floo powder. Then I tried to apparate, but ended up looking constipated as I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Next, I tried to put sew clothing together to make a sort of glider. I saw it in a prison movie once. Yeah, I got about 20 feet with the glider then it really stopped working when it got wet, as the clothes were slowly getting heavier and heavier. Plus, I got struck by lightning a few hundred feet in the air.

My muscles started to palpitate, and my body locked into place. This was terrifying as I started to fall into the ocean depths below. I smashed into the water; my body still locked into place.

Which made it extremely hard to swim. All I could do was hold my breath and hope my body would move.

Sadly, the good thing is that my body started to move. The bad thing was the glider made from wet clothes fell on top of where I fell. Causing my journey back to the only land to be so much harder than it needed to be.

Finally, after I got back to the island, I realized that there wasn't a single way for me to leave the island and maybe I shouldn't have killed the guards until I got off the island.

But what's done is done.

I accepted my fate of staying on this island till I am going to die. Hahahaha, yeah right. Fuck that. I'm going to leave this island no matter how long it takes.

My new idea is to make a sailboat or raft or something I can float to somewhere I can get my money and live a life of luxury. Maybe in the Caribbean.

'Now what can I make the boat out of I wonder? Oh, the beds. They literally make us sleep on plywood, yet those shits waterproofed to all hell from the rain.' I grabbed my bed then took a few other beds from empty cells and stuck them together with the permanent sticking charm which cannot be removed so if I stick it to my hand, it'll be there forever or until I can grind it off.

Which made me oh so carefully attach each one of them so they would stay put and not get stuck on the ground and only stick to each other. After I made sure that it wasn't stuck to the floor and the makeshift raft floated and wouldn't sink even with me on it and if I brought a few extra things like a trunk and clothing from the guards because I will NOT wear the prison uniform any longer.

Then there was something in the back of my mind that had been bothering me for quite some time and yet I just couldn't put my finger on it. Wait, oh yeah the dementors didn't even glance in my direction.

"If it benefits me better not think of it," were my thoughts as my raft starts to float away from the island.

Days of being on the raft I continued to drift through letting the waves drag me along. I honestly didn't think it would take more than a few days to get to somewhere in Europe from the North Sea, but I could be mistaken.

After a few more days the food started to run low until I realized I am a fucking wizard and can make it bigger as I don't' have a clue on how to multiply the food I grabbed.

Finally, I got a grasp of land and hoped that I could get there. I started to paddle towards the shore hoping I could get there. When the waves were on my side, I stopped paddling and let the waves push my raft to shore.

As the raft crashed into the shore some people gathered around me and said words that I wasn't able to understand. All I could think to do was to try and play charades until someone brought a map of the western hemisphere and I pointed at the United Kingdom and they pointed at Morocco.

All I could think is oh shit.

A/N -The next chapter of The Son of Demeter will take a tiny bit longer to put together as the words that I want to put on the page don't wanna, so it's hard.

And if you like this story then comment and I'll continue this one. Or this can just be a bunch of one shots that I have if that's what's wanted. 

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