15 Good or Bad?

That's all that could go through my mind at the moment. That's all I could think of as I waited for her to awaken. I felt like I needed her to be okay. She was one of my first true female friends. It's not like I had much experience to pinpoint my true feelings. Sure, there were some girls in the castle, but I never really liked to be around any of them. They were all so full of themselves. Even the scholarly maids. None of them were kind-hearted like you may have seen in movies and shows. They were all dirty and wanted the prince. I'm not saying dirty as just what they looked like either. They were not considerate or kind or understanding. They were selfish, hateful, and full of outrageous jealousy. They always thought that they were perfect. They thought that they were smart and kind for working in the palace, but none of them were. Especially the one that won his heart. The one he was dating. Anne was her name, Anne Morris. She took advantage of him and his power, giving her more pay than the others and taking away some of our salary in the process. He thought she was struggling because she put on some little act. She said that she needed more money to help support her dying family. Now, money that could be going to the Kingdom is going to her instead. She only wants power. However, I guess I should consider her side of the story. After all, everyone is the hero of their own story.

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