
chapter: 4

Those beautiful black pupils that contained such emotions, compared to the spiritless appearance from before, it made him look much more quick-witted. Jing Shao merely smiled, watching helplessly. He wanted to tell him not to be so timid, but after thinking about it, in their previous life, it was he who had refused to listen to him. Arrogant and conceited, thinking everyone was beneath him, in the end, he suffered a miserable fate. After all, when a wall is about to collapse everyone would give it a shove. He couldn't help but smile.

"Your Highness, we have arrived at the entrance." The eunuch Chun Xi politely announced, soon after, the sedan halted and was lowered. Normally, they would be allowed to enter the inner imperial palace on the sedan, it was only that today they were paying a formal visit to the Empress's palace. They must exchange the sedan for a imperial carriage at the entrance gate. Surrounded by palace servants on all four sides of the carriage, the two inside were no longer willing to speak much.

After the morning court assembly, Emperor Hong Zheng went to the Empress's Luan Yi Palace. Together with Empress Wu, the two were waiting in the main hall to meet the newly wedded bride and bridegroom. At age forty, Emperor Hong Zheng was in his prime, he was a qualified emperor, calm and wise. Just sitting there, he exerted an imposing aura.


Looking at his imperial father who was now about 12 years younger, Jing Shao concealed his clenched fists in the sleeves of his pale blue robes. Slowly unclenching it, he, together with Mu Han Zhang respectfully offered the Emperor and Empress their greetings.

Emperor Hong Zheng praised Jing Shao before imparting a few words: " You are now an adult, from now on, think before you speak and act. I do not want to hear of a similar incident like that of your queen mother's tea table."

"Your child understands, thank you imperial father for your teaching." Jing Shao responded indifferently, his expression obviously showed his unwillingness to comply.

"On this happy occasion, your majesty don't blame him anymore,"  the Empress was naturally very observant, she quickly laughed, offering him a way to avoid embarrassment, "Today we get to see our daughter-in-law."

The palace maid who was standing on the side, quickly laid out a cushion in front of the the emperor and empress. Mu Han Zhang stepped forward, kneeling down in order to kowtow to Emperor Hong Zheng, then raised a cup of tea over the crown of his head in offering: "Imperial father please have this cup of tea." All of his actions and mannerism were completely, one hundred percent, up to standard with how literary gentlemans should behave.

Emperor Hong Zheng received the tea, drank all of it in one smooth movement, and laughed " I did not expect Mu Jin's second son to have such a graceful character." Delighted, he happily rewarded him with a pair of sheet fat jade.

"Thank you, imperial father." Mu Han Zhang expressed his thanks neither too humbly or haughtily. Turning to the side, he repeated etiquette and kneeled in front of the Empress, offering her tea.

The Empress smiled and took the tea leisurely, not at all in hurry to allow him up, merely turning to speak with the emperor: " Your majesty is very insightful. It is said that even before Mu jia's second son turned seventeen years old, he was already a very respected figure among the capital's young nobles.

"Is that so?" This time Emperor Hong Zheng seemed to be very interested, to be able to pass the imperial examination at age seventeen was rather rare. Previously, he had only seen the capable eldest son of the Bei Wei Hou jia, he never expected this one to appear. The son of a concubine, a hidden jewel. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pity, this person, if he had been allowed to take the imperial examination, he certainly would have been a gifted individual. Bei Wei Hou would have good means of governance. It was truly a pity.

"It is merely the joke of a few childhood playmates. It is not true." Mu Han Zhang had been kneeling for a long time, his body was becoming more and more uncomfortable, his complexion was beginning to pale, nonetheless, he had continued kneeling. It was only by timely interjected a sentence, that he was able to call attention to the fact that he was still kneeling.

"Oh! Child why is your complexion like this?" The Empress said, taking a quick glance at Jing Shao's reaction, who appeared indifferent, not even bothering to ask someone to help Mu Han Zhang up. Narrowing her eyes, she laughed and then gifted Mu Han Zhang a beautiful box full of priceless jewels.

Mu Han Zhang looked at the very generous gift, recalled what Jing Shao had told him in the sedan, and accepted it without hesitation. When he stood up, his vision turned black for a second and he swayed slightly. A palace maid was quick to step forward and support him by his arm.

"Since you are unwell, the both of you can return home." Emperor Hong Zheng gestured for them to be dismissed.

Mu Han Zhang refused any further support from the palace maid. Jing was unconcerned, he walked out without a word. Only heaven knows that, at this moment, he really wanted to carry Jun Qing in his embrace. However, they were still in the imperial palace, he could only hold back and feign impatience.

Once out of the imperial palace, stepping down the imperial carriage, Mu Han Zhang faced forward and looked at that person, who was walking away  in large strides, his figure, cold and unfeeling. Mu Han Zhang smiled and laughed at himself mockingly. What did he expect? Sure enough, weren't those brief moments of tenderness just an illusion ?

In an effort to keep up, he quickened his pace. He did not even walk two steps before his vision suddenly turned black, he had not expected his body to be so unwell that he would fall. But he only felt himself fall into a warm embrace: "Jun Qing, what's wrong?" Only when he opened his eyes again, a few short seconds after, did he see Jing Shao's anxious expression.

Jing Shao saw him faint, and in the blink of an eye, pulled that person into his embrace, quickly carrying him onto the sedan, "Chun Xi, go to the imperial physician courtyard and request Jiang Huan, Jiang taiyi to come to the wangfu. Raise the sedan and immediately set out for my palace."

"Yes !" the sedan bearers responded in unison, quickly lifting the sedan. Chun Xi hurriedly ran all the way to the imperial physician courtyard.

"Jun Qing, Jun Qing ? Where do you feel unwell, hm?" Jing Shao laid him backwards in his embrace, against his chest, and touched that person's forehead, "how did you develop a fever ?"

Mu Han Zhang merely kept silent. This person was hot and cold, very hard to figure out. Today in front of the Emperor, this person looked at him with regret, and repeatedly made him feel inferior. He was initially already in pain, his body unwell, and now he felt distressed in his heart and mind, it was difficult to bear. But he only felt disheartened, his consciousness was beginning to fade.


"Guan Shao'er seems to be unhappy with the marriage arrangement I planned for him." After the two people left, the Empress turned towards the Emperor and said, embarrassedly.

"He is still young, naturally he doesn't understand your troubles but this child's affections are genuine." Emperor Hong Zheng was very satisfied. Just now, in Jing Shao's reflection, he clearly saw and understood. Whether or not he accepted it, whether or not he liked it, his expressions were sincere. If he lost the right to succession and was still able to fake that grateful appearance, then he was truly too unfathomable.

Back at the prince's palace, Jing Shao held that person in his embrace and entered the main resident, "quickly fetch a cold towel."

After covering Mu Han Zhang with a good quilt, Zhi Xi handed Jing Shao a cold towel to put on that person's forehead.

"Jun Qing, how do you feel now?" Jing Shao looked at him in distress. In the last lifetime, Mu Han Zhang's health continuously worsened more and more. Ultimately, in the last few years he had to take medicine at every meal. In this lifetime, he would certainly be more attentive and keep him strong and healthy to the best of his ability.

"I am fine, don't you have to go visit the second prince? Don't delay." he persuaded, struggling to sit up, seeing this, Jing Shao pressed him down.

"My brother already sent someone to say that he will not blame me." Although he knew that he should go to his brother, etiquette was one thing, it was more important to not be misunderstood. Jing Shao felt that Jun Qing's health was very important, but he really should go to his brother's place to explain, later.

"Your highness, the imperial physician has arrived." Zhi Xi notified.

While Jiang taiyi was an imperial physician in the imperial physician courtyard, he was not the head physician. Even if his skills were rather good, he never expected for Cheng Wang to call him over to treat a patient, he had rather mixed feelings about it.

"This…" Jiang taiyi took Mu Han Zhang's pulse and looked at his complexion. Awkwardly, he turned to face Jing Shao.

Jing Shao understood and dismissed all servants to retreat. "Imperial physical may speak what is on your mind."

"Observing wangfei's pulse, his condition is presumably caused by pent up negative emotions and thoughts, which then became harmful to the body." Jiang taiyi glanced at Jing Shao. This type of fever was not a serious illness, but since Cheng Wang had called him over, there was definitely more to it, he could only go with the flow: "this old official will speak plainly, although wangfei is a male, concerning the deed between a married couple, compared to women, it is easier for men to sustain injuries. Your highness should be more careful."

Saying it so bluntly, Mu Han Zhang's entire face turned bright red. Jing Shao embarrassedly touched the tip of his own nose, "Yes, I was hasty and impulsive."

"Your highness, pardon the offence." Jiang taiyi was a bit apprehensive, unable to guess Cheng Wang's intentions.

"Haha, I am rather fond of Jiang taiyi's straightforwardness." After taking the prescription written by Jiang taiyi and handing it over to Meng Xi to decoct, Jing Shao took out a string of coral beads from his sleeve.

"Your highness, I cannot accept it." Jiang taiyi was immediately frightened, his whole body breaking out in cold sweat. He had always avoided attracting attention to himself, as he did not want to be dragged into the dispute between the royal heirs.

"This is not for you." Jing Shao saw that he was hesitant and couldn't help but say, "I heard that your son excels in martial arts. This year, he passed the military examinations, it is a congratulatory gift for him." It is said that red coral beads can help people avoid mortal danger, it was indeed a good item for martial artists to have. Furthermore, it was not good for Jiang taiyi to continuously decline his highness's good will towards his son, like this he set his mind at ease.

"If that is the case then this old minister thanks Cheng Wang for the reward on behalf of my son. Some other day, I will send him over to express his thanks." Jiang taiyi heard him, and accepted the red coral beads, then packed up, saluted, and took his leave.

Jing Shao ordered Duo Fu to see the imperial physician out, as he sat down at the bedside in order to change Mu Han Zhang's forehead towel.

"These things, just make the servants do it. Your highness should rest." Mu Han Zhang said in a lukewarm manner. Currently this person was gentle and soft, perhaps it was because this person felt that he was new and amusing. In reality, this person was not actually sincere about treating him well. Was this person sincere or not ? In his heart he made his own conclusions, looking at the details, the events that occured today in the imperial palace, the heart that had just warmed up, immediately froze into ice.

"Jun Qing?" Jing Shao saw that this person, who had just let down their guard this morning, was once again becoming distant with him. As expected, it was the events that happened in the palace that made him sad. He had always been impatient and spoke rashly, however, with Jun Qing's temper, this person would definitely suppress everything in his heart. It looks like, in the future,  there were still many things for them to talk about. Jing Shao scratched his head and sighed, "today in the imperial palace, you were wronged."

Mu Han Zhang opened his eyes and looked on passively at him, this person was actually aware of this?

"It is merely kneeling for a few moments, I am not a woman, I won't feel aggrieved just because mother-in-law wanted to display her authority. Your highness is just being oversensitive." The voice was very gentle, absolutely pleasing to the ears, but for this person to say that they did not have even a little bit of resentment, Jing Shao thought that this person was surely angry.

"In the capital, the people ridicule me, saying despite the fact that I've made great achievements I am unable to inherit the kingdom. Although I am a legitimate heir to the throne, I am no better than a bastard prince born to a palace maid…" Jing Shao spoke these words in a self-deprecating tone,  this had been something he had suppressed in his heart for more than a dozen years. It was only now that he was finally speaking the words from the bottom of his heart.

Mu Han Zhang's hand that was concealed under the quilt gradually tightened into a fist, his heart becoming more and more cold. Sure enough, last night, this person had not been drunk at all, everything, all of it, was simply because he wanted to physically torment him, nothing more: "I, your servant, am now aware. I will not request anything else from your highness, only beg your highness to reward me with divorce papers once you have obtained recognition and success."

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