
chapter 2: vicious heart

The two have been a couple in trouble for more than ten years, not enemies.

  Seeing the confusion in Bai Ningxiang's eyes, Tian Wanhua came forward with a sneer on her face, her eyes were innocent, her voice was still weak, but her words were as cold and ruthless as the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month.

  "Sister, you are so pitiful. You have been sleeping in the same bed for fifteen years, and you can't even tell the thoughts of the people around you. Should I say you are stupid or stupid? Look, you have made yourself into a yellow-faced woman. My cousin is I'm not grateful at all. My cousin is a high official in the imperial court, but the main wife of the family is a tea-picking girl who only works in the field. His colleagues are secretly laughing at him. "

  "You are dedicated to the Jiang family and providing for us. She provided me with clothes and helped me raise my children. My sister is really kind-hearted. It's a pity that you paid by mistake with all your heart. My cousin just sees you as a money jar. What he likes is gentleness. A careless woman, just like me."

  "If you weren't good at doing business, you wouldn't have the position of your wife. I am my cousin's childhood sweetheart. There is no need to fight for it. Sooner or later, everything in the Jiang family will be the same. What's wrong with my son is that you are stubborn and have harmed yourself and your mother. How can you have children even if you are already half-old?"

  "What do you mean, I harmed my mother?" ?"

  "Oh, look at this mouth, why are you saying everything?"

  Tian Wanhua pretended to be annoyed and threw down her handkerchief, silently leaning into her ear.

  "For the sake of my sister being so pitiful, I will tell you... When your mother went to the temple to pray for blessings while she was pregnant, the horse scare on the way was actually arranged by my cousin, who needed a lot of money for the scientific examination. In order for you to serve the Jiang family wholeheartedly, how could you let your mother give birth to the heir of the Bai family? What a pity, your mother died without being frightened. It was an accident..."

  Bai Ningxiang listened to Tian Wanhua's words. The words stabbed her heart with tears, and her vision became increasingly blurry as she watched her mouth open and close.

  That beast Jiang Wenxue was so heartless for the tea garden behind her... Bai Ningxiang closed her eyes, she was the one who killed her mother.

  She did wonder at that time. Why did her mother suddenly want to go to the temple to pray for blessings at such an old age for no reason?

  It's a pity that she was in grief at the time, and because of Jiang Wenxue's comfort, she didn't look into it carefully, and she only felt that her family relationship was shallow.   

  Since everyone wanted her to die, it would be nice to die, but she wanted to see if Jiang Mansion could maintain its former luxury without her?

  When she gets down there, she might be able to see her long-lost parents and this unfated child.  Hemorrhage...

  The past events were vivid in her mind. Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes and swallowed all the bitterness. She had lived a pedantic and confused life, and she deserved to die... Just when her consciousness was blurred, Suddenly, I heard the door being kicked open with great force, and my sworn brother in military uniform rushed in holding Wang Wenxue's collar, followed by her girl Bai Cha.

  There were roars, panic, and punches and kicks in her ears, but these sounds were getting further and further away from her. Apart from regret, she was also perhaps thankful that not all people in the world were weak people. Looking at her adopted brother, it was just a chance encounter. After saving his life, he could protect her like this, and it would not be in vain for her to waste a bag of good medicinal materials.

  However, all these worldly connections have gone with her...  "Clang~"  the sound of the water basin knocking over.

  Bai Ningxiang frowned, her head was so confused that she couldn't open her eyes for a while.

  But the noise filling her ears made her particularly irritated.