1 Prologue: The figure in the Distance...

There was only one thing Liam Hydes was certain about: The figure in the distance was real.

'I am dreaming'

The figure spoke:

"Liam Hydes, the Heir to my throne..."

The words echoed in his mind. It held power no human could comprehend. 'He's powerful... and determined' Liam thought.

'How did I know that'

"Because you are one of us" the voice said. "I am the good and the bad" it started. Liam could only stare, emotionless. "I am the truth and the lie, the King of all beasts, the Emperor of the Supernaturals"

It paused.

"And you are the creation of my power. Your genetic creation occured during the Super Blue Blood Moon. You are the perfect Were-Beast. You will save the town your hold dearest from the evil of the supernatural world"

"What are you?"

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