
The Problem

My name is Joker Silver. My name is very weird right? My parents doesn't really care about my name. But it's ok I'll just accept it because it is part of my being. Long story short, I died after being burned in our house. I don't really know the details about the fire but well it can't be helped. Now I'm in thr front of what we call a god. Most of you should already know what will happen next. Yeah right. I got transported in another world where using magic is a norm.


Now here's the problem, the god transported me in the middle of a forest. Isn't this very bad of him? Well then it can't be helped. I'll just go on a journey to the nearest town. Wait I don't even know where I am nor the direction to go to the nearest town. Now I'm in a bind. Why don't I just wait here. There should be people passing by here. After a few minutes closing to an hour, I finally see a shadow of a person. As it goes closer to me I then knew I got wrong. It is a monster that looks like a minotaur. Wait it us really a minotaur. Well then I should've know many kinds of magic that is used by the characters in the animes. Well then.

"Fireball" As I said it a small fire lit up in my arm but it immediately fade away. Wait isn't using magic very easy in the animes? Am I really on another world than them. Now that you mention it, I'm really on another world. Am I really gonna die again because of this? No, as I think on how to attack the approaching minotaur I see a weird stick that looks like a staff. I picked it and then a certain voice speak into my mind. Pour some of your magic in this staff and attack the monster with it. Oh is it what they call a magic staff? Well then why don't I pour some magic into it. Wait how can I pour magic again? Well I'll just focus some energy into the staff just like what the characters in the animes are doing. After I focus my magic in the staff it glows as if making use of my magic. This must be the cue for me to strike the minotaur now. I strike the minotaur with the glowing staff and amazingly I beat it in one strike. This magical staff must be a very powerful staff. After I beat the minotaur the staff order me to put the staff in the minotaur and it will cook it for me. Isn't it weird? Does minotaurs really edible when cooked? I've never heard of it you know. But I should just trust my savior staff in this. So I put the staff in the minotaur and amazingly it really cooked the minotaur. The minotaur looked like it is really cooked well. I taste it and it is very delicious. Is this staff really just a magical staff? Maybe it's also a proffesional cook. I ask it if it is really just a magical staff and it reply in a smug manner.

"I'm not just an ordinary staff you know, in my past life I am a proffesional cook that served many famous people in the world. Well not that you could know about the other world though"

"Um so in your past life are you a man or a woman?"

"Wait do you really believe in the words I said? Well then I shall answer your question. I am a woman in my past life."

Oh here it is my partner in this world is a woman but sadly she is a staff.

"Of course I will believe in you I'm also from another world, after all"

"Oh then we're both transported in another world? But lucky for you you're transported as a human here. Sadly for me I just became a staff"

"It's not true at all. If it's not in your help I would've died (again) right now you know. You've been a really great help to me. Thank you! So what should I call you my precious partner?"

"Wh-Wh-What are you saying? You stupid idiot"

She blushed there right? She definitely blushed there right? Oh I really love tsunderes even in my past life until forever!

"Don't worry I will really treasure you my precious partner"

"Then just call me Therese"

"You can also call me Silver. Nice to meet you Therese"

Because calling me a joker is really a joke right? Well then I'll just let her use my last name.


Now that I think about it, how did she cook that minotaur deliciously without any other ingredients? Well maybe she have secret ingredients hiding in the staff. No. No. No. It is impossible right?


Well then from now on I'll go on an adventure with this tsundere staff. Pray for my safety people.


I didn't knew that there's shadow lurking in the bushes at that time.

"He killed a minotaur with a staff? What a weird wizard."


Wait. He just stated the title right? No not really. So this is the chapter title which is the problem? Don't tell me he will spread rumors of me as a weird wizard right? Well then readers wait for the continuation of my adventures as I will be named as the weird wizard. Pray for the safety of my name. Well I won't really mind it. Maybe because my name is already a joke?

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