
The weakest guy's system

In a world where a system controls people's physical and mental abilities, and thus their destiny, allowing them to fight monsters found in dungeons, there is a boy, Yuki Takahashi, who suffers from several problems caused by this unfair system. He is a short and skinny boy with black hair covering his face, giving him such a dark aura that everyone avoids him. Suddenly, due to an accidental change in his system, he finds himself in unwanted and sometimes dangerous situations that can change his life and lead to new encounters. His adventures will change his life completely, and he will go from being the weakest guy in the world to someone who can actually hold his own with everyone else. How will Yuki Takahashi grow through his story?!

Shakuto · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 19: The break’s levels

Yuki had just killed that Nobile Ant and thanks to it he was able to make a big level up, gaining 9 levels, he was definitely getting stronger. He also had the opportunity to evolve his weapon which now became Long Katana II.

Everything was getting better with him, but the most important thing now was that he had maxed out the level of Dark Energy Manipulation, being at level 10. Yuki had the opportunity to evolve it, and since this was an incredible skill he was excited to know what evolution would be and more importantly how strong it would be.

The boy evolved the skill which became Dark Matter Control. The boy was looking to his new skill when he thought of something, even if he levelled up, his skill shouldn't have been this strong. There should have been a reason, and as he was thinking of this he heard:

"Announcement: when you evolved to Obscurity Wolf you increased your affinity with the dark element so now you have a passive skill that increases those effects".

He was grateful to the system that was giving him answers but he didn't like how the system interacted with his thoughts directly, it was like he had no privacy at all. As he was thinking about all this, he heard something else:

"Announcement: you have met all the requirements. Evolve Announcing Skill, combining it with Appraisal and the possible-to-learn Analyze?"

Yuki didn't know what would have happened if he had accepted that, but he was surely intrigued about what the outcome would be. In the end, the boy decided to accept because he was too attracted to the outcome as an insect attracted to a light.

"Announcement: evolution successful, your skill now is Guidance of the Sapient. Thanks to this skill I will be able to interact with you more freely, to move your body to fight in the most efficient way. Finally, I have the capability to learn a fighting style just by looking at it".

After he heard that, the boy thought that these changes were amazing and that now he would be much more capable than before, since he had never trained in fighting and thanks to it, he would be able to fight learning other styles.

"That's a pleasure to hear", the Sapient said.

Yuki no thought that it was interacting with him too freely, but since he had several advantages, he was fine with it; even though the Sapient would have answered roughly to him he decided to refrain himself for the sake of their future relationship.

"Announcement: Skin Hardening is possible to learn, would you like to learn it?"

The boy thought that a skill like that one was incredibly convenient, plus he had no reason to reason to refuse learning a skill that would have made him stronger.

Now the boy was ready to go and rise in the levels of the break, the third one was again different. As Yuki entered it, ants attacked him from every direction; they were Noble ants. If he struggled that much with only one let it be with more of them.

However, it didn't go as Yuki expected because thanks to his new skill Guidance of the Sapient his body moved automatically, and he jumped from there letting all the 10 ants crush onto each other.

The boy was now faster and a little stronger so he could afford to fight more than one, finally using his newly evolved skill Dark Matter Control he was able to generate around 40 incredibly sharp blades able to cut through their hard skin.

He had a simple fight which ended in some minutes, these levels were becoming easier for Yuki who was becoming much stronger, and he was able to defeat all the ants in a short amount of time.

His fight was like a dance with all the blades coordinating with each other being able to attack blind spots and kill easily those monsters. Yuki had now cleared the third level and wanted to go to the next one.

"Announcement: you now have the possibility to learn Ice Elemental Knowledge, Water Elemental Knowledge and Earth Elemental Knowledge; furthermore, you can use their Skin Hardening to increase the level of yours. Would you like to proceed?"

The guy obviously decided to proceed since this was a great increase in his overall abilities. This fight was incredibly profitable, he gained several skills that he hadn't before. Finally, he was able to level up one useful skill which evolved and became Metal Skin, this became a passive skill, meaning that it was always active.

The last improvement was in his sword which now became Long Katana V, after distributing all the points he gained from levelling up he went to the next level. Yuki noticed that the levels were increasing in difficulty, thus preparing to face an even harder challenge.

The courageous boy found himself in a far more difficult situation: he was surrounded by Noble Ants, and the place was packed with them.

"Warning: 100 Noble Ants are in this area. Evaluation: your skill levels are enough to face all those".

This time the ants didn't attack as soon as they saw him, since there were a lot if they had attacked him all at once they wouldn't have coordinated well. They were waiting for Yuki's first move; the guy was reassured from what the system said and decided to put to good use all the new skill he gained.

He created 100 blades of dark matter and gave to all of them different elements, amongst the ones he learned minutes earlier. Then he started attacking all the monsters present there and started jumping in and out of the shadows. Not only did he disorient the ants which were more vulnerable in that way, but he was also able to kill them more easily from the shadow.

It took him more time than before, but Yuki didn't have any major difficulties defeating all the ants that were present in that level; in the end the system was right. The boy now thought that it was too easy for him to face that break.

The confident guy was entering the next level and had a thought, usually in games levels like 5 have an intermediate boss or a mini boss. Since his system became so similar to a game it was reasonable to Yuki that the next level would be one with a sort of boss.

After the boy got out of the entrance, he noticed an incredibly overwhelming presence; now to him Nobile Ants were normal or even weaklings so what he could perceive the most was this strong cutting-edge aura sharp as a razor.

Yuki now had no choice but to prepare himself to fight a formidable opponent while levelling up a bit more. This level looked a little different from the others, the others all had one cave room where all the monsters were situated.

On the other hand, this level presented a part full of monsters and finally a big door behind which Yuki perceived that presence. There was also a huge number of Nobile Ants in the part before the door, so the boy decided to fight them all. This was his first step towards the fight that was awaiting him.