11 An Offer

After Rebekah fixed me up, I wandered out of her tent to find some food. The stares and whispers still followed me. Instead of trying to find a meal at one of the many campfires, I decided to find refuge in the forest.

I took off at a jog. I headed vaguely in the direction of home. Once I was about a mile away, I took my first full deep breath in two days.

The forest was beautiful this time of year. snow berries were out of season, but there were all sorts of other berries around. I wandered around gathering them and popping them into my mouth. I mulled over the events of the past few days. I didn't like that I had to take another life, but I was glad that I hadn't been branded... or killed. I also thought about what Rebekah had said. The more I spent time around men, the more conflicted I became about becoming a wife. Perhaps I should just stay in my family's cabin. It was a simple and peaceful life, and suited my quiet nature.

I knelt down to dig a wild carrot out of the ground. I heard a twig snap and sighed. What now?

I peeked over a bush and was greeted with the sight of Prince Vilhelm lounging against a tree. He was watching me and eating an apple. It seems that I didn't actually hear a twig, but rather the sound of his teeth crunching into it.

He smirked at me, and I stood up, smoothing my skirt awkwardly.

"Nice dress. You look good in blue." His words were kind, but his tone seemed to make fun of me. There was something in his eyes that reminded me of the wildness and peace in the forest.

I watched him cautiously, hand on the hilt of Father's sword. "Not very many people can sneak up on me. I commend you sir, that's quite the skill."

He tossed the apple away and swaggered over to me, gesturing at the sword. "You have no need for that, woman. I'll not hurt you." No matter his words, his voice seemed awfully threatening somehow... like a lie of omission.

I stepped back, but I laughed. "After yesterday, you should know better... You should be afraid of me."

He positively grinned. "Is that so?" he stalked forward until my back was pressed against a tree. He put one of his hands on it, effectively blocking me in.

"Uh... yes. Yes it is so." My heart started hammering in my chest. He smelled like pine trees and sunshine. I couldn't quite look him in the eyes, so I stared at his chest. "Aren't you scared?"

His other hand toyed with the end of my braid. "Oh, I'm terrified." He leaned in closer, and murmured in my ear, "absolutely terrified."

I chanced a glance up at him, and he took exactly what he was after. He pressed a surprisingly slow and gentle kiss to my lips.

"There now," He said, "not so scary."

I looked up into those honey brown eyes. "You're making fun of me." I accused breathlessly.

He grinned down at me, and tugged on my braid. "Maybe... and maybe you like it."

He pulled sharply on my hair, and I let an outraged gasp. This time, his kiss wasn't gentle, and he pressed his body against mine. He pushed a hand into my hair and kissed me like he was drowning, and I was a breath of fresh air. I brought my hands to his chest, and up to his shoulders.

I hissed in pain. I had pulled on my injury. Vilhelm took a half step back. "Are you alright?" His eyes were concerned as they searched mine.

"My arm..." I said, and I pushed against his chest. He took another step back, and lowered his hand from the tree.

I turned away from Vilhelm and examined the bandage, but I wasn't bleeding. "I... I have to go." I said, and without turning back, I ran away. I didn't hear him following me, and this time I was much more careful. I thought about going to my family home, but I didn't really want to be alone there now... in case he was following me. I headed back to the camp.

It was almost evening by the time I got back. The summer sunshine was just past the hottest part of the day, grasshoppers sprung away from me when I walked into the edge of camp. I needed to clear my head.

I found an empty spot at the edge of the woods and drew my sword to begin the forms. It was still much too soon to begin trying to strengthen my right arm - I probably wouldn't be able to do that for another two months - so I practiced with my left.

Soon the familiar motions became central in my thoughts, and all the other confusing feelings dropped away. I danced through the motions, focusing on strength and accuracy with the blade. Over and over again I dove into the forms, faster with each repetition, until my blade sang through the air and the sun dipped below the horizon. Sweat dripped of my brow as I finally sheathed Father's sword.... my sword. I looked down at it and realized it was truly mine now. I had fought for my honor with it and won.

Someone clearing their throat snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Hrothgar standing a ways away watching me.

"You are surely your father's daughter." He said, and I knew he meant it as a compliment.

"Thank you, your Highness." I smiled shyly at him. "I have always found that I remember him best when I go through the forms."

He considered me for a beat, and walked towards me until he was a few paces away. "I remember my father and yours training together when I was very small. Your father had a natural gift with the blade that he honed to excellence with each passing day. I see he has passed this diligence to you." His eyes were calculating something when he looked at me. I felt he was looking at me like a soldier.

"I want you to teach my men these forms you practice." He said suddenly.

I was taken aback. "Me? Teach your men?" surely he must be joking.

"Why not? You just killed the best fighter in my army. Gregor may have been a liar and a drunk, but he was no slouch with a sword, not to mention as big as a horse. " He eyed my bandaged arm. "How are you, by the way."

I grimaced. "The wound is deep. It will be several months before I can use my right arm, and then I will need to build the strength back up."

He nodded. "In that time you will need the assistance of a healer, and food and good shelter. I - we - will keep you safe." He looked at me with an unreadable expression. "If you go with my army and train them, I will make sure you are well provided for, well paid."

I hesitated... "I don't know, your Highness..."

He smiled at me kindly. "What have you here to keep you? Just an empty house and six graves. If you come with me, you will see the world. See that there's more to life than the heartache you've known."

I looked at the ground, then away at the treetops, then back at him. I remembered what Rebekah said about men and women.

"Your Highness, I would consider it, on one condition."

He looked pleased. "Name it."

I looked up at him shyly. "I would need my own tent."

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