

'So that's why we are hiding away in the forest and caves.'

Daniel can see why the so called alliance lost and understood how intelligent those orcs are.

Due to a long time of peace, the alliance didn't see a reason to keep up a big army and focus on improving there warring capabilities. It was also mentioned that the alliance have built a massive wall to separate both sides which made them even more assured that the orcs won't be able to get pass it.

At the beginning, they also monitored the orcs movement but as time passed with no significant changes. The scout slack off and send fake reports to avoid there duties.

But the alliance didn't know that the orcs have already begin digging under the wall a long time ago. They also muster troops and train them away from prying eyes of the alliance.

The orcs also adapted the strategy of quick warfare where they swiftly attack and conquered cities and castles. Leaving no time for the alliance to prepare and since those territories are lightly guarded. It was easily and quickly fall to the orcs immense military power.

It was also thanks to them sealing off all possible communications. The vanguard would conquer while the backup would occupy, leaving no time to loot.

From the point that the orcs breached the wall and opened its gate to when the alliance found out. More then half of there territories have been lost!

Although they put up a desperate fight afterwards to drive back the orcs. It was all futile by that point since there soldiers are not well equipped and there wasn't enough military supplies.

After the war, those that survived have been hiding away ever since and that includes the current tribe he is in.

He also learned that the former host of this body ran into a group of orcs marauder while hunting with the tribe hunters. Only two out of six people managed to escaped including the old Daniel.

'Where can I even go at this point after knowing all of this. I'm practically fucked.'

Shaking his head, Daniel said "what is the tribe status and how many able men do we have that can fight?"

Since there are no longer a chance of him living a peaceful life with the orcs marauder hunting people down. Then he can only try to fight back for a chance to live.

Hearing his question stunned everyone present as they gulped nervously at the thought that is popping up in their mind.

Is the chieftain planning to go on the offensive against the orcs!?

"Daniel, you are not planning to do what I think you are going to do right?" said Markus.

"It is exactly what you are thinking, since we will die anyways once the orcs marauder find us then why not fight back for a chance to live?"

"That is not possible with our numbers and that didn't even include our military supplies. Ever since the fall of our ancestors, many technology have been lost. We don't even have a decent armor and weapon." said a middle age man sitting next to Markus.

"If we don't have the numbers then get them by uniting the different tribes. As for weapons and armors....I will think up a solution for us. Now answer my question." said Daniel with a serious look.

Seeing his expression and the determination to fight in his eyes caused many people present to frown. Since they are living a good life and safe from the orcs, why would they throw their life away to fight a losing battle.

Half of the people have the same thought 'Is he trying to get us killed!?'

"We have around fifty able body that can fight."

At that moment a young man stood up to answer Daniel question with a calm expression.

"Hmmm fifty huh. What about the tribe around us, how many are there and their fighting power?" said Daniel, impressed with the young man calm demeanor.

"There are five tribes near us that we trade with and their fighting power is only slightly weaker then us." this time it was an older man who speak up.

Hearing the older man report cause Daniel to fall silent.

'That is to little! dammit!'

Massaging his head from a incoming headache, Daniel nodded to show that he understands.

With a wave of his hand, Daniel said "leave me for now, I need to think up a plan and digest what I learned today."

Obeying his orders, everyone begin to leave him alone in the cave. Daniel also got to know the names of those that speak up earlier.

The one sitting next to Markus is called James while the young man is called George and lastly is the older man name Jackson. Each with different responsibilities inside the tribe. James is in charge of the logistics, George is in charge of keeping records of the tribe personnel, and Jackson is in charge of diplomatic relations with other tribes. While Markus is the commander of the tribe garrison.

Once alone, Daniel begin to think about what he can do to booster their forces. It's either to conquer the other tribe and assimilate their population into ours or convince them to join our suicidal crusade.

He also need to think up a plan to increase the defenses of the tribe. Which is relatively easy since the two side and back of the tribe is blocked by the mountain. Even the mountain cave that he is in can be used as a shelter if they are ever under siege. What he really need is to modify the walls and clear out the trees in the area to build a moat. The gate will need to be converted into a draw bridge as well. Then increase their overall technology regarding the military.

But he also didn't forget about supplies since you can't feed both the population and the military without sufficient supplies. Right now the tribe rely heavily on hunting the animals in the forest and forage for food. Since they can be attacked anytime, no one took up farming which have a long growth cycle.

"There's so much to do...."

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