

<Sorry I'm late, got held up by something. I mean, Ding!>

<The warlord system will now commenced operations. Please proceed to the system store for available items on sale!>


While resting inside the cave, Daniel was suddenly jolted awake by a voice inside his head. Looking around to see if their is anyone else in the cave that the voice might be originated from. But all he can see is the pitch black cave with the campfire flickering as it burn the logs.

"Was I hearing things just now or is it just me dreaming?"

<You are not dreaming buddy but you are differently hearing things.>

"Let me guess, you are the system that is here to assist me right? What took you so long?"

<Haha...sorry about that, I got held up by some stuff. I will make it up to you by healing your body for free this time.>

Hearing the system reply, Daniel can tell that this system is not really responsible. What kind of system come late to work like this one? Deciding to just drop the matter since he don't want to waste time arguing about something insignificant. Plus he is getting healed for free so at least it's something.

'Let just check out what this system can offer' thought Daniel.

"System open."

The moment he has spoken, a white screen pop up in front of him. On the screen, there are only one single tab that is labeled as the store. Inside the store it was further split up into different sections.

- Soldier Recruitment

- Weapon/Armor

- Supplies

- Blueprint

- Skills

- Heals

Clicking on the soldier recruitment, Daniel can see a long list of soldiers of different kind along with their prices. Immediately scrolling towards the best soldiers available he can see how expensive some of them are.

x1 - Heavy armored infantry - 150 gold

x1 - Heavy armored calvary - 250 gold

x1 - Heavy armored archer - 50 gold

x1 - Large warship - 500 gold

The prices also put him in a hard situation since people don't use gold as a currency anymore. All the tribe would only trade resources with each other as a mean to survive. He noticed this after coming out of the cave the day before and seeing the inhabitants trading in what seem like the market.

'Sigh...what a pain. Now I have to fine a way to aquire gold to make full use of this system.'

Feeling that Daniel is not in a good mood after checking the system store.

Another notification popped up.

<You have a gift pack in the store inventory, I recommend opening it.>

"Hopefully, this will be something worthwhile." said Daniel as he looked at the store inventory that have a backpack icon.

Pulling up the inventory, he can see a yellow box with a blue ribbon on top. Reaching out with his finger and lightly tab on the gift box. Soon, a notification popped up.

<Would you like to open the gift box?>

"You told me to open it, so why ask?"

<It part of protocol ok man, just trying to do my job.>

"Whatever, open it."

<Ding! you received the following items.>

x100 - Heavy armored guardsmen

x10 - Supply package

x1 - Dragon slayer sword

x1 - Berserker armor set

x1 - Superior war horse

x1 - Superior two hand weapons skill manual

x1 - Superior city upgrade blueprint

x1 - 1000 gold

Seeing the items that he got from the gift box, Daniel was both happy and sad at the same time.

With the orcs marauder closing in on the tribe, what he needed most is manpower. But with only one hundred guardsmen available as an actual force is to little.

'I have to get gold soon...relying on the system right now is the only way until we can craft actual weapons and armors ourselves. I can use the guardsmen to train the tribe militia.'

With that thought in mind, Daniel immediately got up and dress neatly before making his way outside. He didn't forget to stop the guards from following him. Along the way, many people stop to show their respect to him as the chieftain.

'Sigh...I have killed many but now I have to turn around and save all these people. Ohhhh the irony.' thought Daniel as he observed the people happy faces and the children playing with each other.

Keeping his thoughts to himself while continuing towards the tribe gate which took only a few minutes of walking. Once he reach the gate and inform the guard his intention of taking a walk in the forest alone before walking past the gate.

Under the unwillingness look of the guards, Daniel continued to walk further away.

"Report to commander Markus that the chieftain have left alone into the forest." said one of the guard who seem to be the leader.

"But the chieftain said that he want to be alone..."

"Idiot! the chieftain safety is more important and we can just follow from a distance. Now hurry!"


Unknowing that the guards will soon come to protect him. Daniel walk deep into the forest until the mountain where the tribe is located can no longer be seen.

Standing in a open field, he begin the summoning of the one hundred guardsmen. In his hand is actually a silver token with a dragon drawn on it and a red button at the very top.

Pressing the red button, Daniel threw it into the distance and the moment that the token touch with the ground. A huge portal open up releasing a thick amount of bloodlust before a huge group of heavily armored soldiers came out in an orderly manner.

All of them are riding huge armored war horses, their synchronize movement shake the ground. With a big metal round shield in the back, a long sword inside it scabbard hanging on the left waist, long metal spear held in the right hand, and the fierce look in there eyes can make enemies tremble in fear.

"Not bad at all, now I know why there's only one hundred of them. With one look, I can tell that these men have been through hundreds of battles and survived. Their strength and experience are truly valuable." said Daniel.

"What the hell! protect the chief!"

Suddenly Daniel heard a loud shout behind him. As he turn around to see who it is shock him.

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