
The villains rescue system(Abandoned)


Ased · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The mark of death and the wheel of fortune.

Lao Mei began to tremble with fear, droplets of sweat dripping from her entire body.

Victor continued to stare at her with cold eyes, making her even more tense and anxious.

"I-I warn you, don't touch m-me and o-or..." - Lao Mei forced herself to speak, but before she could finish, she was immediately interrupted by Victor's voice.

"Or what? Will your lover kill me, destroy my company, or slander me?" - His tone was full of mockery and arrogance.

Hearing this, Lao Mei could think of nothing and said: "Y-yes."


Silence fell across the room, making Lao Mei even more anxious and afraid of what Victor would do to her.


"Hahahahahahahahahahaha," the whole room was filled with Victor's laughter, who laughed like there was no tomorrow.


Even Emma couldn't hide her smile, but the others couldn't see her because she was standing behind Victor, and Lao Mei looked down ashamed to speak again.

"Ha-ha, y-you made me laugh well!" - he said through laughter and wiping away his tears.

"Rejoice rat, now I've decided to kill you painlessly" - Victor really thought she would die painlessly, because it had been so many years since he had laughed like he did today.


"I won't tell you twice, go do your business, then my people will come for your life," Victor replied, without worrying that she might tell everything to Ye Chen.

If Victor decided to get serious about something, it was bound to happen, because there was no more plot and the characters would have nothing to protect.

Lao Mei decided not to stay with this "madman" any longer and decided to leave quickly, after which she would tell everything to Ye Chen, knowing that he would surely protect her.

Leaving in a flash, Lao Mei leaves Victor and Emma alone.

"Master forgive me, I did not consider... this kind of scenario and let a rat in such an important position," Emma's tone was full of sadness and remorse, and in her eyes was disgust and contempt for herself.

Turning his head toward her, Victor looked at her. His old face was no longer there, only a smile and tenderness in his eyes.

In his soft tone he said, "it's not your fault Emma, come here," Victor called out.

After a little hesitation, she walked over to him and stood beside him looking straight at his face, not understanding why it had changed.

After looking for a moment, Victor took her by the waist and laid her on his lap while her head rested on his chest.

Emma was stunned, for she had never received or seen her master as gentle and tender as he was now. She didn't care what the reason was or her personal rules, the only thing she wanted was to be in this position more and receive his caresses.

His hand slowly began to stroke her head, making her feel more comfortable.

"You're the only one I trust completely, Emma. That opinion won't change anything, even if the whole world turns its back on you, I will be there for you and support you with all my heart, for you stole my cold heart," he whispered into her embarrassment-red ear. His tone could melt even the heart of a cold maiden who hated all men.

"You must take responsibility for this, you little thief," Victor teased a little.

But the response was only a "p-pardon"-from the flushed maid who sat on his lap.

"silly" - he replied in the same voice.

"I like that kind of you, too."

"So answer me, will you accept my proposal?"

Emma's eyes widened and tears of happiness began to flow from them, for she had always wished that her master would reciprocate her feelings. Realizing this, she could only smile foolishly and hug him tightly.

"I-if you don't mind."

Victor didn't bother her and just sat there stroking her head while Emma just enjoyed the moment of her reverie.

"Well..." - Victor's cheerful voice ruined the whole romantic atmosphere.

"We're going out tomorrow!" - he exclaimed, lifting her up like a cat, putting her on her feet.

"W-we are?" - Emma replied, stammering.

"Exactly, so where will we go? Personally, I don't have any preferences, which leaves all the choice to you. Pick whatever you want!"

"T-then I'd like to go to the... mall."

"Huh?... That's it?" - Even Victor was surprised not to expect this girl to be so simple.

Her already red face flushed with embarrassment again, but she answered confidently, "Yes!"

"Fine, a mall it is. We'll go to the nearest one tomorrow at 4:00 pm. Be ready," Victor reminded him, knowing full well that she would be preparing for a very, very long time.

"O-okay," she still stuttered, and the blush on her face wouldn't go away.


When Victor was alone, he pulled out his phone and typed in a link directly to the Cultural People website and logged into his account.

Once logged into his account, he immediately checked the popularity of his manga and found that almost everyone was responding well.

[What an interesting idea and also well implemented] - Boplis.

[Wonderful! If the author improved his drawings, this manga would be the most popular!] - nmike.

[Unique manga, the story is good and the drawing is not bad. 5 stars!] - ruler.

All sorts of praise was left by the good people under the comments. Of course, it was not without negative reviews.

[Disgusting drawings. Painful to the eyes. Missed right away] - vberly.

[Rape system and goddess of luck, what the fuck?] - lopist.

But he didn't care, because the skill <drawing manga> was only rank D.

There are only two ways to improve the skill. The first is to get a skill enhancement card, which falls only through the wheel of fortune. The second way is to improve through repetition of the process or some sort of enlightenment training.

The first way was almost impossible. For the second thing, Victor was lazy to specifically increase the level of only one skill, which made his skills improve slowly, because he had already reached the peak of knowledge of this world.


'How many points do I have?' - Victor asked the system mentally.

[Points: 4290]


"Okay, I think I'll do 10 spins, I'll leave the rest to the magic worlds," Victor muttered.


Thinking about it, a golden wheel appeared in front of Victor which was divided into countless lines. There was a big difference between the lines, some marking a larger area than others.

"So are these items of daily use or just trash, yes?"

"What are my chances of pulling anything good out of there at all?"

"Never mind, I'll find out after spinning," Victor said, this and pulled the lever down, causing the wheel to spin at insane speeds.


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