
The Unseen.

What happens when the girl in the crowd is the one? He knew it when he first saw her singing along to him in a world that is not for her. What lurks in the corner is a shadow of who he is going to become. To protect his world was his destiny but he never thought he was capable of protecting her. Hidden in eyes are secrets that nobody is aware of. What happens when powers collide and darkness finds home in the land of hearts that only want love? Will they survive each other or stand on the edge of their world that are centuries apart and say goodbye .

mirrorworld12 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

The Voices in head.

Aysel wake up. You are going under too deep. Wake up, my child. The sun is waiting for you.


Her chest constricted at the thought of how far the voice sounded. How can she leave her alone? Heavy smog filled her vision and she struggled for taking a breath.

Aysel doesn't give up. Don't go too deep un dark. Look for the light. You can always run to me when it is dark.


This time the voice was near but she could not make out where the voice was coming from. Her chest was still heavy and she felt her body was underweight.

Her breathing become heavy as the voice stops and all she could see was smoke.

Where is she?

Is this the end finally?

Her legs started giving up but the next voice she heard sent the chills down her spine.

Run little one run as fast as you can.

You are going to make me so happy.

Mumma ... Papa she screamed but her voice never make it out.

No, He can't find her again. She has to run.

She tried moving but it was impossible to move. What should she do?

Shaw comes back home. I need youhaw!

Whose this?

Don't... The voice is too powerful but it is too far. She can't make it from where the voices are coming.

You should leave. The words were spoken softly this time. She closed her eyes as to accept.

She should. But she is tired. She can't wake up. It hurts to move. She should just lie down. Maybe it will be over once she is gone.


The girl kept struggling on the bed. It has been weak since she is sleeping

Damn it what is wrong? The room again boomed with the king's voice.

It has been like this from the last weak. When he first received the news that the king has returned with a wounded stranger in the palace. He thought it will be one of them. Being a healer he has always been there for everyone in the palace whenever there is a need. But he was surprised to see an almost dead girl in the room.

He remembered how the king has looked at him. It was not the first time he has seen this look on a day's face. As a child,adhay' s pleading eyes to save his mother still haunt him. After years he noticed that child coming back. He doesn't speak much but from the week had become deadly silent. It is always the anger or the rage around him. Many healers have come and gone but there is not much they can do from this girl. Her body rejects all the magic. He has not seen any human being that is resistant to his healing powers. The wounds are drying but she is in a deep sleep. They have tried so many things but nothing has worked. The king sits and stares at them for hours and then leaves. He reacts only when she struggles to breathe and starts choking in the bed.

Do something Alden. You said she is fine.

He gritted his teeth again standing behind the door not coming near the bed.

As I told you son she is not here. She is somewhere else. I tried following her so that I can look where her consciousness is lost but I can not. Resistance is too much. If we forced her we might lose her. Once again he repeated the truth he knows. But how can human conscious travel without them not die? He does not know.

He did not question his king why he was so desperate to keep the girl alive. Whoever she is, she must hold something precious to the king. But what might be more precious than his kingdom is that he decided to bring a human inside their world. It is forbidden. Every time someone does so they pay the price heavily... Just like the king's father did.

The girl went back to sleep and the king stared at her laying figure for a few minutes and went back into his room.

Alden has too many questions to stay here any longer. This is going nowhere. He needs to know something before he can help. How did human girls enter woods that are not even visible to the human eye?

Jeremy. The wolf of fire.

The only man who can tell something but he knows it is next to impossible to know the truth that the king does not want him to know. Not yet.

He left the room informing all the keepers of the palace to call him if there is a need. As he left the palace, he felt two red eyes staring at his back. They might be far away but their beings know the kind of power they hold.

The other side of the king.


There were too many rogues in their territory. Since the king entered the palace and did not come out he has nearly caught more than fifty rogues near the borders. Why?

When the king left, he knew that something happened there that might be in front of his eyes, but he has missed it.

What was it? He keeps remembering how the king's wolf tried to come out for the first time in years. How shaw has killed someone that he has never done. Shadows don't kill anyone. They just protect and keep eye on what belongs to them. Shaw being as wise as their king keeps himself out of many things happening in the kingdom. He has been a traveller of the human world to their realm forever. But for the last 7-8 years he vanished and nobody saw him in the territory. Maybe he does not like what happened here.

but wolves are dangerous when crossed the wrong. They protect ferociously and are not scared to tear some limbs off the enemy. King has protected his world from the day of crowning. There has been nothing that has not been taken care of by King when coming to his people.

Every mystical creature knows that the king is not to be the one to mess up with. Most creatures stay away leaving some fool rogues who are blinded by power. but from the day of the incident every night, a group of rogues entered in and all of them do not open their mouths, no matter how much they torture them.

King, his wolf and shadow all are in the palace with a girl at once. Alden has informed him of the girl dying. She is not there. He does not understand what Alden meant by this. It is the first time Alden is unable to heal someone. But why?

As for their king, he knows. He knows why he is keeping to himself. His wolf came out that day. He commanded him. The pitch Black eyes when the shadow entered were filled with rage. He wanted to kill but the question is who?

The rogue who entered their territory was already dead.


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