
Jannis Town

"Roman! Let's go play magic!" A little girl of about nine years of age cheerfully pulled at the tattered rags of a boy. The boy's hair was dark as night, in great contrast to his bright blue eyes. His skin was fair and nearly as white as snow. The boy smiled, clearly liberated by the young girls happiness.

"Haha, alright, alright, just give me a few minutes to finish this up then ill play!" The girl playfully pouted but walked off. She had pure golden hair that went nearly to her waist. Her Blue eyes shone in a much brighter light than the boys, but was unmistakably the same as the boys.

Unlike her small stature, the boy was big and tall. Still, he was clearly malnourished, thin as bone and lacking any significant muscle.

'fifteen and I still get to play magic, how lucky.' Roman thought with sarcasms laced into his thoughts. Roman didn't like playing much, his dreams of being a mage were long gone after the coming of age ceremony but not for his sister, and for her Roman would do anything.

Roman liked to look on the bright side of things. He had always been that way, even when he was living on the streets, before the orphanage.

Roman and Rae were brother and sister. The townsfolk often talked about how gorgeous their parents must have been for them to turn out so beautiful. That's of course because no one knew their parents. One day, a baby and a boy of six years of age showed up at the village.

Roman remembered his parents, his smile brought about by his sisters joy quickly turned fowl with a well hidden anger. His mother was a complete drunk turned prostitute for drugs, despite her looks she was only good for a quick pleasure, let alone raising kids. Roman's dad had died in his heart after taking out a loan much to grand to ever pay back. The old fool ran for as long as he could, leaving his family behind with only Roman to take care of them. Roman didn't have the slightest clue if he lives today or not, and to be honest, he doesn't care.

With a great thud, Roman put the final crate down, quickly running off to go see his sister.

"I'm done for today sir!" The old guard smiled and waved Roman off to go play.

"Hah, kids will be kids I guess." The guard went to go finish the work that roman mostly did with a smile on his face. 'stay young forever kid.'

"Rae! you ready to play!" Roman didn't really enjoy playing magic with his sister, but his sister did, and so he did it anyways.

Rae had always been a bright and uplifting girl. Roman has gotten through too many hardships just with the glorious and bright smile of his sister.

Rae put her hands together and shot them out. To the naked eye it would seem like two kids playing make belief and having fun, but to Rae, real magic was being cast.

A massive fireball came out of hand, searing Roman. "Aquarius!" Roman yelled out, screaming one of the only water spells he knows the name off.

A cool ball of water quickly extinguished the flames. Like this, the two kids played on for an hour. To them, they felt like real mages, wielding unbelievable power, slinging fire and earth at each other.

Eventually, the day was reaching its end. Soon the curfew would take place and guards would bring anyone left out back.

"Alright Rae its time to go back to the orphanage." Roman smiled, today was fun. Its been a week since he and Rae hanged out like this. Lately, Roman had been taking extra shifts to help save up for a small home and some other stuff.

"Aw, come on! just a little longer, please?" Rae looked like a little puppy staring down Roman.

'hah, she always does this.' Roman shook his finger out at the little girl making sure she knew he was serious.

"You know we have to go back home now. Curfew starts soon." Rae pleaded once more but quickly gave in.

Nothing she could do would change Romans mind, she knew how persistent he was.

The curfew had been something new to get used to. Nobody outside of the guard was allowed out past dusk, this was because of the recent disappearances. Inquisitors dispatched from the Marquis had been down as off recent, and they ordered that no one be out past dark. Rae had a hard time adjusting, but Roman made sure to keep her safe inside. Rae meant the world to him, she was all he had.

As the bells signaling the Curfew came on, the few residents of Jannis still outside quickly huddled to the safety of their homes.

Just like everyone else, Rae and Roman arrived unharmed.

Father Issac welcomed the kids with open arms. The smell of porridge made with passion permeated the air. The laughter of children resounded through the halls of the orphanage. The creaking of wood as kids ran down the stairs to the fresh meal was of great contrast to the hectic and chaotic battle Rae and Roman had just imagined.

"Sit down everyone, it is time we say grace." The table was long, it had about thirty seats, three for the priest and nuns, and the other twenty seven for the unfortunate Orphans.

Rae and Roman held hands, along with the people sitting next to them.

The previous loud and thumping laughter was nowhere to be found in the now quiet, yet still joyous room.

"O Lord of Light, radiant and bright, Your love and grace shine down on us, Guiding us through the darkness of night, And filling our hearts with joy and trust.

With your divine flame, you kindle our souls, Illuminating the path before us, Dispelling the shadows that would take their tolls, And cleansing our spirits from all that does us harm.

We call upon you, great and mighty one, to bless the food we eat today in your presence.

May your holy light be our constant guide, As we seek to do your will and spread your love, And may we ever be faithful and abide, In the warmth of your everlasting embrace.

In your name we pray, O God of Light, Forever and ever. Amen."

The quiet prayers of all thirty people was truly a spectacle. Surely, their food would taste much better with the blessing of their god.

"You may eat." The moment the words left his tongue, the kids began to furiously destroy their meals. It wasn't a great meal, but it was more than what the kids were used to. It was also made with passion and heart.

"Yummy!" Rae was overjoyed to be eating another meal. Roman was happy to see her so cheerful but didn't let her happiness interrupt his meal. Roman quickly dug into his food, not letting a scrap go to waste.

Soon it was time for bed.

'Another day...' Roman was tired and sleepy from work but went to bed with a smile and a full stomach. Unfortunately, that night of sleep would be one of the last times he goes to sleep happy ever again.

Let me know what you guys think of this first one! Any corrections are welcomed :)

Kevin_Harper_1476creators' thoughts
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