
The Unknown Xenomorph ; The Apocalypse Series?

Dar_Y · Lainnya
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30 Chs

Chapter 15


Since the Auction the Rusan Corporation Buy the X created safezone base Alice Increased searches for this X. Later They Found Another creation of X but more hive like structures with a house/mansion inside.

Signs of many things but it is totally clean out even the funiture of the old building.

They Also buy this place at the auction since it is in a discovered easyzone as all big threat are gone. Many have theories on how this can happened but most point to X and his brood.

The increase look into X became hype as many people started to take sides on wether it is a threat or a danger do to many things.

Then the videos are leaked becoming widely known by east coast colony to the other colonies.

Then when the medical videos appeared crazies also appear believing a Evil healing god a healer of the impossible. Many higher up haved many known people study this X and his behavior.

They say that it showed abnormal behavior unlike certain creatures as it display high intelligence and clever enough to learn about itself. It can travel fast as items from the school showed up in gamma6. Their species either cacoon themselves to change and exsit their shells growing new ones.

it can interbreed but it seems the host play a huge part effecting the genetics. The eight are from goblin males face raped and creatures like it burst out to evole at the school safezone.

Later is the effect on a goblin tribe that growed in power with the weapons it provides and strange vials they don't use at all. Alice already take the vials by challenging the chief for them attempts to buy they all end in failure.

The structures or organic and bullet proof while fire and armor piercing round have some effects but not much. One structure called hive noded by the scientist provide two mircale products. A mixed of nutrients and healing liquid are now top product called the fable healing regen-potion.

With this potion hitting the market people started to join the hunters as this potion can regrow limbs and vital organs.

Several theives died trying to steal some from the source to hear rumors about corpses of monster are used to create the potions.

It is true but nothing is wrong as the process is easy and known by the MAA also.

And they go on about difference from the eight to the new kin of X.

As many try their best they still don't understand X as a whole.

Alice in a disclose location behind thick glass metal watching a female mouse drink both liquids from the vials. Soon the seen the mouse transform to have the figure of gaget with nephilim body. Later her tail turn black as a blade forms at the tip.

This mouse can learn fast able to speak human, write, and point where he is. By morning she grown wings that can retract at will with spider legs for fighting.

This mouse can transform at will now, to her mouse body to her X form but her tail stay the same.

Alice straight up walk to it to hear it say why you smell so nice who is he, is it he i point to X. Alice is stun that she smell at all but this mouse can smell it. It told her about the spores and the hive node and it's danger if left alone. Alice claim her as a pet legally but in reallity she agree to help her find him in return she explains what she can even fight.

Soon left this place with the vials feeding them to the mouse now named zina.