
The Undead Hero

you've heard it all before a guy dies reincarnates and goes to an anime world just this time basically as a zombie. I'm relatively new to writing tell me what I got wrong and how to do better

Gaming_Empire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Oh another isekai fanfic

"Huh, where am I?" I couldn't help but think out loud all I could remember was going to sleep after rewatching some episodes of season one of one punch man I look around but I couldn't see anything. I started to feel around but I barely had any room to move I felt smaller but I've always been short so it hard to tell I started to hyperventilate I hated confine spaces. With as much strength I could muster in my legs I started to kick I don't know if I could escape but it was a good distraction from my current situation. My goal was to either bust open what I hoped was the door or make enough noise to get someone's attention. What happened to me last night? I kept kicking until I finally made a dent I don't stop to think about it I need to get out of this.

The door suddenly swung open while I was mid-kick I barely missed hitting someone whoever I almost hit didn't say anything. they just pulled me out the light of the room abused my eyes making me wish for the darkness again after my eyes finally adjusted I got to look around it look like I was in a morgue I looked at the person who pulled me out. I looked at her and was confused she had tiger ears and tail and dressed like a nurse the tail was moving around like it was real maybe she is into cosplay I thought to myself.

"Oh, you're alive." she said she sounded surprised why should I be dead?

"Um, why am I here?" That was the only question I could think of why was I locked in a freezer. You know now that I think about it I wasn't cold and I was in there for a while maybe it was because of the adrenaline. But I still don't feel cold two other people enter the morgue. They looked shocked to see me but I've never seen them before.

"Your alive!" The woman said she rushed forward and hugged me tightly threatening to break something her eyes were water like she was about to cry. I don't respond who is this the thought of pushing her off came to mind but I didn't act on it. I just waited for her to calm down "I'm so glad you're alive, after we got the call we thought we would never see you again." She told me as she was trying to fracture one of my ribs she let me go after a while.

"So, who are you?" I finally got to ask they acted like they knew me so maybe they know how I got here.

"M-my poor baby." she said the man that came with asked the nurse why he didn't remember them.

"Please stand back ma'am I like to ask your son a few questions." The nurse-looking lady said but she, not my mother I couldn't help but think.

"Do you know where you are?" She asked me; weird no hi my name is blank just straight into question.

"Um, I think I'm in a morgue; by the way who's sick idea was it to put someone in a coffin-sized freezer?" I asked finally standing up until I finally realized "Why am I naked?" I was naked the whole time and I got a good look at my body and there were some differences that told me this wasn't my body. For one I have a sixpack now and two my skin was gray what happen to me?

"Sorry about that, we believed you to be dead." she told me

"What what do you mean dead I was just at home." I said

"Do you not remember what happen?" she asked well apparently but I don't stay that out loud so I just shrugged.

"You were mutilated by a villain the fact that you're able to move is a miracle." she said but I feel fine.

"But I do have one question for you, your files state that your quirkless so how?" she asked the two others they also looked like they wanted to know. Wait it just clicked for me the way the nurse looked, villain, and the term quirkless I'm in the world of my hero academia but that impossible this couldn't be happening. This had to be a dream that the only thing that made sense to me. But I've never had a dream that felt so real before. So if this is really a dream all I would have to do is pinch myself to wake up right that what happens in the movies at least. I pinched my forearm as hard as I could but I didn't feel anything.

"What are you doing?" the nurse asked I'm not going to lie I forgot about them.

"Pinching myself because this has to be a dream." I said full of confidence knowing this wasn't real. The nurse turned around and started to talk to the man and the woman I was still able to hear them.

"Your son has gone through a very traumatic situation so it understandable that he is in denial." She told my "parents" This felt so weird but the weirdest thing is I can't physically feel anything I can't feel the ground under me I felt kinda numb.

"we'll be taking our son." The man said.

"Mr. Himiko I strongly advise against that your son is obviously suffering from shock; he needs therapy." The nurse said Himiko like the vampire yandere girl.

"Well lucky for us we didn't ask for your advise." The man said he grabbed me and headed towards the exit. The nurse didn't try to stop him anymore we headed toward a checkout desk they asked me how I felt I told them I felt ok. It wasn't a complete lie I don't feel any pain I just don't feel anything. I was discharged after a couple of questioning we got to their car with no problem.

"What were you think? Are you trying to embarrass us?" The man said he sounded calm but it clear that he's pissed.

"What do you mean?" I asked even if it a dream I want to see how this ended. After that, I was slapped across the face the woman started to go on a rant about how I shouldn't have left home without permission, how I shouldn't become like my sister, and when did I get my quirk. I was honestly confused about this dream but I haven't awoken yet so I guess I'm here for the long one. Because I wasn't answering her the man and the woman got angrier they said they'll deal with me when we got back. The ride to where ever they were taking me was silent no one said anything I was mostly bored because I didn't have my phone with me.

We arrived at their house there wasn't much to look at. It was a plain-looking two-story house trash littered the entrance I had to climb over a mountain of trash just to get inside. I was told to head to my room and that I wasn't going to eat today or tomorrow but I was pretty sure when I went to sleep I would wake up. When I went upstairs I saw four doors one was boarded up I was guessing that was Toga's room I check each room so I knew which one was mine. The room was barren there was no bed, tv, laptop, lights, and the wall had holes in them and there were red stains all over the room some of the stains were still damp. Is this supposed to be my room I already checked the other room that was open so I guessed this had to be it? I just sat against the wall hoping to wake up soon the drive here was tiring so I had no problem going to "sleep"

- Timeskip -

I don't know what time it was but it was night outside I get up to stretch but realized something I was on the floor. Weird I thought I stop doing that but I was pretty sure I went to sleep on the couch last night. I look around for my phone I felt all around me feeling the carpet hoping my phone was close by I couldn't find it.

"Whatever." I thought aloud I'll find it later I needed to go to the bathroom I opened the door to leave the room I was in. Wait door I was in the living room last night I could barely see right now but I could tell I wasn't in my house right now. I didn't know where I was right now but I knew I had to leave I feel for the wall and follow it wondering where the exit was. I found the stairs after a few steps; I descended the stairs I don't turn on any light not wanting to wake anyone up. I don't know what they might do to me if they saw me trying to escape. But it was for it didn't matter because they were either already awake or I was too loud.

"And where do you think your going young man?" A women's voice echoed throughout the house that voice wasn't that the same voice I heard in my dream last night. For some reason, my head was bombarded with memories that weren't my own I couldn't handle all the information at once causing me to blackout. When I came to I found myself in the hospital like before luckily not in the morgue this time. I guess this wasn't a dream but how was I Isekai'd I don't remember getting hit by a truck. Well, it doesn't matter I should try to understand my current situation; if I remember correctly from my new memory I was born into the Himiko family which means I'm related to Toga. I know I'm a year younger than Toga. Toga was 14 when she ran away and a year has passed so I was 15. That meant the start of the story would be happening soon if not it already started; I started to think about the story of Mha and how much I can remember of the story; I was caught up with the anime and I know about some of the things happening in the manga currently because I've never really cared about spoilers. But season two was a bit fuzzy for me though; I recall everything in my head that I could remember and thought maybe I should write down what I remembered. Before scraping that idea because what if someone found it I would have a hard time explaining how I knew about one for all and all for one. What I was Isekai'd that mean I have an overpowered quirk right that how Isekai works right.

My only questions were how to activate my quirk I mean in the fanfic it was easy I mean I don't feel that different than I used to. I just laid there on the hospital bed thinking of different ways to activate it; The door suddenly opens as a doctor walked in.

"Oh, I'm glad to see that your awake, you've been out for quite a while." The doctor said as he sat down next to me.

"Do you remember your name?" He asked me.

"Yeah, my name is Ren." I answer some of my new memories were fuzzy but I knew that much about my new body.

"I'm glad to hear that you remember that much, but I have to apologize in advance because we can't let you leave like you did last time." He said so I guess I'm going to be stuck here for a while. I thought I could play around with my powers for a bit but too bad.

"But first let get you registered." He said I was confused registered for what? See my confusion he answered my unasked question.

"Will be registering your quirk, it seems because of that villain attack when you technically... died It has awakened your dormant quirk." he said

"So, I'm like a late bloomer." I asked

"That one way of putting it yes." He said because this body was basically quirkless for most of its life the past owner was bullied and his parents pulled him out of school after Toga killed that one guy. They were already embarrassed after that they didn't need their quirkless son to embarrass them more.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked because I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

"It shouldn't take that long, just need to make sure everything fine and you should be able to leave by tomorrow." He said well guess this is going to be the rest of my day whatever you guys can leave now.
