

"This story take place three years before your birth"

#This chapter is narrated from Sharon thus it is written in first person#


19 years before  ;  967 a.t.

At the time your father wasn't the clan master yet but was considered one of the greatest genius of the younger generation. We were married and Sheila was only one year old.

One day we were invited to a banquet in honor of the birth of the second son of the King and there  is where I encountered your mother.

You know that I don't like gossips, right? Well at the time it was the same and, to not be trapped by the talk of the other lady that liked they, I went to a near balcony to take a bit of air and to see the stars.

When I arrived I saw another woman. She was in her mid twenties and was really beautiful, with long black hair and deep blue eyes, similar to yours. The only thing that I thought was strange about her was the fact that, even though her beautiful aspect, she had around her an air of solitude, like if she was the most lonely person in the world.

Seeing her loneliness I tried to cheer her up a bit by introducing myself and, after a bit of hesitation, she introduced herself too.

She introduced herself as Lefia Convel, member of the Convel clan, a clan, like ours, descending from a legendary beast, Fenrir the moon devouring wolf.

Because of their bloodline every member of the Convel clan were warriors of the Iron attribute, with powerful physics and bestial instincts.

After our introduction I began to talk of many things to try breaking the ice and, even if at the start she was really reluctant to talk, after a bit I discovered that the womam that I though was cold and silent was, in reality, a chatterbox.

Intrigued by her I tried to make some inquiry about her past trying to understand why a girl like her, friendly and an incurable chatterbox, had around her an air of loneliness.

"So Laila, tell me, why is a girl like you, friendly and, I must say, a chatterbox, alone on this balcony? I understand that the others chicke- honorable woman on this banquet don't want to stay with you because maybe they are afraid of being blurred by you but why aren't the men making a row to conquer you? Are you, perhaps, already married? "

" WHAT? MARRIED? Nononononono I'm not married. I'm too young to be married. There aren't people around me because... they are fearful of my clan. Even if it doesn't seem so I'm an important figure in my clan and they cherish me a lot but, because of this, few people want to speak to me for the fear of having some repercussions from my clan. And you? You are speaking about me but, even though you aren't less beautiful than me, there aren't people even around you"

"Ohohohoh unlike you I'm already married and I have a daughter too. There aren't people around me because they are fearful of my husband, Alos Ignis".

"WHAT? Alos Ignis, the son of the current master of the Ignis clan and the future master? That Alos Ignis?"

"Yes, that Alos Ignis"

"You are lucky to have found an husband like him. But isn't it tiring?"

"Why should it be tiring?"

"Well, he is really famous and I bet there are many woman interested in him. Before I've even heard other women say that they would like to try to court him"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, why?"

"Uhuhuhuh I'm sorry but we have to stop our conversation. I think I have to teach these chickens some manners"

"Yeah sure, but be sure to not be too harsh, they are normal mortals after all"

"Yeah don't worry, even if they die nobody will miss them"

Seeing her sad look while I was leaving I thought of inviting her to the clan to spend some time together.

"If, sometimes, you feel sad or you have some problems remember that the door of my house will be always open for you"


At the time I didn't know that that simple phrase would have changed our life forever.

After we parted ways I returned to the banquet and make some chickes scream like they never did in their lives.

I encountered your mother again after two years.

One day she appeared before our door weakened and full of bruises.

"Pant pant Sharon I need your help"

"Lefia, what happened? Why are you full of bruises?"

Before she was capable of answering me she fell in an unconscious state.

Seeing her state I called the doctor who said it wasn't nothing serious and that it was caused by exhaustion and that she would have been fine after some days.

I remained near her for all the time she was unconscious and, after some time, arrived even your father and, when he saw her, he remained enthralled by her beauty.

"Umph You have a beautiful and sweet wife like me and, despite this, you remain enthralled by another woman?"

"Sh-Sharon, it's not like what you think"

"Umph it's alright, I know she was beautiful but she is my friend and if you broke her heart I will break your backbone"

After two days Leila awoken and recounted me what happened to her.

"We where out hunting for the silver rhino, a beast of the forth level that is know to be able to help the warriors of the iron attribute to break through a bottleneck, but, during the hunt, we encountered a black dragon. We tried to defeat him but he was too strong *sob*,the other member of the squad were all dead, they  stayed behind to give me the chance to escape *sob sob sob*. I-I'm sorry for having disturbed you but I was exhausted and your clan was nearest than mine but don't worry, tomorrow I will leave"

Seeing her pitiful state I hugged her and said "Shh Shh haven't I said it? That the door of my house will always be open for you? Now don't worry about being an hindrance and rest"

"Oh and another thing. I think my husband is infatuated of you thus be careful when he is around and, if he do something to you, tell me and I will make him pay for it"

"Wh-What do you mean? "

"Oh don't worry you'll know it soon"

After that day Alos began to visit her room more often and, although at the beginning she  denied it, even your mother began to fall for him.

Although at the beginning their relationship made me jealous after spending some time with your mother I understood that their love was real an thus I spoke with both of them.

"Alos, do you love me? "

" Yes, I love you like the first day we meet"

"But you love Laila too, right?"


"Who do you love more? Me or Laila?"

"... You"

"Are you sure? "


"Good, now it's your turn Laila. Do you love him?"


"Why do you love him?"

"I... don't know, I only know that when I'm with him a feel really strange, I feel happy. When I am with him I feel happy, an happiness I didn't feel in a long time"

"... Okay, you convinced me. Alos I know that you said the truth and I even know that you want a son, a son that I, for some problems, can't give you thus, if you love her, I will not be contrary even if you want to take her as your second wife. Lefia you are my best friend and one of the kindest people I've ever encountered. I know the loneliness you feel in your heart and thus, if you think him can make some of that loneliness disappear, I won't obstacle your relationship but you must assure me that when you have a son you will let me cuddle him"

"*sob sob sob* Thank you Sharon, you are too nice"

"Oh come on, if you cry like this you will make me cry too"

The months that followed that night were the happiest of my life.

I and your mother started to spend all our time together and thus become even more close.

But every happy moment has an end and our come when your mother was exiled from the clan.

After Alos and your mother spent the first night together the elders found out about their relationship and, to not break the rule of the clan, decided to exile her.

At first your father opposed them but, after they threatened to take away from him the clan master position, he surrendered.

While I was trying to make the elder pardon her, she, feeling betrayed by the man she loved, left the clan without me knowing it.

When I found out about it I went to search for her but, even after a few month of search, I wasn't capable of finding her.

I even tried to go to her clan but they said me they had exiled her for breaking one of their most important rule, the rule that prevented the clan member from having child with outsiders.

After that event your father became the clan master and became colder with everyone and I, saddened from having lost my best friend, locked myself in my room.

I thought that I would never see her again but after a year she returned.

She was in a near death state, full of wound and with a pale face. She wore a long black coat and in her arm was holding a baby less than one year old. When I saw her she said only one word before diyng "Ti... feo".

The last word she said was her child name, your name.

This was the longest chapter I've even written but I need to say that I'm not proud of it.

I'm not proud of it and don't like it because I think it is a shallow chapter, unable to express the emotions I want it to express, even because of my poor experience and because this was the first time I tried to write in the first person.

That said I think that, probably, in the future, after acquiring more experience, I will rewrite it.

Izanelcreators' thoughts
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