
Aylin’s Perspective Day One

The legend is there is two Zodiac rings that are magical. One Leo ring for someone born in August and one Capricorn ring for someone born in December. They are hidden so no one can find them. If they are found by someone incapable they will become invisible. If the chosen people find them, they can wear the ring and gain their magical abilities. The rumor is that two pre-teen girls are the chosen ones. They are the ones with magical abilities.

One day, in New York City, two girls were best friends and went to Baruch Middle School. They did not have many friends. Their names were Aylin and Ivy.

Aylin's Perspective Day One

I woke up late that afternoon. I rolled and looked at my alarm clock, it was 2:34 PM.

I said, "Gosh! I woke up late!"

I crawled out of bed and stumbled to my bedroom door. I lived in a small apartment. My family had three dogs. A pit-bull named Lonnie, a Yorky Terrier named Fox, and a Australian Shepard named Bear. I had one dog and a bird. My dog was a male black German Shepard that I named Sirius. My bird was male, blue, and white and it's name was Barry.

Lonnie was my mother's, Fox was my father's, and Bear was everyone's dog. Sirius was only a puppy. He had one ear partially up and the other flopped down. He was only two months.

My parents died in a airplane crash. A hacker hacked into the airplane and made the plane crash. The hacker swore it was a accident and went to prison for life.

My older sister Rory was 18 and could watch us since she was legally a adult. I had two sisters and a brother. I was 12 years old. I had a younger sister, her name was Ramona. The second oldest was my sister Iris. My brother was next, his name was Mateo.

We called Ramona either Mona or Ramen because she loved Ramen Noodles, specifically the Soy flavor. We call my brother Teo or Teddy. He likes his middle name which is Teddy. We call Rory, Rory or Miss Rwar. I was Lin or Crescent Moon.

I cracked open my bedroom door. The light shined into my room through the crack. I saw a black nose wedge itself into the crack. The door burst open and Sirius ran in clutching his leash in his teeth. He ran circles around me and shedded dog hair.

"Hi Sirius. Good morning boy." I said patting his back.

Sirius woofed and we walked into the small hallway like area. There was four doors next to each other. Mine was the second door. It had a sticker that read Stay Out!

Rory was sitting on one of the three stools at the kitchen counter. We had no dinner table. Our living room was small and had two love seat couches. There was a small television standing on a little wooden television console.

I said looking at Rory who was doing homework, "Good morning Miss Rwar."

Rory glared at me and said, "Ivy called the home phone earlier. She is going to head over here as soon as you are ready," she looked at me, "Go shower and brush your hair."

"Fine." I groaned.

I walked back into my room. I opened the small closet and picked out a light jacket that was a trench coat that was grey with black shiny buttons. I walked to my dresser and grabbed a short sleeve plain white T-shirt that had the sleeve a pastel yellow color, and a daisy on the right on the chest. I also grabbed, olive green ripped jeans, white socks, and black Converse with a white tip and base.

I had a small jewelry box on top of my dresser. I grabbed my old locket that had a family tree on the front, a anxiety ring that had a moon pattern, and a silver sing with After All This Time? Always engraved. They were my favorite pieces of jewelry, the locket had a picture of my family on the left and a picture of my parents on the right.

I walked to through the door and walked into the living room. I turned left to walk into the bathroom. Sirius came bolting into the bathroom right as I was going to close the door. I set my clothes on the small counter.

I said pushing his butt out, "Sirius, go to Rory. Come on."

Sirius woofed softly and ran to Rory with his ears flopping and his tongue sticking out. I closed the door and showered. Are Rory and I the only ones up, I thought in the shower. Where are the other dogs? Did Iris and Mateo take them?

I got out of the shower and changed in the humidity that I created. I opened the door holding my dirty clothes. I walked to my bedroom and opened my small closet. I dropped my clothes into my hamper and walked back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I covered my face in a thin layer of face lotion. I put a acne gel on my forehead. I grasped the handle of my hair brush and brushed my long light brown hair that had blonde streaks in it that blended quite nicely. I had one eye that was black, and the other was a Quora color. Quora is a blue, grey color.

I opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed my toothbrush and charcoal toothpaste. I wet my toothbrush and put a blob of toothpaste on top. I brushed my teeth. I flossed and used mouthwash too. I dried my hair with my soft towel.

I walked into the living room and Bear ran to me wagging his tail.

I said in a baby voice, "Hi, hi Bear! I missed you!"

I stroked his head and walked to my bedroom. Next to Barry's cage was a bag of bird food. I scooped some and opened his cage. I poured the food into his food bowl, and he started eating.

I walked to Rory.

"Better?" I asked.

Rory replied, "Yes, thank you."

The doorbell rang and everyone froze. Delilah barked at the door. Ramona came out of her bedroom.

Iris asked, "Is there supposed to be anyone here?"

Rory answered, "No."

"Hit the lights and get down." I whispered.

Ramona shut off the hallway lights and ducked down. Mateo turned off the kitchen lights and dropped to the floor like a dead fish. Rory turned the television off and hid behind the counter. Iris squatted down low. I ran to the door and was standing next to it.

"I am going to look through the peep hole." I whispered.

Iris said quietly, "No, do not risk it."

I said, "I am going to."

"Good luck." Ramona called.

I scooted to the door and investigated the peep hole.

I said relieved, "It is just Ivy. She is here for me."