
Chapter :1 fight for contract

'Who lets the dog out, bhoo-bhoo'

'Who lets the dog out, bhoo-bhoo'

'Who lets the dog out, bhoo-bhoo'

I hate this voice, the most irritating voice in the world.

I groan while digging myself in my love, my soft pillow.

My minions Blanket don't be jealous I love you too, Sweetie.

'Who lets the dog out, bhoo-bhoo'

I hate this alarm. I want to do murder who invented alarm? Before that, I want to kill the song artist.

Finally, after blaming a lot, I took the effort to move my hand and off the fucking annoying alarm bitch.

I went back to sleep.

The stage was beautifully decorated with a lot of people crowd cheering my name. then host announces 'the Best wedding planner of the year award goes to Ms. Priya Oberoi. I walk toward the stage my floor-length baby pink off-shoulder gown was giving me a royal look. My white bright skin glowing naturally, my curly dark brown long hair perfectly waves with my movement spicing my look young boys drool mouth when I pass them and girls watching my every move as I was their ideal. I move toward judges to receive my award 'you deserve it' they compliment me. 'I know I smirk with attitude and confidence reflecting my personality. I was about to take the award from them. someone snatches it 'Priya why hell you are again late for office?' I look toward the owner of the voice; I saw the familiar middle-aged bald man. After seeing carefully, I remember, it's my cruel boss face with two thorns came in my beautiful dream.

What the hell he is doing in my dream?

'Security takes this man out from my dream' I order my bodyguard.


I open my eyes suddenly check my alarm '7:20'

"Oh shit, I'm again late for office!" I have thrown my blanket away in corner of the bed. "Sorry baby I'm getting late, I promise I will keep you properly at your place after coming back home." I apologize for my blanket.

I hurriedly run to the bathroom.

"if this time I will be late then the boss is going to kill me with his word. And that jalkhookad will enjoy the show and then took the opportunity to impress the boss."

Suddenly my legs land on the rolling surface I slip down on my butt. See after taking his name bad things happen to me.

"Ouch... Mama" I scream in pain.

Who the hell has thrown the beer bottle on the floor?

Ghost kept it, of course, it's you idiot. My subconscious mind mocked me. let me remind you, last night I have done a party for the success of the last wedding plan, my clients were so happy they continually praised my work. I hope they give their beautiful feedback to my boss so that I can reach my dream.

Dream= boss= watch= 7:24= oh! Shit I'm getting late.

I off my lazy ass from the floor and rush to my bathroom.

After taking a quick shower I wore the white floral pattern thigh-length full sleeves dress. Wore my white heels. Kept my curly long hair in a high ponytail and put cherry red lip balm on my lips. After being satisfied with my look I pick up my laptop from the couch put it inside my bag left the apartment after locking the door.

While reaching the ground floor I saw the most irritating woman coming toward me, my landlord. She is above 45 ladies, but still a thing like my sister. She lives with her husband and her two sons live abroad.

"Good morning auntie" I give her my sweetest- melodies- a natural fake smile.

"Good morning, I was coming to meet you. Actually, I want to discuss something with you." She speaks.

"What happens, auntie?"

"Well, due to some reason you had to leave the house in two days."

'Fuck not again' "why auntie did I do something wrong? Do I always pay rent on time? Why suddenly?"

"My sister's son is coming to Pune for college studies he needs a place to stay. Please understand I can't say no to my relatives."

'Real stories are someone is ready to pay more than me.' liar!

"But at least you should inform me 15 days early how can I move in two days?" I trying my best not to freak out.

"I know it's our fault but we are helpless?" she shows her fake innocent petty face.

Helpless my foot! Bloody greedy people.

"But Auntie where I will go it's diff..." my phone interrupted me. I saw the screen 'bitch queen'. "Auntie I will tell you later I'm getting late for the office."

She was saying something I ignore her and I started my Scooty ride to my office.

My Scooty = (Jupiter Scooty).

Finally, after crossing Pune traffic, I reach my official residence. After parking, I run to the huge large building 'shubharam' top no. 5 rank wedding planning company in India. Working in these companies is a dream job. It paid me well enough to survive and fulfill my dream.

When I reach floor 15 'ding -ding' the elevator door opens.

"Why the hell you are not receiving my phone?" here my girl starts yelling, Mansi. if I'm bitch then she is a leader of bitches = bitch queen. we both are different if something in common between us, is we both are emotionless.

"girl, give me time to breathe." I was breathing heavily after doing a nonstop marathon.

"thank god you came, boss was impatiently asking for you from the morning."

"oh, shit!" I run to the boss's cabin.

I took a long breath before the knock on the door.

"come in" inner voice.

I enter inside saw Mr. and Mrs. Kashyap, a newly wedded couple sitting on the couch in front of my boss, Mr. shakal (Mr. Khorashi) was sitting.

"come in" my boss happy call me. thank god he is in a nice mood today.

"Good morning sir, good morning Mr. and Mrs. Kashyap." I greet them I saw the blush appear on Mrs. Kashyap's cheeks. While Mr. Kashyap teases her more.

So cute!

But don't do it in front of me I hate dog food.

"Thank you so much Priya, your work was amazing because of you we got our dream wedding." Mr. Kashyap says. "Sir you know we had a fight with our elders for wedding style because they want traditional and we want modern. But thanks to Priya she plans such a way be each generation was satisfied and enjoyed a lot." Mr. Kashyap praised me nonstop.

"Yes, Priya you are really great." Great Mrs. Kashyap added too.

My boss was smiling ear to ear, giving me sweet glares 'good- job- your- promotion- is- ready'

'thank you, sir'


"May I come in sir" jaalkhookakad ask.

You already entered.

"What happens Yash?" the boss asks politely.

"Sir your file detail of Choudhry client, Mr. Farhan told me to send you." He passes the files.

When did he start helping others? I think I'm dreaming.

"Oh, thank you, you can leave now"

He was about to turn to leave but instead of taking 180 degrees, he took 90 degrees. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Kashyap, congratulation on your new life."

Fake politeness, it didn't suit you, Mr. Yash Agrawal.

"Thank you so much" they greet back.

Over now get lost.

"I hope your relatives' problem is solved, I sensuously apologize on behalf of Priya." He was showing a sad smile, but interlay he was laughing at me.

Shit! I know it, he definitely came with stupid tricks.

'Bloody mother fucker'

'I bless you will fuck with old woman'

'Your girlfriend ditches you'

'You will die in a haunted house while spending day and night with Bhutni'

*cough* boss give glare as he saw me giving deathly glares to Mr... Jaalkhokad.

"it's not fully solved but still I don't think it was her fault, our elder relatives have habits to annoy people and interfere in other life. I didn't think that Priya argue with them. But I think whatever happens is not too bad. I mean someday they had to learn the lesson of their misbehave." Mrs. Kashyap support me but still her some words didn't support which are going to become weapons for Yash to show me incapable in front of the boss.

"it's your pure heart that you forgive us but still it's one of our company employees' faults we apologize," Boss says.

'Congratulation- Priya- your- promotion- is- cancel'

God, please forgive me for one murder. I don't know about God but the law will not forgive. I don't want to live in prison, but the satisfaction of killing Yash is much more pleasing.

"I think we should leave now, I once again thanks Priya." Mr. Kashyap says. After that they both couples left. Leaving me with my boss and my competitor Yash.

"Priya, I warn you before still, you didn't change." My boss yelled.

"I'm sorry sir but it's not my fault, they were too annoying. Still, I tried my best not to break something on their head like last time." I defend myself.

"Wow, Great tolerance power," the boss says sarcastically.

"Sir they also said that it's not too bad"

"But they didn't say that it's good" Yash use the weapon.

"Just shut up no one told you to use your fucking mouth." I snap at him.

"I don't need permission to say between, and I'm telling truth. If I didn't come today then you had kept the sir in dark." Yash.

"Oh! Thank you for your foot to enter the room on time, to tell the truth. You know what person like you don't deserve here, your right place is in the temple so that people can worship the greatest personalities." I say in sarcasm.

"And you deserve an award of the most irritating person in the world, it's going to be a world record."

"Shut up Mr... Chimpanzee" I yelled loudly. How dare he call me an irritating person?

He groans angrily "you shut up Ms. kangaroo"

ok, fine sometimes in exciting times I jump like a kangaroo but it doesn't mean that he had the right to call me that.

Girl, you called him chimpanzee.

"Go to hell, I bless all your hair fall in one night, you will become bald. Your girlfriend breaks up with you after that No girl will marry ..." I put all my energy to bless him.

"Both of you shut up" the boss scream loudly. I look at the boss after seeing his shinning clear bald head.

'Oh! shit, what I said now?' Priya so many times Adi warn you still you didn't change. My subconscious mind scolds me.

"Sorry sir," we both said at the same time.

"Leave my office right now" he shouts at us.

Before he Brust out like a volcano we both left the office in half seconds.


I slap my coffee cup harshly on the table.

"Hey, easy bitch" Mansi says.

I groan tiredly.

"Now what happens? "She asks me.

"What happens? everything is perfect. first, I fall on my butt which is paining like heaven, then my landlord gives me good news to clear the apartment in two days, and then in the office like everyday Yash uses the saas-bahu serial trick"

"I think he loves watching serials, look at his mastermind plan is the same as Kamini villain from meri maang me sindoor tere pathi ka."

"Yeah. why didn't I notice before?" because you were busy in someone else thought. Yeah right! "Hey, you ignore my current problem. my landowner needs me to clear the apartment in one day."


Mansi and I are friends since the day I job in this company. From that, we share a real strong bonding.

"Now I had to go for hunt again and this time also you are going to helping me," I order her.

"Not need," she says with a mischievous smile sticking to her lips.


"Instead go and find boyfriend, so that you can do living relation so that you can live in his apartment or better get married"

I choked on the word 'married'. She doesn't have any idea about my past.

"Hey, drink some water I'm just kidding" she passes me the glass.

I get loosened "I'm in no mood for a joke"

"Actually, you don't need to find an apartment. I heard that our company got the richest client. for that, our company's best designers are going to be selected. Selected designers will send to Bangalore for months to plan the wedding."

"What months spend in their place to plan a wedding?"

"Hey, it's bilinear wedding both parties are from a famous rich family in India? So they need a personal designer"

"why people spend a lot of money on a wedding?"

Mansi pinches my forehead "tube light it's going to be profitable for designers. And guess what there are 55% chances that you are going to be selected."

"really" I gloom happily with the thought of lots of money. "Wait. What about rest 45%"

"Yash," she says.

I knew it.

"Tonight, I'm busy plotting murder. Be ready my crime partner?" I smirk.

"Definitely!" we both handshake in the deal. "it's going to be fun when two bitches kill a Maron."

"a lot".

We both started laughing mischievously.

When we turn around all people in the café were frightened, seeing us.

"They must be thinking to call mental asylum." Mansi whisper.

"No, they must be thinking to call tantric or father to do exorcism," I added.

We both exist from the café before they start working on their thoughts.

"Priya sir is calling you in office," Shaniya told me.


"Best of luck, bitch." Mansi says.

I walk to the office when I saw Yash entering the office, I follow him in.

I saw sir seating on a chair with a hot water bag on his bag. I think he had a headache, not the first time. Why it's seen like I was the reason for headache.

You are!

No, it's not me, it's Yash!

"hey" Yash was standing beside me I ignore him completely. I'm annoyed with him.

"Our company got the biggest wedding project. This project is really important for us so we need to select our best designer. You both are the best till now if we ignore a few things. This project is very long and hard work and also travel to Bangalore. So, ask you both if you are ready?" the boss asks us.

"Yes, sir I'm ready," we both said in unicorn.

Why can't he backup his name for ones in a life?

"If you both are ready then both works together," Boss told us. I saw the tense line appear on his head.

"Sorry sir I can't work with him"

"I can't work with her. She always created the problem."

"And you solve every problem?" I mocked.

"shut up both of you" He was expecting the same reaction from us. "If you both are not ready then in that case, I need to select one of you."

"Sir I'm perfectly capable of this work. The client always was happy with my result." Yash started his doe's.

Come on Priya think before he takes my project.

"But our company need client satisfaction and excellent feedback and unique design. But most of the time your design are copied from other designers." I fight back.

He gritted his teeth "I didn't copy."

"oh really..., did you forget your last 6 clients complain? "

"even if I do, it's better than you, I don't fight with client relatives." He said.

I took a long breath and turn toward the boss "Then, in that case, I promise you sir I will not argue with anyone." I say with my high head.

Both Yash and boss mouth was open.

Don't make it look impossible.

Stupid you said not to fight for self-respect. My subconscious mind scolds me.

Think about money Priya, and it is just a matter of a few months. Not a big deal.

"If you had made a promise then congratulation Ms. Priya, project goes to you," Boss says.

Yash frown "But sir how did you trust her."

"I'm boss I don't need your guidance."

"Sorry sir" Yash looks down.

"These are both parties' files look at them." Boss passes me the file.

I just lazily check the title name.

Groom: Mr. Rishabh Oberoi

Bride: Ms. Ananya Singhania

Okay, nice name.


"fuck" word escape from my mouth.

"Excuse me" boss. Shit, I use the word in front of my boss.

"Sorry sir" I apologize before Yash start.

"Is any problem Priya?" the boss asked me.

"Ah... no sir, I mean it's exciting to work for two great families. Just little nerves." Great!

"If you are nervous then you can hand over the project to me. it's not too late." Yash says.

Should I hand it over to him?

Instead of entering the black zone, it's better I taste the lemon.

But I can't down my self-respect.

No matter from both sides my self-respect going to dig the grave.

It's better I dig my grave and lay down silently.

What should I do?

"Hey, are you really thinking of handover the project?" Yash wake me out from zone-out sessions.

"I'm thinking the most insulting way to say no to you." why can't I shut my mouth for a few seconds.

He roll his eyes.

"Priya, we had a board meeting yesterday, we discuss that if this marriage will be successful then you can get a promotion or maybe become the boss of the new branch."

Okay, it's not too bad. I need to take a daring stunt for my career. After all, in the end, both families are not going to eat me. right?

Please, someone, remind me 'lalach Buri balla hai'

"you can choose your other designers to work under you and leave in tomorrow early morning flight," Boss instructs me.

"But sir wedding is after four months why so early?"

"Engagement is in next month and groom family is so large it will take time to understand the whole family likes and dislikes."

Yeah, too big. china's population will feel limited in front of them.

"Okay sir"


"Why do you need these dolls in Bangalore" Mansi ask me while flying my doll in the air while holding one arm.

"Hey your insane, show some mercy, disgusting people." I snatch my doll from her to see whether she is hurt or not.

She roll her eyes.

She is helping me to pack my things to transfer to Bangalore.

it didn't take more time as I got the habit to pack quickly. as I never settle in one place so I trained myself quickly.


Mansi hug me tightly "I will miss you so much, there is no fun without you".

I push her "we are going to meet in weeks, so stop making it look like farewell like tv soaps."

The second designer I chose is Mansi she will work under me. she needs time to complete the previous task. So, she will join me after a few days.

"And most important don't forget to inform me every detail of Jaalkhokad and his girlfriend." I remind her.

"of course, it's our favorite topic of bitching." She gives me her most famous bitch smile. "Now sleep we need to reach the airport at 5:30" she firstly sleeps beside me.

I try to sleep but my sleep was far gone after reading the name on the file.

Groom: Mr. Rishabh Oberoi (my elder brother)

Bride: Ms. Ananya Singhania (my ex-husband sister)

Meeting them is not so easy.

No, it should not affect me. I will work with them as a professional not more than that.

What if they combine personal and professional together?

Of course, it's going to happen, no one can stop these.

No one.

Just hope that these two families don't disclose my past secret together.

I went to the balcony and look at the sky only a star was visible. One star was shining brightly. It's felt like she was smiling while seeing me.

"Baby I'm going to meet your father after two years. what you think he changes or still the same- arrogant devil." I chuckle while remembering the moment I call him the devil.  
