
The True Successor Of House Scamander (HP)

He was born a failure. his life taking away his mother's, a weakly constitution where he was a cripple by birth. a defect that won't allow him to live when he grows older and wiser. an abusive father, heart-torn by his mother's death.a pride-driven older brother, influenced by his father, all that remained was the pride of house Scamander, his grandfather. strength comes from numbers. not alone. and he will fight the world to prove that.

Heinzbeansscranner · Komik
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24 Chs

The Eyes Of The Mystic Beast

A small gasp arrived from Mylo as he slowly got all of his materials out of his suitcase.

herbs and items were strewn all across the floor, with a cauldron in the middle.

putting boiling water in the cauldron, Mylo got his mortar and pestle and slowly put in the unicorn horn he found.

it was around 12 inches, and sharp enough to slice a finger with a simple touch of it.

throwing it into the pastel, Mylo went to work on the surprising brittle horn.

making it turn into a fine powder, Mylo seeped it through the crack of his fingers before introducing mana to it.

it glowed in response, almost like it came to life. its magical prescene was intense, obviously soaking up the mana supplied for the unicorn for the oh-so-many years it lived.

Adding that to the cauldron, Mylo seeped some more mana inside of it causing the cauldron to shine in a rainbow brilliance.

Adding all of the herbs he found in the forbidden forest that night, mylo stirred in a random order before sighing.

He looked at the vial's of unicorn blood in his hands, and he looked away

He wasn't planning on going that far quite yet.

Grabbing a knife and slowly outlining his skin, his blood dropped into his bottle, which was used on the magic circle.

It reacted to the blood, as Mylo screamed in pain as it felt like his heart was being cut open and engraved.

Breathing in once the pain was gone, Mylo waited for the magic potion to brew.

This may kill him; but hey, he died for the cause....?

it's not like he would last long anyway.

the potion became a bright red before Mylo added his sleep potion to the mix and sighed.

that was it. all he needed to do was wait.

the potion suddenly became a magenta purple as faint stairs could be seen in the potion mix.

grabbing a large soup spoon that he stored in the kitchen compartment of his suitcase, Mylo slowly lowered it down to the "soup" of death and destruction and gave a faint sigh.

just to be sure it worked, Mylo added a little bit of blood to the potion before he took a deep breath in.

One breath in.

the potion was lowered to his mark.

One breath out.

Mylo gritted his teeth.

Two breath in-

the whole cauldron was dumped onto the magic circle as Mylo screamed in agony, his pain overtaking all of his sensations.

the pain of his nerves being eaten by the overflooding magical energy caused Mylo veins to contort on his face.

the magical potion travelled down his body, constantly repairing and destroying pieces of his body and making them better.

it was painful, and that was an understatement.

it burnt through his body, as his blood and the foreign energy collided into a fearsome battle.

Mylo sat on his bed, his skin glowing with magical energy as it slowly travelled up and down his body to form a pathway.

he needed to endure the pain or find a way to end it.

Mylo pointed the wand at himself, before shouting


A white flash of light knocked Mylo out.

it was the sleeping charm.


When Mylo opened his eyes, he found himself in his room, which made him sigh in relief.

his body ached all over, but he felt. rigorous, not like anything like before.

and his leg! his leg!

Mylo ran around the room, laughing like a madman. his leg! it was healed!

snapping the crutch in half, Mylo breathed in and grabbed a mirror.

his eyes!

they turned a pure white colour; with no hint of over colours except his black pupils.

by command, the pupils retreated back to his bright golden ones.

"What the hell Is this?"

is he now a demi-human?

and his hair!; it was white!

well, that was an overstatement. it had white outlines, which didn't look too bad combined with his scraggy brown hair.

but his body.

it was bursting with vitality, he could feel the magical energy coarse through his veins.

but his eyes.

when turned white, he could see the world differently.

the world became that of black and white, and his room was pure black

looking at the clock, he cursed at himself for being nearly late, and he grabbed his crutch in pure instinct.

giving a snicker before running away, Mylo got Nagi out of the case and ran over to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, where new Professor Quirell was teaching.

arriving into the classroom, Mylo looked at Professor Quirell:

"Sorry for being late."

"Its...It's...fine Mr Scamander...." Professor Quirrell quietly muttered: "Just...Just don't do it again."

Mylo sat down between Anthony and Luna; as Anthony stared at him.

"Hair dye?" Anthony clicked his tongue: "Niceee."

Mylo rolled his eyes; before he felt a large stinging pain in his eyes

a small scream came as Mylo looked up to see the world in black and white.

what had caused this? opening involuntarily?

To his eyes, Luna was pure white; while Anthony displayed a hint of black In his body near his heart.

what was this... power?

his eyes drifted over to the kids in his classroom.

near their heart, each one of them displayed a "Core" where hints of black could be seen.

students that were known to be troublemakers had slightly more black core than the kids that didn't do bad things.

his eyes drifted over to Professor Quirrell.

it was pure black. not a single piece of white could be seen, as voices rang out from Mylo's head.

it belonged to the unicorn.

"Kill him!" The voice cried: "Please!"

the voice was shut off; almost like a tv with no power button.

what....what is that thing?

The second half of the chapter included more semi colon's and colons, please tell me if you like the first or the second part better.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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