4 Chapter 3

I left Sean's house angrily and went to my mother's. Slamming pots and pans I tried to occupy my mind from the situation I had encountered. Angrily I whipped the batter for my cake. It fluffed nicely but my brain was spinning too much to notice. I heard Diana and Humphrey conversing idly. I almost did not hear Humphrey's comment about subsidizing.

"Who will rule then?" Diana asked tapping her nails against her coffee cup that smelled more of Irish liquor than hazelnut.

I stayed my hand so I could hear his response.

"Arthur MacAllister," he said with hesitancy.

I wondered why Humphrey was being so coy about the subject. We all knew something was happening.

"He is now the supreme alpha."

I had a feeling I had met the new Scottish Alpha. Uncle Sean worked in close proximity to him but he always seemed to keep to himself. It would be interesting to see how the English would handle being under the supreme rule of a Scot. Even one as cold as him.

"Has he a title?" Diana asked with a slight slur.

I rolled my eyes, of course that would be her question. Even though I disapproved, I still waited for the answer.

"He's the Earl of Lockenmoore," Humphrey said with admiration. "He's a good man and will do the job better than anyone. I'm worried about the backlash from… others."

I smelt Sean as he entered the kitchen, prompting me to turn around. He seemed concerned.

"You have a right to worry," he murmured.

"Liam or Tak?" I guessed turning to see him.

Sean shook his head, "Liam," he growled, "the irishman's already half way back to Monaghan."

"Are you going?" Diana asked him. It sounded like a plea to not leave.

"I'll go with," I put in. "I've never been to Ireland before."

Humphrey shook his head, "you are needed here."

I put my flour covered hands on my hips. "Now just a minute…"

Sean cut me off, "You must do this." It was clearly the end of the conversation.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked sharply.

Humphrey cleared his throat and I could see whatever it was he was uncomfortable with hiding it.

"Just wait until Caleb returns," Humphrey said ending the conversation.

It may have been over for him but I was going to figure out why they had drug me half way across the globe one minute and then planned on taking me back to London the next.

Diana's bright idea to the whole situation was to host a dinner. I thought it ironic since she took her meals in a martini glass.

Tak entered the house with slumped shoulders as I put together the meal for the evening. I had to tell him about my interaction with the new supreme alpha.

Tak seemed uneasy with the information.

"What?" I asked as I cut fennel.

He raised an eyebrow, "were you… attracted to him?"

I snorted in laughter. "Only a week with them around and already sounding English, say what you really want to say."

"Alright," he cleared his throat. "Do you want to screw him?"

I almost laughed but I realized he meant what he asked.

"Are you serious?" I hissed.

He nodded emphatically. "Do you?"

I rolled my eyes. "He's an arrogant jerk who would not even realize if I were in the room."

Tak starred at me. "That's not an answer."

I sighed, "Diana's guests will be here in an hour," I said beginning to julian the fennel.

Why can't I say 'no'?

My mind began to wander and so I did not pay attention to what my hands were doing. Tak quickly grabbed the knife from me. I looked clearly at my hands to see a bloody board.

I wrapped my hand up with my apron. Tak cocked an arrogant brow.

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes. "Fine, he was attractive. Happy?"

He shook his head. "No," he seemed injured. "But apparently you aren't the only woman who wants to jump him so I guess I can deal with it."

It took me a moment to realize what Tak was saying.

"It's not as if I'll see him again," I murmured, wondering why it annoyed me to think of other women finding Arthur attractive.

"What if you did?" He asked seriously.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked incredulously. "You can't mark your territory and are worried someone will beat you to the punch?"

He seemed ashamed, "perhaps," he murmured.

"You know who I am. I could never consider being with the Supreme Alpha even if I wanted to."

"That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy," he scoffed.

"Lilly!" Diana shrieked running into the kitchen.

She scared me and I leaped.

"What?" I snapped as if she were a small impertinent child.

She held her phone in her hand, "the Supreme Alpha will be coming to dinner tonight." She beamed with excitement.

Tak rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Make sure to tell Caleb to put out another place setting," I murmured.

She practically ran out of the kitchen.

Tak studied me, "are you sure you can handle all of this?" He motioned to the oven.

"Yes, quite sure," I lied. "But is cooking a dinner for twelve what you are really asking me about?"

He stared at me, "I don't want to be another sycophant who is chasing you." He said and left the room.

Why did that sound more tragic than it should have?

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