
The tribrid prince novel

Have you heard the saying "sometimes you have to run to fight another day", that's exactly what my father had to do. My name is Asher and my kingdom was attacked by wizards, a coven of witches and a pack of werewolves when I was just about four years old and before you start wondering if they exist, yes they do at least in the world where I come from. I just found out last week when my father was drawing his last breath after being sliced in the guts by a werewolf, and it turns out that he was a king and our kingdom is being ruled by a group of witches, wizards and a pack of werewolves. After my dad fled with me, the witches sent warriors after us to kill my father and I. They didn't want me returning when I am grown to reclaim the throne hence, the reason for the warriors. Well, it turns out that their worst nightmares will soon be their reality because even if I wouldn't have done it before I am definitely doing it now that they killed my father and almost killed me. With that in mind my adventure begins and justice will soon prevail.

HemTyohh · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter seven

       (Asher's pov)

        When I got up the next morning I felt a whole lot better than I have for days now... maybe I really needed that down pour. I went out of my tent only to find Evie roasting a rabbit for breakfast "oh you are up, would like some?" She asked pointing toward the rabbit "yes I am famished" I answered, she smile and started cutting part of the rabbit to give to me "when did you get up" I asked her "before the sun rose" she replied... I looked at her with confusion wondering why she woke up early because usually I am the first to get out of bed "why did you get up this early, knowing you I didn't see you as a morning person" I asked... "I couldn't sleep, my mind just kept thinking of what this kingdom will be like if your mom hadn't died at childbirth or if your dad had noticed the conspiracy between the witches, wizards and werewolves against him, and also how the kingdom would be like if you succeed in taking the throne and becoming king" she said looking lost in her thoughts, I held her hand and said "I can't tell you what it would have been like if my mom hadn't died or if my dad hadn't ignored the issues of state but I can assure you that if I succeed in taking the throne I'll do everything I can to make sure that the people of this kingdom live a better life" I said with an assuring smile... "eat up we still have a long way to go before we get to the island where the vampires live" and with that we focused on our breakfast.

After breakfast Evie and I went to a river that was nearby to wash up... we packed our stuffs and started our journey with me carrying all the heavy stuffs and Evie carrying just her bow and arrow.

The castle of Maridul

(Third person pov)

All the witches were gathered in the hall as instructed by the Maria(the head of the witches)... "I gathered all of you here because our positions are being threatened by the tribrid prince, he is headed our way and is getting stronger everyday" she paused to catch her breath then she continued "he need's to be stopped as quickly as possible by any means necessary, so I want you my fellow witches to hunt him down and kill him, the wolves has failed so let's do their job for them... he travels with a siren, the siren won't be easy to defeat so will the prince but we are stronger than them" she stopped to take a look around the hall... all the witches were screaming at the top of there lungs... Maria continued "the prince isn't a full tribrid yet but you shouldn't under estimate his capabilities, his kreo side is dormant so he won't be using it, his elf side is active but he can't control it and that leaves the dragon side, his dragon side his very well active and he can control it perfectly well" the hall fell quite after hearing what the prince can do, when Maria saw the doubt in the eyes of the witches she added "his kreo side isn't active so he can't mimic your magic so you can use that as an advantage against him, you should attack from the shadows so that you are not noticed" she paused took another breath then continued " if you succeed in killing him, you should burn his body so that he doesn't unlock his kreo side or go full tribrid... it won't be easy but I believe that you can do it,and don't you dare fail me" she warned before turning around to leave, the witches continued there chants after she has left them at he witches started to leave the hall... some of them where teleporting while others were flying on their brooms, it only took a few minutes for the hall to be emptied and the palace became silent. "You witches do like to make an hell of a noise" Alphonse said when Maria walked into the throne room but she ignored and asked "so what's the new latest news about the prince"... "he was last spotted heading north" Simon replied "to the island of the vampires?" Maria asked while sitting on her throne "that's what we assume but we aren't sure" Alphonse said, Maria's brows furrowed and she was carried away by her thought then she said "my witches can't attack them if they get to the island of the vampires so they'll have to attack when he is leaving the island"... "ain't you worried that he might get the alliance of the vampires and attack us?" Simon asked, the room fell silent before Maria spoke "I know how to deal with the vampires so they won't be much of a problem to take care of".

The partway to the island of the vampires

(Asher's pov)

We have been walking for half a day and we are almost at the island "how do the vampires operate?" I asked Evie... "they have three line of the defense and each is heavily guarded. The vampires at the first line are really wild, they are just like you, they act first before they think... the second line of defense is guarded by vampires with a little more control and the third is guarded by vampires with total control over themselves" she replied... "aren't there any do's or do not?" I asked "well" she paused to think "the vampires hate being sneaked upon so we should avoid sneaking up on them, two, the first line of defense vampires can't stand the smell of blood so we should avoid bleeding even the slightest bit of blood can make them go crazy and bite or feed on you... the third line well, they are composed and full of control" she said. We walked out of the bushes and entered the main roads, but while we were coming out of the bushes a torn pricked on Evie's shoulder without us knowing... we got to the gates of the island, we met with the first line of defense vampires "state your business here" one of the vampires called out "we come in peace to seek audience with your king" I replied then after a while the gates were opened and we were being led through...when suddenly a vampire perceived the blood on Evie's shoulder then went crazy and he launched towards Evie.

Author's note: hope you are enjoying it? how do you see the twist of events? Please drop your opinion in the comment session and don't forget to vote for my book 📖 thank you 🙏.

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