
The Beginning

Long ago there were creatures from different tribes that roamed this earth. Creatures that did not look like you or me by any means. At first there were 12 tribes that lived on earth. There were crystallized creatures from the Endu tribe who had body's as hard as diamonds. To fire monsters from the Inferno tribe that could engulf half a forest in a swipe of the hand, to grassland creatures from the Auro Tribe that could heal almost any wound with the help of their most treasured plants.

When the earth was very young, the tribe leaders from all 12 tribes across the world came together to create a few laws all creatures had to follow so they could all live peacefully on earth. One of the laws was called "The Cross Law" that no creature could crossbreed with someone from another tribe. Creatures had to find love and mate with the same creatures from their tribe. This made every creature equal, and prevented any creatures to be created that may possess more than one tribe trait.

The tribes were split on how they felt on this law. The tribes that didn't like the law felt as if it was telling them who they could or could not love.

200 Years ago there was a chief from the Inferno tribe named Inheet. Chief was the highest rank a creature could have in the tribe. The chief was in charge of the tribes soldiers, and was the face of the tribe. The inferno tribe was one of the most powerful of all the tribes, and they believed that The Cross Law kept any creature from becoming more powerful than them. They did all they could to make sure this law was kept in place, and even more so, obeyed.

Inheet had a daughter named Blase.

But blase was in love with a crystallized creature from the Endu tribe. When Chief Inheet found out about his daughters love, he became angry, and marched to the Endu village where her love lived, with 300 of his fiercest warriors. Inheet and his warriors snuck up on the village in the night and devoured the whole village in flames. Chief Inheet got what he was after, but he didn't know t was going to come with a price. The creature he had hunted down for loving his daughter was the Endu tribes Chiefs son. Of course the Endu Chief retaliated, thus starting a war.

As months turned to years, more and more tribes started to join the war. In 10 years of war, all 12 tribes joined the war and were fighting some other tribe. The world was a sad place. There was no peace, no togetherness. Just hate, and war. And that's where we find ourselves in the story now.

We will follow a few creatures that hope for a new,better world, and together they will make their own Tribe.

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