
Body, Mind & Soul

Tao Xue took the Blood Refinement Pill in his hand, and just as he was about to eat it, he realized something. He saw that the Pill was glowing more than it was previously. He didn't understand what was happening, but he was curious to know, and he went and asked his master about the gleaming Pill.

It was a bit obvious that there was something special about it, because it was gleaming as if it was emitting a light of its own. It was so bright and dazzling, that it sparkled as if it were a very precious gem.

He went to master and asked him, "Master, the Blood Refinement Pill is oddly glowing. Is something wrong with it? Here, look at it."

He then showed the Pill to Master, who was happy after he saw it. He smiled towards Tao Xue and gave him back the Pill.

He said, "As you can already see, this isn't any ordinary Pill, and that is a really good thing, considering the fact that it is related to this. The Blood Refinement Pill here, is not any ordinary pill, because it is going to evolve. It is very rare for items to evolve, because they are not living things. Whenever this happens, the quality of the item increases by various folds, though it looks the same, with only very minor changes. Right now, the Pill will be simply trash. You will have to wait until it evolves, which will be after some more hours. Until then, you can do something else."

Tao Xue was happy, as well as sad. He wanted to do something regarding the crystals soon enough, or else it will become a major problem for him.

He had to keep in mind that as his own Cultivation was important to him, so was his teamwork skills, not to say about things like friendship, which will be necessary, no matter what. If the strong works as a lone wolf, he shall perish, but if the weak work in packs, they shall reign.

It was very difficult for Tao Xue to decide, so he again decided to leave the matter for later, and started Cultivating his ability. He kept on Cultivating it till it was time for the Pill to evolve. It looked somewhat the same, but it had a presence that was way more powerful compared to that of before.

He ate the Pill, and his body became way stronger. The blood inside his body was flowing way faster, like a flowing stream, and the impurities were all improved. Due to this, his whole body's condition had improved significantly. His physical and raw strength were way better than what they previously were.

He was patient till dinner, as he thought that it would be good to rest, because of all the fatigue that he had gotten in the pocket dimension. He still felt all worn out, even though he actually was better than his previous 100% vitality.

He had went to the dinner table, when he had gotten a vague idea about how to solve the crystal issue. He didn't believe that sometimes things totally unrelated to the topic could help, but he was proven wrong, as that was exactly what had happened to him, himself.

While he was idly sitting at the dinner table, he saw that his mother wasn't being able to get a certain dish into a single bowl, so she took out two bowls, and emptied the dish into both of them.

Just as he saw this, something clicked in his mind. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had figured something out. By the time he had finished dinner, he had found out what had happened. He didn't believe that something so trivial could be so important for him.

He had finally found out what to do about the problem with the crystals.

He went to the room after dinner, and took out all the crystals from where he had stored them.

He took them out, and neatly placed them on top of the bed on which he was quietly sitting.

Even though he was quiet, from the inside he was actually very excited.

He asked his master the only question that he now had in his mind.

He said, "Master, could you hide the aura of two Cultivations of a person who is Cultivating three different types of Cultivations."

Master replied, "Yes. It's quite easy for someone of my level."

That was the only thing thing that Tao Xue wanted to hear right now. He was sure of what he had to do right now. He went into his room, and started absorbing the energy of the Heaven and Earth, but this time, he was absorbing it in his body. The energy that he absorbed was transmitted in his body, not his mind. It was quite easy for him to do, considering the energy wasn't treated like foreign energy inside his body, it was certainly quite simple.

The only reason why normal people couldn't handle this was because there would be too much intake and absorption of foreign energy into their respective bodies. It was just like facing an opponent's direct attack from the energy. It was something that caused them immense pain, as the energy wasn't able to properly transform inside their bodies, which led to the basic rule of Cultivation that only one type of Cultivation could be practiced properly. All of the people who practiced two or three types of Cultivations, it was something that rendered their speed of Cultivation. Nobody could progress in two or three types of Cultivations each with a rather similar rate. If one is doing two, he will not be able to bring both to a same level, the second one would be around half of the level of the original one.

Tao Xue, however, did not have any pains or stress in this, rather, he was able to smoothly Cultivate, and he had reached the first level in Body Cultivation as soon as it took him to eat a small snack. He then used one of the crystals, and entered the middle sub division of the first stage of the Body Cultivation.

Later, he again did the same for Soul Cultivation, and had become a middle sub division Soul Cultivator.

Now that he had successfully Cultivated all three of the Cultivations, he was a bit surprised. It was something that he hadn't done. He was reflecting upon himself. This was a bit weird to him, as he was doing it for the first time. He remembered that when he was a young kid, he didn't believe that it was even possible to Cultivate all of the three kinds of Cultivations, and none the less, he had never imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that he was the one who would accomplish that Godly feat. It wasn't even worth mentioning that this was as easy as something of his everyday routine to Tao Xue, as he didn't feel that it should be difficult for anyone, just because he felt it was nothing at all.

His personality had also somewhat changed, as he was previously someone who was quite laid back, and that too in every possible way or kind, and now he was a now someone with a personality somewhat that of a "man, this is soooo easy" kind of a guy.

Once he had completed all this, he told his master to hide his auras of Soul and Body Cultivations, so that he could be in the safer part. It was good that he had actually paid attention to his mom serving food in dishes. He had got the idea of splitting the energy from the crystals into his Body, Mind & Soul, so that he would have a rather balanced rate of growth. He had currently saved the level 2 crystal for later uses, in the near future. He was a late sub division 1st level Cultivator in Mind Cultivation, so it was obvious for him to easily reach the 2nd level, so that he can use the crystal.

Now that he was successfully Cultivating all the three types of Cultivations, he was happy, that he had learnt all the types of Cultivations. He would have a great deal of knowledge right now, and that would help him in the future.

If he was only a Mind Cultivator, he would make the strategies of his team mates while facing Body and Soul Cultivators, according to himself, and his insights, but now that he himself was a Body and Soul Cultivator, he would have the first hand experience of being a Soul and Body Cultivator, which would give him better understandings of his opponents in battle.

If he was only a Body or Soul Cultivator, he would be able to fight enemies with the other type of Cultivation based on his instincts, but if he was both, he could understand sue to his first hand experience that how his opponent would attack him.

Being a Soul or Body Cultivator, along with being a Mind Cultivator would be advantageous as it would let him have the knowledge of strategy making, and he would be able to predict or understand the strategy of the opponent.

This was something that would help him in all ways possible, but it would be better to keep it a secret. If he were to tell this to people, other than the general nuisances, he would also risk getting this information slip to his opponents. It's just like nobody knows is better than everybody knows. If the enemy treats him like an average opponent, and isn't on his guard every single time, he would only be the one with the advantage, counting all of the possibilities.

While he was thinking about this, he had suddenly had a realization. He had remembered that the three Cultivations that were practiced here were called the three "Heavenly" Cultivations, and that struck a note in his head.

What did the "Heavenly" have to do over there, it wasn't that there were any other types of Cultivations, other than Heavenly. That was simply not possible. Well, that's what he thought, until then. Now, he had started to broaden his horizons, as he understood and comprehended what was mere brief thought that had momentarily occurred in his brain, but it was actually something rather way deeper than what it seemed to be on the surface.

He thought about this, and then he realized that the world was so big, and it was actually pretty weird to be only three kinds of Cultivations in the world. There must be some other kinds of Cultivations, it was practically obvious for that to be the truth.

Well, currently, he had shut that thought, and stored it in a deep corner of his mind, but it was still there. He had trapped it temporarily, as this was not the time for him to think about this, but he sure would give this a thought, not now, but in the future, as it was something that he wanted to investigate personally, without any restrictions or any kinds of limits, and that was only possible when he had attained a certain level of strength or it would be instant death for him, to go out exploring without any proper strength to back himself up.

He laid down on the bed, and rested his mind, which was spinning out of control, just like a mad and furious pet dog, or cat, when it is not given something, and is tied somewhere. He wanted to rest his stressed brain, which was in such a state and condition because of all the thinking that he had done in all this time. He continued to rest for a while, and was in a much better mental state. He was again quite calm and peaceful form the inside.

He sat up and thought, "Well, now that I am Cultivating all three types of Cultivations, and I also have my very dear and beloved ability, I should name myself something. Something rather cool. The name shouldn't be intimidating, nor should it be lame. This is going to be very tough."

He sat and thought for a while, and then said, "I've got it! I'm going to be- "The Heavenly Cultivator: B.M.S. Controller"! That's certainly cool enough!"

This chapter was actually 2000+ words long!!!!!!!!!!

This is the end to Vol 1 (I guess so...) !

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Yare, yare...

TheOmnipotentOtakucreators' thoughts