
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs


The foreign, sinister voice whispered its insidious plea within the depths of Fiona's mind, its seductive tones intertwining with her swirling emotions. It seemed to resonate with the lingering traces of her desperation and desire for power, a temptation that threatened to consume her.

As Fiona stood there, caught between the words of Kodi and the wicked allure of the voice, a battle raged within her. Conflicting thoughts and emotions clashed, echoing through the chambers of her mind.

She knew that yielding to the voice would come at a terrible price, yet the taste of defeat and the need for retribution lingered like a bitter poison.

Torn between her longing for victory and the nagging voice of reason, Fiona's gaze shifted back to Kodi, his calm countenance contrasting sharply with the storm brewing within her.

His eyes bore into hers, as if piercing through the layers of her facade, seeking the truth hidden beneath.

"Use…me!" The voice whispered again, its enthralling tone growing more insistent, tempting Fiona with promises of unimaginable power and the means to obliterate her foe.

"Imagine the power at your fingertips." The voice hissed with an insidious allure, "Using me, you could reshape the world, crush your enemies, and fulfill your grandest ambitions!"

Fiona's breath caught in her throat as the voice's words tugged at the frayed edges of her conviction. She felt a surge of temptation, an intoxicating rush that threatened to overwhelm her senses.

'What do I have to lose…' Fiona thought with a sudden shift in tone,

A dark glimmer flickered in her eyes, mirroring the sinister whispers that were tempting her mind, 'Uncountable bodies have been withered by my hands, and using it…will simply grant me unimaginable power!'

Kodi's perceptive eyes seemed to have noticed something unusual with her as he slightly frowned at the situation, "Fiona…"

Her gaze shifted to Kodi, the embodiment of her frustration and unfulfilled desires. His presence became a symbol of everything she sought to overcome, and the sinister voice's enticements now seemed irresistible.

A wicked grin curled upon Fiona's lips, betraying the transformation occurring within her. Her hands, once trembling with uncertainty and fear, now steadied with a newfound conviction. She slowly extended her palm, as if reaching out to grasp the forbidden fruit.

"I have lingered about for far too long." She murmured, her voice suddenly dripping with malice, "No longer shall I be confined by the chains of morality and restraint!"

As her words echoed through the desolate battlefield, an eerie stillness settled over the scarred land. Kodi's eyes widened with a familiar sense as a sinking feeling emerged within his gut.


Completely ignoring Kodi, Fiona's heart had become shrouded in the seductive promises of the sinister voice. Fiona's grip tightened, her fingers closing around the ethereal presence that beckoned to her.

A surge of malevolent energy surged through her veins, coursing like a wildfire, eroding the last remnants of her former self.

"I will use you!"

The ground quivered beneath her feet, and the sky darkened, as if welcoming the arrival of something sinister. Fiona succumbed to the allure of the sinister voice, as a chilling transformation took hold of her being.

A surge of dark miasma coursed through her veins, infusing every fibre of her being with an otherworldly power. Her once 'vibrant' aura dimmed, replaced by a palpable darkness that surrounded her like a shroud.

A malignant presence seemed to emanate from within her, twisting and distorting her form. Her once flowing ebony locks turned ashen and brittle, cascading down her shoulders in tangled strands. Her eyes, once filled with an emerald sparkle, now gleamed with an unholy light, their irises turning an ominous shade of crimson.

She exuded a malevolent aura, giving her a dark appearance. Her skin took on a sickly pallor, drained of life and colour. Veins, black as the deepest abyss, snaked across her body, pulsating with an unnerving intensity.

And then, as if to mark her transformation, a symbol of twisted power, a scarred mark resembling a pitchfork, etched itself upon her skin. Its inky blackness contrasted starkly against her pale complexion, an undeniable testament to the forces she had embraced materialized upon her forehead.

Kodi witnessed everything happen in the blink of an eye, and he was completely taken aback by the sight before him as he could hardly believe his eyes.

"The pitchfork…" Kodi saw the mark on her forehead and his face was contorted with an unexpected shock. Of all the things, he had never expected the darkness to corrode one of his own fellow disciples.

The scarlet glimmer in Fiona's eyes flickered with a twisted amusement as she regarded Kodi.

"Behold, Kodi." She spoke with a mix of malice and triumph, "I have accepted what is mine. A mark that binds me to the darkness, a testament to my willingness to embrace the forbidden."

Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of her transformation casting a sombre pall over the desecrated battlefield.

"The dark power…" Kodi muttered with his head low as he slowly clenched his fists, "It's hold on you was worse than I thought."

"To corrupt a disciple of the Celestial Nirvana Sect…" Kodi's voice rose, his words resonating with a chilling tone as he slowly lifted his head, revealing a gaze as cold as ice, "I shall pay this a thousandfold to your species!"

Fiona's twisted smile deepened, her lips curling with a mixture of disdain and amusement. She raised a hand, crackling with dark energy, and pointed it towards Kodi.

"Try if you must, Kodi," she taunted, her voice dripping with wickedness. "But know this, I am no longer the person you once knew. The darkness has claimed me, and there is no turning back."

The air crackled with malevolence as Fiona's dark power surged through her veins, igniting her every fibre with an unholy energy. Dark miasma swirled around her like a tempest, as she unleashed a wave of her newfound dark power.


The shadows coalesced into tendrils that lashed out with an insidious hunger, seeking to ensnare Kodi and drag him into the abyss. The sheer force of her attack sent shockwaves that shattered the ground beneath them, creating deep chasms that threatened to swallow all in their path.

"I have entertained this for long enough!"


As Kodi's words resonated through the battlefield, a surge of divine power erupted from within him, like a dormant volcano awakening from its slumber.

Brilliant rays of celestial light burst forth, casting a radiant glow that enveloped him in an ethereal aura. The luminosity of his presence was so potent that it illuminated the darkest corners of the battlefield, dispelling the suffocating darkness that had spread from Fiona's transformation.

His aura expanded, stretching out like the wings of an angel, as the very air quivered with reverence. The ground beneath Kodi's feet trembled, unable to contain the sheer force of his divine energy. His figure appeared taller, more imposing, as a dazzling colour of bright grey engulfed him.

Streams of pure divine energy cascaded from his outstretched arms as they swirled and danced around him in intricate patterns, forming a protective shield that repelled the encroaching and insidious darkness with ease.

The impact of his divine presence sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, causing the ground to quake and tremble. More cracks spread across the scarred earth, like veins of light piercing through the darkness.

Above him, the darkened sky began to part, as divine constellations began to form with a shimmering brilliance. It was as if the heavens themselves had aligned to bear witness to this extraordinary moment.


Fiona's rage echoed through the battlefield, her voice reverberating with a primal intensity as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Kodi was simply playing with her before, not giving the respect she deserved.

She desperately sought to counter the overwhelming radiance of Kodi's celestial power with an intensified darkness. She poured more of herself into the darkness within her, as the malevolent energy surrounding her increased with intensity.

She didn't care what happened to her as long as she defeated Kodi.

A surge of dark and thick miasma exploded out from within her body, colliding against the divine energy with a rampart force, releasing powerful shockwaves.

Fiona's pair of red eyes locked with Kodi's as they suddenly transformed into pools of abyssal darkness, devoid of any trace of humanity. A sinister smile curled upon her lips, as a foreign presence emanated from her body.

Kodi's cold eyes narrowed with a sudden surge of apprehension, recognizing the unmistakable signs of a possession. The evil presence within Fiona had seized control, its nefarious influence overriding her very essence.

"Do you not see the futility of your resistance? This vessel you once knew is mine now, a puppet dancing to the machinations of darkness." The possessed Fiona's voice slithered out from her lips, distorted and saturated with a sinister tone.

"This world will be plunged into eternal darkness." The possessed Fiona continued, "Its time will come, as was the fate of other worlds we have consumed and conquered."

"No ray of light shall escape our grasps, and all shall wither beneath the weight of our malevolence. Witness the birth-"

"Enough!" Kodi's voice boomed with authority, interrupting the evil entity.

His eyes glimmered with a sharp look as he joined his hands, index fingers pointing upward. The air crackled with a surge of energy, as the very fabric of space trembled in response.

"Void Lock!"

As Kodi muttered, the space around the possessed Fiona began to ripple and undulate, swirling with a potent force. A grey rune formation materialized, expanding above and below the possessed figure.

The intricate symbols glowed with a pulsating light, resonating with an insurmountable pressure that bore down upon the malevolent presence.

Fiona, now under the entity's control, found itself unable to withstand the overwhelming might of Kodi's power. It sank to its knees, the weight of the invisible shackles restraining it, growing heavier with each passing moment.

"H-How?!" A faint glimmer of fear flashed through its dark eyes.

Four thick silver chains materialized from the rune formation, their metallic links coiling around the limbs of the possessed Fiona. With an audacious display of force, the chains tightened, binding her in a vice-like grip. The sheer strength of the restraints left no room for resistance, causing the entity to recoil in surprise.

A translucent barrier shimmered into existence, encasing the chained and possessed Fiona within its ethereal embrace. The barrier crackled with protective energy, serving as a formidable prison to contain the evil entity possessing Fiona.

The evil entity had sorely underestimated the power of the Voidwalker. It writhed and strained against the restraints, to no avail.

Kodi stood resolute, his gaze steady upon the ensnared figure before him. His clenched fists radiated with a divine light, an embodiment of his power and unwavering resolve.

"You will not prevail with your pettiness, evil being. I will take you back to my sect and we shall use you." Kodi calmly declared its fate.


Even in its imprisoned state, the evil entity's malevolent laughter echoed through the air. The possessed Fiona's body trembled, her features contorted with the essence of darkness.

"Darkness will consume all, and there is no escape from its inevitable embrace."

Kodi slightly frowned at the evil entity's words as he waved his hands, opening a small rift in space and locking the prison in it.


He sighed as he looked up at the sky with a sharp and cool gaze.

"It has begun…"

Now, where have the trio disappeared to?

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts